Chapter 49

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Around August.

It was boiling. Absolutely bloody boiling. Louis had had to crank open all of the windows to let in as much air as possible, but the sun continued to beat down on them, not even giving them the chance to cool off.

The street was empty, everyone either gathered at one of the beaches, in a pub garden, or in a dark room.

Louis had decided the only way to cope would be to walk around in his boxers and have a can of cold beer on him at all times. Harry had gone upstairs around half an hour ago to have a nap, and had just returned.


"Haz?" Louis turned around.

"Can we go swimming?" Harry was stood in swimming shorts and an unbuttoned shirt.

"Course we can." Louis tried not to stare. This was the first time Harry hadn't hidden his cuts around Louis. "If you feel comfortable with it."

"Don't wanna hide them anymore." Harry said. "I've been clean for two months now."

"What?" Louis gasped, "you have? Oh darling, oh sweetheart. I'm so, so, so proud of you." Louis pulled Harry into a bear hug.

"Ugh, I hate this weather. Too warm for hugs." Harry wrinkled his nose with a small pout.

Louis laughed a little, "never too warm for hugs from the person you love. Especially when they're this proud of you."

"I love you so much."

"I love you with all my heart."




"Let me just grab my swimming shorts. And we'll need to get towels."

"I'll get the towels. You go and get changed."


Harry reached for Louis's hand as they began to walk down to the beach. As much as he didn't want to hide his scars anymore, he didn't want tons of attention to be brought to them either.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded, "I'll be alright. I just don't want anyone to make a big deal out of it."

"We're almost there now."

"Is the water cold?"

"Do I look like I've been in the water today?" Louis raised an eyebrow.


Louis nudged him lightly, "shut it you."

Harry giggled, leaning against him as they walked the rest of the way quietly.

"Water!" Harry gasped dramatically, "god I've missed you, I'm so hot." He placed their stuff down, beginning to shrug off his shirt- which he may as well not have worn with the lack of buttons he had had done up.

"Damn right you are." Louis whistled.

"Louis, I don't believe that is appropriate." Harry turned around, fighting back a smile.

"Is it not? I'm very sorry." Louis chucked his t-shirt onto their pile.

Harry didn't hesitate to start wading in, pulling Louis with him. As they stood up to their waists, adjusting to the temperature, the waves splashed around them.

Harry looked Louis up and down, gulping a little. Louis's chest was golden, the sun catching it beautifully. A few beads of water glistened against his skin.

Tempest || l.s. ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora