Chapter 38

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"What's wrong?" Niall sighed sympathetically. Harry had been sat in bed all day, and had been moping around most of the time since he'd been back.

"I miss Louis." He answered honestly, sounding vulnerable.

"Why don't you give him a call?"

"He's working." Harry mumbled. "It's only been a week. How am I meant to cope?"

"He can come visit us."

"But it's fucking hours away. I just want to see him. I need to get a job. Maybe I should get a job, then I'll be distracted."

"Why don't you try the bakery?" Niall suggested, "the one you used to run. You probably won't be able to take it back as your own but you may be able to work high up or be partners."

"I don't know. It's going to be really busy."

"I thought you liked that?"

"I don't think I'm ready to see so many people again at once. Plus, there will be people I used to manage. I don't wanna see them. I don't know Ni." Harry groaned. "I need a hug."

Niall sat down next to Harry, allowing him to fall into his arms.

"I'm sorry. I just, like, he helped me so much and he became a big part of my life and-"

"And you're in love with him." Niall finished.

"No, that's not what I was going to say, I'm not-"

"Look, it's obvious you are. There's no point in denying it."

Harry's cheeks grew red, god, he was in love with Louis, really, really in love with Louis. Shit.

"And there's the realisation." Niall nodded.

"I can't be in love with him. This is so stupid. I'm so stupid."

"You're not stupid Harry. Don't be ridiculous."

"I've fallen in love with Louis and he lives hours away and probably doesn't even love me back."

"From what you've told us it seems he does. And you'll never know unless you talk to him about it."

"That's something I'd have to do in person though." Harry muttered, "and there's no point."

"Honestly, you're spewing out proper bullshit today. Look, what have you got to do here?"

"I've gotta see Gemma. And she'll probably want me to see our parents."

"Is that all?"

"It's all I have to do, yeah."

"In that case, get that over with, and then go and tell Louis."

Harry nodded. He really had no reason to stay here, he could try and move closer to Eroda. The only thing holding him back was Niall and Liam. And Gemma as long as everything was okay between them.

"But what about you? I don't want to leave you."

"Me and Li can move closer. We work from home, don't we? It doesn't matter where we are."

"But...but would you really do that? I don't want to be the reason you feel you have to pick up and move."

"I don't mind doing that whatsoever. Not does Liam. We've talked about it Harry. We just want you to be happy."

Harry felt his eyes well up, he didn't deserve Niall and Liam. Especially after just running away with no intentions of returning. With no explanation until after he was gone.

"I'm going to meet up with Gemma tomorrow." He said decidedly. "Gonna talk to her. I'm going to explain everything."

"Go Harry!" Niall whooped, "I'm so proud of you."

"Can you text her for me though?" He asked shyly, "you've talked to her more recently and stuff."

"Course, do you want me to do it now?"

"Yes please. Can you just tell her that I need to see her?"

"Yeah, I'll let you know as soon as she replies." Niall nodded, sending the text. "Oh, she's replied. She said 'omg ofc, lmk where to and what time'." Niall read out each letter of the abbreviations.

"What does o-f-c and l-m-k mean?" Harry furrowed his brow.

"Of course and let me know, obviously."

"I'm sorry, you know I'm not all up to date with that stuff." Harry held his hands up. "So she wants to meet me tomorrow?"

"O-f-c." Niall nodded with a smirk as Harry hit him.

"Tell her I'll come to hers at 1. Does she still live in the same place?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." Niall replied to Gemma with the time and place and she sent a thumbs up in response. "Right, you're all set."

"Thank you so much."

"Very much welcome. Now all you have to do is talk to Gemma and then go get your man."

"Right." Harry nodded slowly. "Everything is gonna be fine."


"Do I look alright?" Harry stepped into the living room where Liam and Niall were.

"Harry, she's your sister. She's seen you in nappies, I'm not sure she cares what you wear." Niall raised his eyebrows.

"Ignore him H, you look lovely." Liam smiled.

"Yes, you do look lovely but my point still stands."

"Do you need a lift or is Gemma picking you up?" Liam asked.

"Um, I was gonna walk."

"You'll be late if you walk now mate. I'll drop you off."

"Okay, thank you." Harry gave him a weak smile. He was feeling incredibly nervous. What if she hated him?

"Good luck. Everything's gonna be fine." Niall moved to hug Harry.

"Yeah, I hope so."

The car ride was quiet, Harry not wanting to talk and Liam sensing that.

Louis had been sending Harry good luck texts all day, which somehow kind of helped with Harry's nerves but he was anxious all the same. He was bound to be.

"Is that Louis?" Liam smirked as Harry's phone buzzed again.

"Probably." Harry smiled, reaching for it.

Lou: everything is gonna be fine love. Update me on whatever happens xx

Curly: I will, thank you Lou xxx

"We're here Haz." Liam announced.

"Shit on it."

"Um, well you're gonna have to go in now. Gemma's literally stood outside the door."

Harry looked up and there she was, waving at Harry. Harry gave a tentative wave back.

"Thank you for the lift." Harry leaned over to give Liam a side hug.

"You're welcome. Gimme a text when you want picking up."

Harry gave a nod before stepping out of the car.

He walked up to the front door, "hi Gemma." He spoke gently.

"Hey Harry." She smiled softly, "I've missed you. And I'd like some answers please."

"I've missed you too. And yeah, you'll get answers."

"I've made you tea, come in."

"Mum and dad aren't here, are they?" Harry had to double check. Knowing Gemma she would've invited them so they could all play happy families.

"No." She shook her head, "I want to know the truth, and I couldn't expect to get that when you don't seem to like eachother much."

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