Chapter 40

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"I don't know what to wear." Harry fell back onto his bed, exasperated.

"Clothes?" Niall offered uselessly.

"Please Ni! Liam! I have to look pretty. I can't go looking like a twat. Does this look okay?" Harry held up a pair of brown trousers, a cream silk shirt and pointed to a pair of brown loafers. "Please tell me it is. I don't know what else to wear."

"Harry." Liam was stood in the doorway now, "stop working yourself up. That outfit is very pretty and you should wear it. I'm sure Louis's seen you in just joggers and a t-shirt, and then you still look beautiful."

"Okay." Harry nodded, taking a deep breath, "okay. Is makeup overdoing it?"

"No. It's not. Wear makeup." Niall told him.

Harry ushered them out of the room as he changed into the outfit before kneeling in front of the mirror. He applied a small bit of blush, pink eyeshadow and then mascara. His nails were painted white and light green and his curls were sat perfectly upon his head.

He felt pretty, and he hoped Louis would think so too. He'd have to touch up on the makeup on the ferry probably, seeing as he had a long journey ahead but that was okay.

He stood up, twirling around a bit in the mirror before walking back into the lounge with a nervous smile. "So I look okay?"

"You look amazing!" Niall grinned, "he'll be on his knees the moment he sees you."

"Christ." Harry muttered, "that's inappropriate. But thank you."

"You won't be saying it's inappropriate when he's on his knees." Niall winked, "I'm sure you'll be begging for more."

"God, I've really not missed this." Harry groaned, "I should probably get going though."

"We'll drive you to the train station." Liam offered, Niall nodding.


Harry was stood outside Louis's front door.

He'd been about to knock about a hundred times by now. He just couldn't work up the courage. Louis was on the other side of that door and Harry was going to tell him he liked him.

Obviously he more than just liked him but Harry thought it may be best to just go with 'like' first.

Eventually he found it in himself to knock. And fuck, his heart was racing.

It seemed like hours until he heard the door unlocking and was met by a pair of blue eyes.

"Harry?" Louis gasped out.

All plans Harry had had went out of the window as Harry's mouth began opening and shutting like a fish. And for some reason, his brain thought a good way to stop that would be by surging forwards to kiss Louis.

Harry heard Louis release another gasp before seeming to come to his senses and wrap his arms around Harry, pulling him closer. Harry's hand found his way to Louis's neck and for a second they allowed themselves to just get lost in eachother.

Kissing Louis was better than he had imagined.

"Well..." Louis started breathlessly, "is that how you greet all the people who answer the door Curly?" A smile was spread across his face and Harry felt all his anxieties flutter away.

"Was that, I mean, like, was that okay? Or do you not like me like that. I'm sorry, I just-"

"Darling, I thought we'd established this. I don't kiss people I'm not interested in." Louis grinned, his voice a little husky as he looked into Harry's eyes and his hand cradled Harry's jaw. And Harry felt his knees go weak.

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