Chapter 47

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Around May.

A few months later and they had finished doing up Harry's bakery. Harry had settled for 'Boulangerie de Louis', which Louis absolutely loved.

It now featured a lot of pink (very pretty) and a lot of fairy lights (Louis approved). Harry had spent a lot of time making his own sign and his own little price tags, wanting everything to be perfect.

Zayn had made Harry a few custom aprons and chef's hats- mostly floral. Bless him. Harry had them hung up in the kitchen, and he'd never been more excited.

And to add to his excitement, they had found a dog. He was just the type they were looking for, and already trained, having lived in a shelter for a while. He hadn't had a name somehow, which immediately made him even better for Louis. So they were now on their way to pick up Clifford the dog.

Louis had borrowed Zayn's car which he kept on the mainland, and so was driving with Harry sat next to him.

"Louis, I'm excited." Harry grinned, "we're getting a Clifford!"

"We are getting a Clifford." Louis glanced over with a smile before returning his eyes to the road and placing a hand above Harry's knee.

"Do you think he'll like the food we got him?"

"Harry, you made sure we got him the best food we could. I'm sure he'll love it."

"The cats definitely prefer their new food. I told you you should've given them fancier meals."

"Would you like me to apologise to the cats again?"

"No, I think 3 times was enough."

"Thank you." Louis lifted his hand to scratch his other hand, placing it back down on Harry's leg.

Harry winced a little, grabbing Louis's wrist and moved it back towards his knee and Louis turned his head with a knowing look. "When?"

"Last night. 'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have because everything's really good right now but-"

"Babe. I know, it's not something you can just stop when you want to. Just because everything is good it doesn't mean you're not gonna feel bad sometimes."

Harry placed his hand over Louis's, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "Thank you. Everything in the past just makes me sad sometimes. Like, even though I hate my parents now, I miss them. I miss how they used to be."

"That's perfectly understandable darling."

"I just don't know how they could stop loving me because of who I love." He admitted in a small voice.

"Sweetheart," Louis sighed, "it's not fair. It's not fair at all. But there's nothing you can do to change it. They're close-minded twats who have a stupid view on the world. All you have to know is that there are people who love you. It may not be them but we all love you very much. And Clifford will love you too."

"If Clifford's gay I'll still love him. We'll be better parents than mine were."

"We will."

"I'm gonna be Cliff's mum." Harry told him. "Can I be Caspian and Cindy's mum as well?"

"Absolutely. I'll be their dad."

Harry smiled down at his lap, tracing over the '28' on Louis's fingers and playing with the rings. "Are we nearly there yet?"

"Don't you bloody dare start that." Louis said firmly, "I have to deal with it with the girls all the time if I drive them places."

"Alright, alright daddy." Harry rolled his eyes with a cheeky smile, continuing to play with Louis's hand.

Louis's grip got a little firmer, and his jaw clenched slightly. Okay, Louis definitely liked that. Which was always good because so did Harry.

Harry giggled innocently as Louis raised his eyebrows at him and Louis broke into a smile, unable to keep himself from looking serious around Harry.

"Lou, isn't this it?" Harry pointed towards a sign.

"It is."

"You almost drove past it."

"I did not."

"You did. Don't lie. Lying isn't nice."

"Okay, I did."

"That's much better babycakes." Harry lifted Louis's hand to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss to the back of it.

"Shut it, you." Louis playfully glared.

"Louis, Clifford's in there!"

"Right," Louis stopped the car, "let's go!"

Harry didn't need to be told twice, jumping out of the car and grabbing Louis's hand.

"Woah, woah, easy tiger!" Louis laughed as he almost fell over. "Got everything?"

"Yes. Except Clifford."

"Let's go then."


"Louis," Harry hissed, "he's staring at me."

Clifford had somehow slept the whole way back, thankfully, because Louis did not want to deal with a hyper dog and a hyper boyfriend in a car at once. When they got back, Clifford became more aware, and Harry, bless his heart, was trying to become Clifford's best friend.

"I expect he wants feeding." Louis laughed, "do you wanna go feed him?"

"What if I give him too much? Or too little? Or what if he doesn't like it?"

"Bambi, you're overthinking things. Clifford will love you and the dog people gave us a cup with the measurement of how much he normally has."

"I'm just scared he won't like me." Immediately after Harry said that Clifford walked up to him, sniffing his hand before beginning to lick at it, "Louis, he likes me!"

Louis pulled out his phone, grinning as he began to record Harry and Clifford. "Darling." He called, Harry looking over with the biggest smile in the history of smiles.

Harry looked back at Clifford as he nudged at Harry's hand, crouching down. "Hey Cliff." He stroked behind Clifford's ears. "You okay?"

Clifford didn't respond (of course) but instead nuzzled into Harry. "I hope you like it here. Lou, come join us."

"Coming love." Louis laughed, walking over to crouch down next to them. "Alright Clifford? Welcome to your new home."

"Do you like it here?" Harry asked the dog.

Clifford looked at him with big eyes, which Harry took as a yes.

"Louis, I love him. I love you. I love the cats. I love it here." Harry was tearing up as he threw himself into Louis's arms.

"Hey Curly, hey." Louis spoke softly, "look, there's two Curlys now."

"No, I'm the only one." Harry pouted.

"I know you are. Wanna cuddle with us Cliff?" Louis held his arm and Clifford trotted over.

"Do you think the cats and Clifford will get on?" Harry asked.

"Well, the shelter lady said he's okay with cats. And the cats are good with dogs, so I think so. They're not gonna hate eachother anyway."

"Good." Harry smiled, running his hands over the dog's head, who stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail. "God, I'm so happy."

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