Chapter 44

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"Et voilà!" Harry lifted his hands off of Louis's eyes.

"Fuckin' hell Curly, this is amazing." Louis crouched down, observing the painting in front of him.

"Well, Zayn helped." Harry blushed, "but thank you. Do you think I can have the bakery like this?"

"I think that you can absolutely have it like this. It's yours and you can make it special."

The painting really was amazing. It depicted the bakery with baby pink wooden chairs and tables. Fairy lights were hung everywhere and in the glass cabinet were hundreds of pretty cakes and pastries.

"Guess what." Louis smiled.

"What?" Harry leaned into Louis.

Louis turned his head to look at Harry, "I said guess."

"We're getting a pig?"

"Unfortunately not."


"You left a tab open for ages. Those pink tables and chairs. I ordered them for you, they arrived to the bakery this morning. You don't have to keep them, we can return them but I thought it would be nice to have a look and get started."

"You ordered them?" Harry's face lit up in excitement. "Oh my god, thank you! Thank you thank you thank you. They're here?"

"They are." Louis nodded.

Harry turned to hug Louis tightly, pressing his face into Louis's neck. "Can we go now?"

"Of course. Get dressed and we'll leave."

"I am dressed." Harry looked down at himself.

Louis rolled his eyes fondly, "darling, you're wearing floral pyjamas and rabbit slippers."

"What's wrong with that?" Harry pouted.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I just thought that perhaps you might want to put on some actual clothes. I don't like spending the day in my jammies myself."


"Then why- okay, nevermind. Get dressed and we'll go."

Harry came downstairs 10 minutes later in pretty floral trousers, a plain white top and a pink knitted cardigan.

He never failed to leave Louis speechless.

"Let's bounce!"

"Oh god," Louis groaned, "where did you get that from?"

"My brain." Harry grinned, "it's a good saying. I dig it."

"Come on love." Louis shook his head in amusement, holding out his hand.

They only got halfway across the street before Harry burst into a fit of giggles. He was definitely in a good mood.

"What's so funny?"

"Casp and Cindy are following us. I think they wanna help decorate." He pointed.

"Oh my god. You're the cutest ever." Louis sighed.

"You're the cutest ever." Harry replied, skipping back up to Louis and swinging their hands.

"What's got you in such a good mood?"

"I'm just so grateful. Thank you for stopping me that night." Harry turned serious, "really, thank you."

Louis didn't say anything, instead opting to cuddle Harry tightly. He rocked them both side to side for a minute before kissing Harry's forehead. "You deserve the world."

"I've got it. Right here." Harry nuzzled into Louis. "You're my world."

"Jesus, we're soppy." Louis mumbled, "let's go decorate, shall we?"

Harry nodded, remaining tucked into Louis's side as they crossed the street and entered the bakery.

"Oh my god, pink chairs!" Harry squealed in excitement. "Pink tables! I really love pink."

"I can tell." Louis laughed, "Z put them together this morning. So, you approve?"

"I really, really approve. I need to thank Zayn."

"Plenty of time for that later. Lets arrange these tables and chairs."

Harry put on some music- David Bowie of course. Harry seemed to be going through a bit of an obsession with him, but Louis didn't mind. It just meant he got to hear Harry singing Bowie's songs all the time.

They somehow ended up playing musical chairs which then ended with the pair on the floor, laughing so hard they could hardly breathe.

It turned out that they both got very competitive. And the cats were probably being judgemental by the looks they were getting.

"God," Harry breathed out, his eyes flicking to Louis's lips, "I love you." He murmured, looking Louis in the eye. Within a second he realised what he said and his eyes went wide, "shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to slip out, shit-"

"I love you. Christ Harry, I've loved you for a long time now."

"You have?"

"I have." Louis confirmed.

"Can't believe we're confessing our love on the floor of my bakery." Harry whispered.

"It's perfect." Louis beamed, wrapping his arms around Harry and pulling him so they were lying with their sides touching.

Harry rolled over so that their noses were almost touching, dipping his head in.

Louis pressed their lips together, burying his hand in Harry's curls. "Love," he pressed another kiss, "you." And another. And then he peppered Harry's face with light fairy kisses.

Harry squealed, ducking his chin down into his chest.

When Louis stopped attacking him with kisses Harry looked back up through his eyelashes.

"Can we paint the front door?"

"We can. Come on then sweetheart." Louis sat up, pulling Harry with him.

"Alright lovers?" Niall walked through the door, "I brought you cinnamon buns."

"Thank you." Harry smiled gratefully, opening his arms for a hug from Niall.

Niall crouched down, hugging Harry back. "What's just happened? You two are grinning like Cheshire cats."

"We're in love." Harry bit his lip, his dimples popping.

"You told eachother?" Niall's face lit up.

"Mhm." Harry nodded happily.

"You haven't even met my family yet." Louis suddenly gasped, "you have to meet them! I'll invite them over soon. My mum is going to be mad that she hasn't met you yet."

"I'd love to meet your family."

"I'll call mum tonight."

"I can't believe you finally told him." Niall fist bumped Harry. Harry just giggled and leaned into Louis.

"Oi, how long have you known?" Louis turned to Niall.

"A fair while." Niall smirked.

"Why didn't you convince him to tell me earlier?" Louis pouted.

"Well I didn't see you telling him either." Niall said pointedly, raising an eyebrow. "I tried though, but our Harold here thought you may not love him back."

"Niall, you're revealing all my secrets here." Harry whined.

"Hey, I'm allowed. I bought you cinnamon buns. The chairs and tables look amazing by the way."

"Thank you." Harry beamed, "Lou ordered them for me. We're gonna paint the front door to match."

"You two are so cute, jesus christ."

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