Chapter 28

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"We'll be back at like 5, is that alright?" Louis asked the 'ferry fella'.

"That's fine. So, who's this Tomlinson? A boyfriend?" Higgins motioned to Harry who was now off the boat and crouching down next to some sort of bird that for some reason hadn't run off.

"No, no. That's Harry. He's been staying at mine for a while."

"You two seem pretty cosy."

"Yeah I suppose. But we're just good friends."

"But I'm sure you'll be more. Bye Louis, have fun!"

And he started up the boat before Louis could reply, the noise of the engine cutting him off.

Louis just shook his head, giving a wave before turning back to Harry.

"I've made a friend." Harry grinned, bright eyed as he pointed to the bird. "He's called Richard."

"And what type of bird is Richard?"

"A pigeon you twat."

"Alright, alright. Sorry. It's not my fault, he's the wrong colour and he's missing an eye and a foot."

"I know. That's why I'm taking him back with us."

"H, we have two cats back at home."

"Yes but they're nice cats."

"I'm afraid we can't carry Richard around with us all day."

Harry stood up, blowing a kiss to Richard but a pout was on his face. "I feel bad."

"Richard the dodgy pigeon will be alright love. He's probably got a family."

"Okay." Harry sighed.

"Are you alright?" Louis asked, knowing the sigh wasn't just because he had to leave Richard.

"What if I see someone I know?"

"Where are you from again?"

"Near Manchester. But I live in London."

"We're in Cornwall. I'm not sure we'll see anyone you know."

"But what if we do?"

"H, I know it's scary but what would they do? Realistically?"

"Quite a lot." He admitted.

"Like what?" Louis asked softly.

"Beat me up. Shout at me. You know, the usual."

Louis frowned, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist and tugging him closer. "We won't see anybody and if we do I'll look after you."

Harry just nodded, leaning into Louis slightly as they began to walk. "Where to first then?"

"Wanna go to the market?" Louis suggested.

"Yeah. Is it good?"

"It sells stuff." Louis shrugged, "I don't know. I've not been here in a while."

"Christ there are a lot of people." Louis muttered.

"And pigeons."

"Richard's family and friends."

"Oh my god." Harry suddenly stopped, looking into a shop window.

"Are you okay?"


"What are you looking at?" Louis squinted.

"There's a little gold heart locket. It's adorable and so pretty. I think I'm in love!"

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