Chapter 12

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The walk back was quiet, Harry wasn't much in the mood for talking after his breakdown on the cliffs.

Louis understood, so just talked to Harry, not needing any answers. Harry nodded along, but mostly kept his head down, not wanting anyone to see him.

"Do you wanna watch a shitty rom com when we get back?" Louis suddenly asked.

Harry was surprised, but he nodded nonetheless. "But you hate them?" He murmured.

"I know I do. But you don't and I think you need something like this today."

Harry's bottom lip trembled as he played with his rings. "I've got a burning question."

"Go ahead."

"Why are you so nice to me?"


"You're being nice to me. I don't get why."

"Because you deserve it."

"Fucking hell." Harry's voice cracked and his hands found their way back up to his face.

Louis wordlessly placed a hand on Harry's back again, guiding Harry into a hug. Louis was slightly concerned that Harry would back away but Harry accepted the hug, his head dropping to Louis's shoulder and a quiet sob erupting from his mouth.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Come on, let's get back to the house."

"I'm sorry-" Harry hiccuped, "I dont-I'm not usually like this, I-"

"It's alright, come on." Louis spoke soothingly as they continued to walk back, Louis's hand not leaving Harry's back.

Louis was thankful that the village was quiet that day, knowing that Harry certainly didn't need everyone to see him like this.

He unlocked the door, allowing Harry to walk over to the sofa as Louis headed to the kitchen to make tea.

He let out a small sigh of relief as he noticed the cats jump onto Harry's lap, curling up against eachother.

Though Harry was still crying, his sobs had died down to quite sniffles, and it appeared the cats were comforting him.

Louis carried the mugs over carefully, handing Harry his before grabbing the remote and sitting next to him.

"So, what's your favourite shitty film?"

"It's not a rom com but can we watch Pirates of the Caribbean?" Harry asked shyly.

"Duh, Johnny Depp is in it." Louis chuckled, making Harry give a small laugh. "Jack Sparrow is hot."

Harry nodded in agreement as he took a sip of tea. "I've had a crush on him forever." He giggled, wiping at his eyes.

"Who hasn't?" Louis agreed. "I'd fu-" Louis cut himself off, realising that it probably wasn't the best idea to be talking about fucking hot pirates in front of a guest- even if said guest did just have a breakdown and share his life story.

Harry giggled again, looking over to Louis who was grinning innocently. "My friends always talked about Keira Knightly but I'm a Johnny Depp kinda guy." Harry shrugged, and it seemed his eyes were finally drying up.

"My best mate- Zayn- is bi so it we always talked about hot boys. He's on the mainland at the moment, but if you're still here when he gets back I think you two would get along really well."

"Did you go to school here?"

"Yeah." Louis nodded. "There were only like 100 people in my primary school and and then about the same in secondary."

"I would've loved to have a school that small. My primary was like 250 people and my secondary was about 1500. It was shit. I feel like if it's a small school, everyone is nicer to eachother."

"Yeah, to be honest we were all friends, or at least friendly."

"Sounds nice." Harry sighed wistfully, taking a sip of his tea.

Louis pressed play on the film as they both dropped into silence. Harry kept the mug in one hand, the other running through the fur of the cats.


Harry said goodnight to Louis before making his way upstairs. He sat on the floor, leaning against the wall as he drew his knees up to his chest.

He couldn't believe he had told Louis so much earlier. He didn't find it easy to trust people, but Louis just had something about him.

But even though he trusted Louis, he hated the fact that he had seen Harry so vulnerable. He hated the fact that Louis knew about most of the shut going on within his life. Nobody who wasn't involved was supposed to know.

There was no doubt Louis though Harry to be a pathetic attention seeker now, just as everyone else did.

Harry knew he had to get ready for bed, but he couldn't bring himself to move. Exhaustion was taking over, so Harry stayed there a little while longer.

A little while turned into a night, Harry awaking with a crick in his neck and knots in his back. He slowly sat up straight, looking around sleepily at the room.

Sunlight was seeping in through the curtains, rays illuminating the bed which looked far too comfortable.

Harry hauled himself up, stretching out and letting out a small groan of relief as the tension eased slightly. He slipped out of his trousers before moving to the bed, sighing lightly and pulling the covers up to his chin.

He knew he should probably head downstairs, but at the same time he needed this. He needed to rest. He spent so much time just thinking and thinking, over and over until he would break down crying- and to be honest, that was incredibly tiring.

So when he had a moment like this, a moment where he could fall asleep easily without lying in bed for hours on end as the thoughts failed to stop, he had to take the opportunity.

Despite the glorious rays which seemed to peer in on him, Harry did in fact fall asleep not even ten minutes later. The crisp white covers were drawn up to his chin, a small pout upon his face and his eyelashes fanning out on his porcelain skin. The curls sat upon his head as a halo- portraying him as the angel he was.

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