Chapter 41

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It was getting dark out and Harry wanted to change into more comfortable clothes.

"I'll start to make dinner love." Louis held Harry's hand to his chest. "You can go and get your clothes from my room. They should be in the top drawer. Second drawer down is my underwear so I dunno if you want a change of underwear or you feel comfortable but it's there if you want it."

"Thank you." Harry smiled softly. "It's okay though, I don't need a change of underwear."

Harry made his way upstairs, grinning at the familiarity and comfort he already felt.

The house radiated warmth- from the low wooden beams across the ceiling to the scent of vanilla and coffee and tobacco that wafted through the rooms.

Harry pushed open the oak door, half wanting to just jump on Louis's bed and curl up amongst the heaps of blankets.

Instead he started to walk over to the chest of drawers, a jumper on one of the armchairs catching his eye- definitely one of Louis's.

He picked it up, taking off his shirt and draping it over the back of the chair neatly before pulling on the jumper and relishing in the softness. Louis wouldn't mind.

After putting his joggers on he made his way back downstairs, sitting on the kitchen side and watching as Louis chopped up carrots.

"That looks suspiciously like one of my jumpers." He raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Cause it is. Is that okay? I didn't think you'd mind but I can take it off if you want."

"I don't mind at all." Louis grinned, "it looks cute on you. Have you texted Liam and Niall to say you're staying overnight?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded, swinging his legs. "So, like, you don't mind if I move in? At all?"

"If you move in I'll be over the bloody moon."

"Niall said he and Liam would bring some of my clothes and stuff down tomorrow as long as they can meet you and stay the night. They'll pay and everything. But should I get them to come down? Or like, are we going to wait a bit?"

"The quicker you move in the better." Louis jumped onto the side next to Harry. "Get them down, I've got spare rooms anyway."

"I'm glad you said that because I don't wanna go back to that place. Well, I mean I'm going to have to go there to get stuff maybe but yeah."

"You are going to sleep in my bed right?"


"Good. I wouldn't have it any other way." Louis wrapped an arm around Harry's waist and tugged him closer. "Guess what, I've even put broccoli in the meal. Just for you."

Harry beamed at Louis, taking his hand and playing with the rings Louis had started to wear.

"You're the best."

"Don't I know it." Louis winked. "Barbara's going to be so happy you're back. She's been asking about you every time I see her."

"I'll have to pay her a visit tomorrow. But Lou, we need to like talk about me moving in properly. If I move here I need a job."

"What sort of job are you thinking?" Louis hopped off the side to make sure the food wasn't burning before leaning against the counter next to Harry.

"I don't know. I mean, I used to own a bakery and I loved it. I don't know if I can do that here though."

"Well...someone's moved off the island and shut down their bakery. The building is for sale, all baker people proof and everything. I'll be happy to help you start up your own business again."

"Really?" Harry's face lit up.

"Really." Louis confirmed. "As long as you 100% want to stay here we can get it sorted tomorrow."

Harry jumped down, pulling Louis into a bear-like cuddle. "Yes, in 100% sure. I want to do this. It's my dream."

"Do you know what's even better?"


"It's two doors down across the street from here. I'll be coming to see you all the time." Louis pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Harry just leaned against with him a massive grin.

"Can we get it sorted now?"

"I think it may be a bit too late today, don't you?"

"It's only quarter to 6." He sighed.

"Why don't you talk to Liam and Niall about it tonight and make sure it's definitely what you want, and then we'll go early tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Are you sure I'd get it?"

"Pretty sure. Old owners are family friends as well so I'm sure I can make something work." Louis rubbed Harry's back. "Right, I need to get on with dinner, start dreaming up names baker boy."

"How am I supposed to think of a name?" Harry whined, "I'm gonna have to go with something basic and simple probably."

"Well, how did you do come up with the name of your old bakery?"

"Well, it was simple. It was just called 'Harry's'. But I don't like that name and I don't want this bakery to be the same. It's a new start."

"How about 'Boulangerie de Louis'?"

"Tu parles français?" Harry asked, looking rather shocked.

"Not really." Louis chuckled, "just a few words here and there that I've picked up over the years. Do you?"

Harry nodded, "oui."

"You sound hot when you speak French." He smirked and Harry's cheeks turned red.

"Oh shush." Harry prodded him with his foot. "But I like that name. It sounds pretty."

"You should name it that. I'd love to have a bakery named after me."

"Perhaps I will." Harry smiled, "you've got a good name to name stuff after."

"Why thank you Harold. I appreciate that. What are you going to sell in your bakery then?"

Harry's face lit up, "I've got loads of my own bread recipes. There are so many different types, and I'm going to have pastries and scones and cakes and all sorts of things. Everything is going to look so pretty. I can bake flowers into the bread loafs and everything."

"You're going to be the most sought after baker on the island. In the world even."

"Your support means everything to me." Harry turned shy, returning to swinging his legs.

Louis stood on his toes, pressing a soft kiss to Harry's lips before placing a potato peel upon his head.

"Hey," Harry whined, "not this hullabaloo again."

"Where do you get these words from love?" Louis chuckled.

"My noggin." Harry pointed to his head, taking off the potato peel and gently placing it on top of Louis's head instead. "Beautiful."

"You're beautiful."

writing this story is really making me want to have my own little bakery in Paris or a small village in Devon or Cornwall. Like forget wanting to do law, I want to bake

but also I wanna be a children's book illustrator

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