Chapter 37

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Harry had said goodbye to Zayn and the cats and now he and Louis were walking down to the harbour.

Louis had insisted on coming with him to 'help carry his bags', but of course it was just so they didn't have to separate so soon.

The walk down was quiet, neither of them feeling much like talking. Fog had drawn in around the village, creating a misty haze which matched the mood.

It pained Louis to see that the ferry was already pulling up as they arrived, and by the look on Harry's face he felt the same.

They both placed the bags down, turning to face eachother. Harry avoided eye contact, looking down at Louis's feet with watery eyes and trembling lips.

"See you later Curly." Louis's voice cracked halfway through causing Harry to finally look up.

He stepped forwards and into Louis's embrace, resting his head on Louis's shoulder. "See you later Lou."

"Text me when you get home so I know you're safe. And text me if you need to talk to someone."

"I will." Harry nodded, his voice coming out as a whisper. "Yeah, I will."

Louis held the back of Harry's head gently, playing with his curls for s minute before the ferry honked- signalling the fact that it had docked.

"Well, um, see you later Lou." Harry repeated.

"Travel safe love." Was all Louis could get out.

Harry picked up his bags, looking back at Louis as he boarded. Once he was settled he gave another wave to Louis, trying to ignore the pit in his tummy.

And then he was off.


Louis could barely keep his tears in as he trudged home, letting go completely as soon as he stepped into his house.

Zayn, who was sat on the sofa, immediately stood up to comfort him. He hugged him tightly, rocking the pair from side to side.

"Everything is gonna be alright Lou. This isn't the end."

"He lives fucking hours away Zayn-" Louis cried.

"You're gonna see him again. You can facetime him, you can visit him, he can visit you. It's okay. Look, I'll get someone to look after the pub today, we'll just sit in here with blankets and ice cream and watch TV, okay?"

Louis nodded, sniffling against Zayn's chest.

"Lou," Zayn spoke softly, "he left you this. He said he will definitely come back but he wants you to have something to remember him by whilst he's at home."

"That's not his home." Louis murmured hoarsely, "he said it doesn't feel like home."

Zayn just gave him a small smile, handing him a little box. Louis moved to the sofa, curling up as he opened the box. A little message fluttered out and Louis reached for it.

Lou, I know you don't wear rings (I really think you should) but I want you to have this. It fits my pinky so it should fit you and your tiny hands. I'll miss you but I'll see you soon- H xx

Louis lifted up the small piece of foam, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. It was his gold ring with a red stone encased in it.

He immediately pulled out his phone, texting Harry.

Lou: thank you so much, you're the sweetest. I miss you. How's the journey fairing?

Curly: I miss you too. I'm glad you like it though :)

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