Chapter 35

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"Right, there's a little beach just around the corner. I thought maybe we could go there for lunch?" Louis suggested.

Harry nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds lovely."

"I'll take the wheel after lunch mate." Zayn offered, wanting the two to have some time together.

Louis shot him a thumbs up and a grateful smile.

Harry moved so that he kneeling on the seat of the boat, arms rested against the side as he admired the scenery. This place was the definition of peace.

He watched as the birds flew above their heads, a couple diving down for their own lunch. He watched as the looming cliffs passed by, and he watched the waves crashed against the cliff edge and lapped against the boat.

Twenty minutes passed by and the three had found themselves sat on a picnic blanket, surrounded by white sand and vast amounts of rock.

Though warm for the most part- the cliffs sheltering the three, the wind occasionally found its way through, whistling loudly and nipping at any exposed skin.

Harry shivered slightly, wrapping his coat tightly around his body and shrinking his hands into his sleeves.

Louis noticed this and wrapped an arm around Harry, bringing him closer. Harry shuffled up slightly, hunched up against Louis and suddenly feeling a lot warmer.

Louis took off his own scarf, instead zipping his coat all the way up and wrapping it around Harry's exposed neck. Harry smiled, his empty hand finding it's way up to the scarf and pressing it into his face. He returned his head to Louis's shoulder, thanking him quietly.

Louis stroked his thumb over Harry's side in response as he took another bite of his sandwich.

Neither of them noticed when Zayn pulled out both his phone and Polaroid camera, snapping a few pictures.

He waited for the Polaroids to develop before placing them carefully in the back of his phone case to show them later. Later today or later when they finally declare their undying love for one another.

Zayn made a silent prayer to Aphrodite to quicken the pace because all this yearning was cute and all, but it would be much cuter if they were actually together. Plus, both Louis and Harry deserved the love the other clearly had for eachother. They both deserved happiness.

"Look over there." Louis pointed, "there's a puffin."

Harry straightened up, turning his full attention to the bird. "I've never seen a puffin before. Not in real life. They have a photo of one in the waiting area at the doctor's in Holmes Chapel though."

He felt Louis laugh, so looking up with a small smile he asked "what?"

"Nothing." Louis shook his head fondly.

"Do you think Peter's seen us?"

"Who's Peter?" Zayn tilted his head.

"The puffin. He looks like a Peter."

"Do you name all the animals you see?" Louis raised an eyebrow in amusement, thinking back to Richard the dodgy pigeon.

"Most of them."

"Cute." Louis murmured, causing Harry turn a pretty shade of pink.

"I don't think Peter's seen us. Or he might be flying away by now." Harry observed.

"Maybe Peter has seen us but he's decided we're not a threat." Louis shrugged.

"I'm going to throw some bread at it." Zayn spoke up.

Harry's head snapped around, "no!" He whisper shouted. "What is it with people and throwing stuff at birds?"

"Okay, okay. Sorry, I won't throw bread at it."

"Thank you." Harry sighed, relaxing again. "You can throw bread near it, but not much and not aggressively."

"Roll it." Louis suggested.

"How the fuck do I roll bread? It's not even round."

"Slide it."

"It will get all sandy." Harry frowned, "sandy bread isn't nice. It scratches your throat."

"And how often do you eat sandy bread?" Louis asked teasingly.

"Not often. Only once or twice." Harry responded.

Louis opened his mouth to ask why on earth Harry was eating sandy bread but decided against it.

By then Zayn had 'slid' (which was more of a shitty throw) the bread to Peter the puffin who surprisingly actually ate it.

"He likes bread." Harry beamed in surprise.

"Sandy bread." Zayn added.

"He's a bit unusual."

All of a sudden Peter took off as a seagull dove down and started squawking.

"Fuck off Nigel!" Harry yelled and that sent both Louis and Zayn into fits of laughter.

"Yeah, bloody hell Nigel!" Louis added through giggles.

And yep, they were perfect for eachother.


"Zayn, just a warning, I swear to god if you somehow sink us, I will murder you before the sharks do." Louis pointed a finger at Zayn as he got behind the wheel.

"There are sharks?" Harry shuffled away from the edge.

"No." Louis whispered, "but he doesn't know that."

"Louis mate, I know there aren't any fucking sharks you pillock." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Drat." He muttered before turning to Harry, "are you cold?"

"A little." Harry replied, because yes it was bloody freezing.

"C'mere then." Louis slid of the seat so they were sat on the floor of the boat, sheltered from the wind. He then grabbed a blanket from a compartment which Harry didn't know existed, wrapping it around the pair. "You alright up there Z?"

"Yeah, just watching out for sharks mate." He replied and Louis flipped him off.

"I hope this has lived up to your expectations." Louis smiled softly.

Harry nodded, resting his head on Louis's shoulder. "It's been wonderful. Thank you."

"I'm glad you've had fun. Is there anything special you want for dinner that would end the day off well?"

"I'm okay with anything as long as it's in your company."

"You're so cute." Louis grinned. "I might even go as far as to incorporate broccoli into the meal."

"God I'm a bad influence." Harry made a shocked face.

"You're like a teddy bear. All soft and cuddly." He ruffled Harry's hair and Harry nuzzled against him. "I like this jumper." He tugged at the sleeve that was poking out the end of Harry's coat.

"Thank you." Harry beamed before adding a quieter "Gems bought it for me."

"It's adorable." The jumper was a light blue with a chick hatching from an egg on the front.

okay, over the next 5-6 weeks ish updates may be fairly slow. Hopefully not, but at a minimum once a week. I have assessments basically everyday so I have to revise a lot :(

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