Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Seven

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Emotional Sophie was really starting to get on my nerves. All she did was cry about how we're going to die and we won't even be awake to see it. How the real her the brave her wouldn't be able to find us, she had no clue where we were! And even though I loved the girl, I liked the real her better. She was so much stronger and I was damn happy for that.

"Listen, wolf boy," Randall hissed grabbing me through the cage, "You need to wake the hell up. You know that pain we both felt? That was Sophie, the real Sophie. You need to get out of here for her. She's going to need you to help her get here."

I pried my t-shirt from under his grasp, "Do you have any ideas on how I get the fuck out?!"

"Ian!" My mom called from the back of the cage, I sent her an apologetic look but this guy was me this is how we communicated.

"Use your senses! I don't know!" Randall yelled.

"Both of you just stop, you're making her worse." Wren spoke over both of us as we were locked in a stare down.

I looked back at him, he now had Sophie in her lap, drawing designs on her back as she cried. God I wanted to rip his throat out for touching her like that! Why the hell was he even here?! If I could just step inside the cage I swear I'd-

"I know it's killing me too." Randall sighed.

"Ian, honey, use logic in this situation. You have to try something." Mom cooed, fixing me with that loving mother look that made everything feel like it would be alright.

I held the bridge of my nose as I studied the walls, apply logic. I want the walls to be gone. Nothing happened. Logic. How would I normally leave a situation like this, I looked at the metal door. Try it. I heard the cage go silent as I made my way over to the door, grasping the handle I flung it open. I looked back at the others, so far so good. They all egged me on. I took a step outside the door, and I was falling. There was no ground on the other side. Was this it? Was this how I was going to die? Not some awesome Rambo death where I take like half the bad people with me- no falling out a door. Classy.

Focusing on the ground below me I could see I was falling into something. My body. Yes! I was waking up! I'll have to write this shit down or something, yes! I hit my body with a dense thud and then I was awake. I could hear someone as soon as I opened my eyes so did the door. I couldn't seem to move yet so I closed my eyes again, maybe they'd think I was still in la-la land. I heard the click of heals as someone walked up beside me, grabbing my face in their hand.

"He's not awake yet. I thought you said he was!" Vivian yelled at one of the guards.

"He was moving, I thought maybe he-"

"He was moving? That's why you brought me up here?! I was doing very important business Dallas!" She screamed

"I'm sorry I-" He didn't get to finish before the door slammed and I heard someone scream- I'm assuming Dallas.

I opened my eyes again, poor guy. But I guess he had it coming. I tried to push myself up, but failed. I wasn't strong enough or something stupid. Then I remembered Sophie, she's going to need you to help her get here.I closed my eyes again and focused on Sophie, sending her mental images of the building, or at least what I saw. I sent her the ground I stared at, I sent her everything that could possibly help. I waited impatiently for a response that didn't come. Maybe it didn't work? Maybe I was doing something wrong?


I didn't realize how weak I was until I started walking, I was taking a break when I got Ian's images. They flashed by one by one and I deflated as I hadn't seen any of the things he sent yet. I was drinking blood from my backpack constantly, it was the only thing that gave me enough energy to continue. So when night came I had no choice but to sleep in one of the trees.

When I woke up I felt like a superstar for about ten minutes before I crashed again. Why did being human suck? Some vampires would kill to be human again, yet here I am complaining about it.

Ian kept sending me mental images that meant absolutely nothing. I only got more and more confused, I think I even started wandering in circles. The thread that tied Ian and I together provided nothing that would help. I missed being a vampire and having the power to read his mind, smell him, hear him. Now I was just normal Sophie with normal knives in my normal pockets. As my last resort I started to climb one of the trees, once I got to the highest branch I looked around.

It looked like a forest. Then there was something. There was a small clear patch, with what looked like a destroyed building in the middle of it. I smiled a little, that could be it. Hell I knew it was it.I nearly jumped down from the tree branch but caught myself before falling to what could've been my death. Wouldn't that be the cherry on top if I died before I even got close to Ian?

I climbed down the tree and ran as fast as my human legs would carry me to where I saw the building. I grasped the knife in my boot as I went, nearly falling over in the process. Then pulled it out and kept it at the ready.  I slowed into a walk, now I was seeing what Ian sent me. I felt relief wash over me as I ducked behind one of the trees.

The place wasn't crawling in guards but every once in a while someone would casually glance out a window or walk outside. I stared at the woman outside right now, it was uncanny how she even looked a little bit like me. Taking a deep breath I ran at her, silent and smooth, I still had it. She caught a glimpse of me just as I was pulling out my knife.

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