Chapter 19

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"Does here look good?" Louis asked from a where he was stood on a stepladder.

Harry lifted a jumper-covered hand, pointing a tad to the left before motioning to stop. "Perfect."

Louis stepped back down, looking up at the wall. "Pretty."

Louis had hung up both his and Harry's paintings next to eachother on his living room wall.

"People might think you have a child, but yeah, pretty."

"You know Harry, you are rather sassy when you want to be."

Harry just giggled, falling back onto the sofa. "I'm sorry, it's not that bad. It's... modern."

"Exactly what I was going for!" Louis jumped at the chance to redeem himself.

"I'm sure it was." Harry smiled.

"Ah, shit." Louis groaned, "I'm late. I need to open up, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I need to bake your cake anyway."

"You don't actually have to do that." Louis began to walk out of the door.

"I have nothing better to do. I might as well. Um, also, do you think we can have dinner with Barbara before I go?"

"Of course, we'll have dinner on Friday if you want?"

"I'm leaving around Sunday." Harry admitted. "So yeah, that sounds good."

"Oh." Louis immediately looked disheartened. "Okay. Yeah, I'll let her know...right, get on with your cake making, baker boy." He added in a teasing tone.

"What flavour do you want?"

"Surprise me." Louis shrugged, waving as he walked through the door.


"No! Don't come in yet!" Harry moved to guard the kitchen door, "it's not decorated completely." He added sheepishly as Louis jumped.

"Right, sorry. Very sorry." He backed away with his hands up, "but can you fetch me a tea bag? I've run out in the pub and I need a cuppa."

"I'll bring a cup out in a minute." Harry told him, "just let me finish this."

"Thanks H." Louis beamed, "I'm looking forward to seeing that cake."

H. It was a simple nickname, and Louis had used it a couple of times before, but just the fact that it was a nickname made Harry feel happy. It made him feel noticed.

"It's going to be wonderful." Harry replied.

"What flavour did you do?"

"It's a surprise."

"I'm going to leave you to finish it because I don't like surprises."

Harry waved, turning back to the cake as Louis left and continuing to ice it. After he had finally finished, he made Louis a cup of tea and took it out into the pub. Louis thanked him with a smile.

"Well, this is very domestic." Barbara remarked, taking in Harry's apron and cocoa powder covered clothes.

"Oh, hi." He smiled, "would you like one as well?"

"No thank you love, I was just bringing some vegetables over. I hear you're leaving soon."

"Yeah." Harry forced a smile. "I've been here too long really."

"It's a shame that you have to go. We'll miss you."

Harry ducked his head, looking uncomfortable, "yeah, I'll miss you too. Um, the cake is finished."

"I'll come and look now, you wanna as well Barbs?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll put these in the kitchen whilst I'm there." She motioned to the basket in her hand, following the two out.

Harry gestured loosely to the cake, hiding his hands behind his back.

"Fuckin'-I meant bloody- hell that's amazing." Louis walked closer, Harry had made a 2 tiered cake and had decorated it in sage green icing, little icing flowers adorning it. "It's so pretty."

"Thank you." Harry smiled.

"Number 1 painter." Barbara read the writing aloud. "And this is for Louis?" She chuckled.

"Yes Barbara. It is." Louis stated, "because I'm a number one artist."

"You are not." She threw her head back with a laugh.

"I am. H and I had a painting contest and I very obviously won. Would you like to see the paintings?"

"Should I bring the cake into the living room?" Harry offered, "we could try some?"

"Of course, yeah. Bring it through, I'll get us some plates." Louis smiled.

Harry picked up the cake, moving into the living room and placing it down on the table.

Louis followed, placing three little china plates with flowers on down on the table.

"Do you wanna do the honours?" Louis held out a knife.

"It's your cake." Harry shook his head, sitting down.

"I'll do the honours in that case. Oh, the paintings are on the wall." He pointed.

Barbara sat opposite Harry, looking up before bursting out into laughter. "Louis should've made you a cake Harry."

"I know." Harry chuckled, "but he's stubborn."

"You're stubborn." Louis retorted, crossing his arms with a pout.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

Barbara watched with an amused look as they bickered back and forth, "you two." She said in a warning tone, "button it."

"Okay," Harry sighed, "we're both stubborn, I know."

"Finally. Right, time to cut the cake." Louis held the knife up and Harry flinched back.

"Jesus Christ, don't wave that thing around! You're gonna have somebody's ear off!"

"Sorry." Louis winced, lowering the knife to the cake. "But hey, look, you still have both of your ears."

Barbara rolled her eyes, though the smile didn't leave her face. "Just cut the cake love."

"Okay, okay. Cutting the cake." He did so and placed a slice on each plate. "Tuck in lads!"


"So, Barbara. What can I help you with?" Louis flopped onto her sofa after having been forced to follow her home.

"I just wanted to talk to you about Harry."

"What about him?"

"Well, more specifically about your feelings for him."

"Okay...what feelings?"

"You like him."

"Of course I do. He's a lovely person."

"Oh Louis, don't be difficult." She raised her eyebrows.

"Hey! I'm not being difficult."

"You are."

"Fine. Okay, I may have a teeny crush on him but I'm ignoring it. He's leaving soon. It's only small."

"I knew it." She smiled.


"The way you look at him. And the way you act with him. It's cute."

"I don't act any different with him than with anyone else."

"You do love."

"Okay, maybe I do." Louis huffed, "but I can't help it. He's so sweet."

"I know he is. I'm not judging you sweetheart."

Louis sighed, "I really want him to stay. What if I never hear from him again?"

"Harry doesn't seem like the type to just leave and ignore you Lou."

"I know. I just want him to stay."

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