Dark Side- Chapter Eight

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I opened the front door and stepped into an oddly quiet house. No one could be seen in the living room or kitchen and I frowned, they had to be somewhere.

Darrin? I asked quietly through our mind link.

Back yard. Come quietly. He replied instantly.

Confusion plagued my face as I walked through the house and out the back door. I was met by a chorus of 'shush' and 'be quiet' as I looked at my smiling brothers. I gave them a questioning stare and they both nodded at the yard. I turned my stare to the yard and frowned again as I looked at the scene that was playing out in front of me. I man from our school, Ken, I think, was wondering around the yard with a blindfold on.  I looked back at the boys, but they didn't notice me, they were too busy looking at their masterpiece.  I smiled; deciding we all needed a little fun. Sure it wasn't exactly nice but we were naturally cruel people. I slid into place beside my brothers in the garden of trees. We moved to the other side of the yard every time Ken got close, he never heard us because of our speed. It was a game we were meant to win.

What'd Ken do to you guys? I asked my brothers, they always had a reason for the people they picked

Something he shouldn't have. Brian grunted.

Darrin rolled his eyes; Ken simply implied that Brian couldn't keep a woman because he's mentally unstable, that Cassie was a bimbo and so on.

I bit back laughter at how over sensitive my brother could be, you poor thing.

Darrin was holding back laughter too as Brian shot us hateful glances. Ken got close again groaning about how long it was taking to catch us. I don't know how he was stupid enough to be blindfolded in a stranger’s yard, let alone be brought here.  We swooped around him and I gestured at the door. They both shook their heads and I understood that they mean he would hear us.  We stopped and looked up at the open office window. They smiled and my brothers gestured for me to go first. Grabbing the top of the door frame I pulled myself up then flung myself silently onto the deck. Once I was up there I ran across it quietly reaching the window with ease.

I was about to pull myself in when it dawned on me. Neither one of my brothers had followed me; I was completely alone aside from the idiot in the yard.  I was looking up to see if maybe they went up on the roof, it would be like them to do that. Anyways when I was looking something else hit me, ice cold water. A furious scream flew out of my mouth as my brothers ran to hide and the idiot stopped moving.

I ran after the well known prankster himself, Darrin. I knew he had set me up. That didn't make his twin any less guilty though, they both played a part in it somehow. I heard Darrin's laughter and then he shrieked when he saw me behind him. I chuckled to myself at his panicked expression. Even when I was mad enough to have steam shooting out of my ears, Darrin could make me laugh. His feet started to move at a rapid pace as I got closer.  My stride finally overtook his and I reached out grabbing him by the back of his shirt and pulling him backwards, so he would stop moving. I turned him to face me as I lifted him so his feet barely touched the ground. He smiled at me like a little kid caught taking something.

"Don't kill me!" He cried, laughing and covering his face with his hands.

I thought for a minute then put him on the ground. He shot me a confused look and I smirked back. I pulled him into a hug, seeing as I was still wet from the lovely water I had poured on me, "Oh, don't worry I'll get you back, that’s for sure. But when, where and how, that’s for you to decide. I'll take my chance when I see it." I explained to him, trying not to laugh.

His eyes went big as I pulled away and smiled, I was going to enjoy every second of this. My brothers knew if there was anything worst then my instant payback, it was my delayed payback. Darrin would probably spend every waking hour wondering how I was going to get him back. Sparing him one last glance I spun on my heal, there was still one other menace to track down. I followed my own path back to the house and noticed that the Ken kid was gone.

I followed Brian's trail by sent, and his footprints up the driveway and into the dirt road. His foot prints and sent stopped and I was already onto his tactic. Heck I practically taught it to him; when on the run take to the trees. I lifted myself up into a tree and instantly his sent picked right back up. I followed until I found him huddled behind a branch. I smirked at him as he went to jump away. I caught him mid-jump and brought him falling to the ground with me.  He let out a big 'oomph' as we hit the ground and I smirked even more.

"Why?! It was Darrin's idea. You’re dripping on me c'mon man!" He whined, trying to push me off him.

"Already got him told him that you won't know when I get cha back." I smiled

Brian pulled the same expression as Darrin and it was times like these that their twiness showed. I shook my head at him and started walking back, he was instantly beside me.

"Darrin also mentioned something about stalkers in the woods." He started

I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he knew the whole story, "Yes and?"

"Do you have any idea what they might be?" He wondered

"Do you?" I retorted

"No, but Darrin said they defiantly weren't vampires." He claimed.

I looked over at him, "I'm not completely sure, but I have an idea of what they are," I paused, "What about you and Cassie?"

"She told me she really missed me and explained what happened, and thank you." He answered

"So you guys are good?" I asked

"Yeah." He smiled, blushing a bit.

I smirked at him,"Awww, you guys are cute."

He groaned and I smirked even more. They actually were a super cute couple. They complimented each other, made each other smile. My heart sunk as I remembered the whole 'soul mate' thing and my thoughts were all ones of how I would have a hard time finding mine. Darrin met us halfway down the driveway with Ken beside him. He explained how Ken had been inside, in my room. I slapped Ken across the face, completely grossed out- now my room was going to smell like him, and he smelled gross. Brian looked furious and he punched him in the arm. I told them I'd wait here as they walked Ken home, I didn't want to be near him. I continued walking down the driveway but pulled up short when I saw the eyes watching me. I stood stalk still, watching them too. We stood there, frozen in time until a low growl escaped its mouth. I looked around the first pair of eyes and met three other sets. They all mirrored the others growl. My feet stood in place, refusing to budge. As if I knew they wouldn't hurt me

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