Chapter 34

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It was tipping it down outside. The wind nor rain hadn't stopped all day, keeping the trio inside.

Harry had stayed in his room, seemingly not wanting to interact with the other two. Louis had stayed nextdoor in the mostly empty pub, Zayn accompanying him.

Harry hadn't come down for any meals, instead texting Louis to ask if something could be left outside his room instead of Louis was cooking.

Louis obliged, wanting to see if he could get any interaction from Harry. Harry had barely answered when Louis asked if he was alright, just mumbling a "yeah, 'm fine."

Louis knew that meant he wasn't fine, but after asking if he could come in Harry simply repeated that he was fine.

Louis couldn't do much more and unfortunately he had to stay in the pub. He'd texted Harry before he went to bed but he didn't get any reply. He only knew Harry was still in there from the occasional sounds of movement.

Lou: are you sure you're okay? you can talk to me about anything

Lou: goodnight Curly xxx

Around an hour after that, and after Louis had drawn his curtains across and climbed under the crisp covers- chasing after sleep- his door creaked open.

Louis opened his eyes, squinting as the blinding light from the hallway flooded in for a split second before the door came to a close.

Harry was trudging across the stretch of Louis's room. A small amount of moonlight trickled in through the gap in the curtains, illuminating Harry's face.

Propping himself up slightly, Louis turned to look at Harry properly. Silvery stains were glistening against his flushed cheeks, and more tears continued to roll down his cheeks.

Louis noticed that Harry's trembling lips were pressed together in an attempt to stop the sobs and whimpers from escaping. He kept his arms wrapped around his waist as he shuffled across the floor.

"What's wrong darling?" Louis furrowed his brow, pulling back the covers for Harry to get in.

Harry shook his head, clambering in and immediately wrapping his arms around Louis's small waist and burying his head in the crook of Louis's neck.

"Speak to me love. There's been something bothering you all day. You've not even left your room."

"Bad day." He managed to get out, "really bad day."

"Is it anything in particular?" Louis murmured, stroking Harry's back soothingly.

"Happens sometimes. Just everything. It gets overwhelming."

Louis pulled Harry a little closer, keeping his arms around him tightly. "Do you want to try and sleep it off?"

"I don't know." He squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to release a sob.

"Sweetheart, let it out. There's no point keeping it in."

"I-I can't do th-this-" Harry's hands balled up, gripping onto the back of Louis's top.

"Darling, it's okay. You can do this. It's a bad day, not a bad life."

"I feel like, like, I feel like fucking shit Lou."

"C'mon H, try and breathe for me. We don't want you having a panic attack." He placed one of Harry's hands against his chest, "you can feel me breathing, yeah?"

Harry nodded, his eyes completely glazed over with the tears that just kept coming and his lips were parted, quick and uneven breaths spilling out.

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