Chapter 50

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The rain was pounding down against the windows. Harry was curled up on the sofa with a book. Clifford was curled up next to him, head rested on Harry's lap and the Caspian was stretched across the back of the sofa and Cindy was on the arm. Louis was working in the pub nextdoor, even though it was pretty quiet.

Harry had finished his work at the bakery early, the amount of customers coming in was small due to the weather.

He was in a pair of his boxers and one of Louis's knitted jumpers, a blanket around his shoulders.

The fire was blazing from across the room, scarlett and amber shadows dancing across the walls and furniture.

Harry heard the door open from behind him, dropping his head back over his shoulder to look towards it.

"Well this is very cosy, isn't it?" Louis smiled at him.

"You look pretty." Harry said softly as he shifted so his body was facing Louis without disturbing the animals around him.

"Thank you darling." Louis grinned. "You look like a Disney princess with all those animals around you."

"I am a Disney princess." Harry giggled.

"I know you are princess."

"You finished work?"

"Not quite, just having a break."

"But I want to cuddle. It's perfect cuddling weather."

"I'm sorry love, I can't shut the pub yet, still got quite a few customers."

Harry just pouted. "What about a cuddle now?"

"Well, you've got sleeping animals surrounding you. Don't wanna wake them."


"H, I'm not sure Cliff will appreciate getting woken up. Do you want tea?" Louis tried not to laugh at Harry's desperation. Harry frowned, and Louis was sure he saw tears in Harry's eyes. "No, baby I'm sorry."

Harry looked away, embarrassed at how easily he had just got upset.

"Bambi, I was only joking. I didn't mean to upset you." Louis walked in front of Harry carefully.

"I know, I don't know." He mumbled.

"Is something else going on?"

"No." Harry sighed, "just feels like a normal day, I'm just not sure. Miss you maybe."

"Darling, are you sure there's nothing else going on?"

"There's not. I promise, I'd tell you if there was." Harry spoke honestly. "I just really want a hug."

"In that case, Cliff, I'm kindly asking you to bugger off so I can cuddle H."

Clifford barely acknowledged him, just lifting his head slightly.

"Right cats and dog, dinnertime!" He tried, and this got all their attention. "I'll feed them and then we can cuddle."

"Okay." Harry stared after him, giggling at the trail of animals that followed him in a single file line.


Louis lay down on the sofa, pulling Harry down with him and into his side. "You appear to be missing your trousers Mr Styles."

"Tomlinson." Harry spoke softly.

"Tomlinson hmm?"

"Wanna have your last name. If we get married."

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