Dark Side- Chapter Thirteen

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***** Ian's POV ****

 "Of all the stupid, reckless, irresponsible ideas...." Matt drowned on.

The big bad Alpha had stopped me from going to kill the person who was howling. And instead of trying to find out who the hell was, he was here lecturing me. I get it, howling is the only way to express ourselves but come on! Matt had started his lovely speech by mentioning the wolf was part of another pack and I should do my best not to start an all out war, but he was so god damn annoying, I was happy he was silent now. That didn't mean I didn't want to track him down and punch him though, no one would ask what I was doing, no one would even follow me. Ever since I was mated to a vampire everyone has been tip-toeing around me, acting like I was some demon from hell. Except the few who thought I deserve pity.  I wasn't going to cry and talk about my feelings. I just wanted people to treat me like they did before, like the fricken Beta of the pack. Like the person I still am.

Even when I thought it I knew it wasn't true, something was different. If I let my mind wander it would instantly think of Sophie. My brain would even fill with thoughts of her if someone mentioned vampires. I understood why though, she was so hypnotizing. Her almost purple eyes, her rocking body, her dark beautiful hair that was always perfect no -

I stopped mid thought. Mentally shaking myself, perfect hair?! How did I get this way? What the fuck was happening? Matt brought my attention back to him as he almost slapped me when he realised I wasn't paying attention. It was a good thing he stopped himself though, I would've punched him right back. I don't think anyone would be able to handle two of our legendary fights in one week. The pack would defiantly kill one of us. When we got back from the fight at school Matt banded me from seeing Sophie. Because 'it's not a healthy thing, she's a monster.' That very sentence is what set me off. Even now it made my blood boil. He couldn't call my mate a monster like I couldn't call his a prostitute. So instead of talking anything out, I punched him right in the face. Boy he overreacted.

"Ian!" Matt yelled bringing my attention back to him.

"Matt." I replied smiling back at him.

"I've had enough of this, ever since mom and dad-"

"Don't you dare use them against me!" I interrupted, my eyes flashing red.

"Whatever. You can't ignore my rules anymore. If you ignore me one more time, you out of this pack." He announced.

"You wouldn't do that." I mumbled

"Try me." He snarled back, stepping towards me in a challenging way and I only stared back at him, most pack members would cower, I wasn't giving him that much control.

I watched my brother stomp out of the room. He slammed the door behind him and I sat there for a while. He can't banish his own brother. It's just not done. I stood from the office chair and walked out the door behind him, slamming it just as loud and hard enough to shake the house. Jack walked up beside me and I shook my head at him. I just wanted to go to sleep, clear my mind. Since Matt and I fight a lot I don't always sleep in the pack house. Jack and I built what could best be described as a tree fort.

He followed me to the wooden structure and stayed with me. We had no sleeping bags or blankets, only a few pillows. I layed myself flat out on the other side of the trap door in the middle of the treehouse and tried to sleep. I layed and waited for sleep to come to me and after about ten minutes and I thanked god for letting me escape my living hell for a while

My dream started off perfectly. I was asleep on a black leather couch. It was like I was watching myself, until something suddenly snapped me back into my body and I was woken by a soft kiss on my check. The kiss sent tingles through my body and made my eyes snap open, my body begging for more. I stared at the beautiful woman staring back at me, a small smile danced across her lips as she saw I was awake. Her brown hair tied back and her eyes where a gorgeous.... purple. Sophie laughed at me, her canines growing into long fangs. Her chill attitude turned into something evil, and scary.

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