Chapter 6

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Louis flopped down onto the sofa with a sigh, wrapping his arms around himself. Though the fire was lit, the house was still absolutely bloody freezing.

Both cats were curled up next to him, seemingly seeking warmth in eachother, and he had no idea where Harry was. He could be up in his room, but Louis had no idea. He hoped Harry was somewhere inside though, because it was tipping it down and the wind was howling loudly.

He had been in the pub all day and to be frank he was exhausted. A couple who were staying above the pub decided to have a go at him because the TV had cut out- but that was the fault of the storm, not him.

He had tried to calmly explain that to them, but they had decided he was a 'rude prick with awful service' so he had walked out and left them to shout at the door.

He jumped slightly as he heard the front door bang open, thinking that the couple had maybe broken in, but let out a sigh of relief as he noticed it was Harry.

"Why on earth have you been out frolicking in the rain?" He exclaimed.

"I didn't know it was gonna rain." Came Harry's reply through chattering teeth. "I'm gonna go and have a shower."

"Yeah, good idea. Go before you catch hypothermia or a cold."

Harry nodded before scurrying off, Louis resuming his sulking. He sighed before deciding maybe he should rant to Caspian, seeing as Cindy was fast asleep.

So he began to explain what happened, pausing as he heard the bell ring from nextdoor. He stood up, holding a hand out to Caspian and unlocking the door, swinging it open.

As soon as he did, the angry couple started to tell at him again.

"Look," Louis started, "it was your decision to come to the island. You should've known that the connection can go dodgy when there are storms. I can't be held accountable for that."

"You can, why don't you go and sort it out?"

"Oh, yes, sorry. Forgot I was god for a second." He retorted sarcastically. "I can't control the weather, nor can I control the connection. Play some monopoly or charades or something! Oh, I have an idea, you could even read a book!"

"You're getting zero stars." The woman spat, "your service is appalling for starters, your attitude is disgusting, and this place is medieval!"

"Babes, this place isn't that old." Louis rolled his eyes, "and plus, again, not my fault. There are pictures on the website."

"Well, we didn't look at the website."

"Well then, your fucking fault." Louis shot them a sarcastic grin.

"You're definitely getting the lowest rating."

"I don't really care." Louis spoke, "I don't often have to deal with pricks like you so my reviews overall are lovely."

"What sort of customer service is this? Do you swear at all your guests?"

"No, only the ones who swear at me first and attack me for no reason. I'm going now, bye." He waved before walking back into his house and locking the door with a sigh.

Harry walked down the stairs just as Louis walked back into the hallway.

"Warmer now?"

"Much." Harry nodded, a large knitted jumper on along with his fleece trousers and fluffy socks, a thick blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

"Good. Have you talked to that middle aged couple, the one who always colour coordinate their outfits?"

"Um, don't think so."

"Good." Louis repeated, "don't."

"Why not?"

"Because they're shouting at me for nothing. Bloody twats."

"What happened?' Harry frowned.

"The TV isn't working because of the storm and apparently it's all my fault. And I'm a prick. And 'my service is appalling, my attitude is disgusting and this place is medieval'."

"That's not true."

"I know, but thank you. If they keep being like this I'm kicking them out. They're already rating me zero stars."

"I'll rate you 5 to make up for it." Harry offered.

"Only if I deserve that 5." Louis raised his eyebrows.

"You do." Harry nodded.

Louis let out a chuckle, "well thank you. So, what were you doing out in the storm?"

"I told you, I didn't know it was gonna do that."

"What, the massive black storm clouds didn't give it away?" Louis raised his eyebrows.

Harry didn't answer, just looking down with a shrug. After a while he just offered an "I was distracted."

"Oh." They slipped into silence until Louis broke it again, "do you want a cup of tea?"

"Only if you're making one for yourself."

"Yeah, might as well." Louis stood up again, trudging into the kitchen and putting the kettle on. He got two mugs out, placing the teabags in the mugs before leaning against the counter and running a jumper covered hand over his face.

He really hoped that couple would step on lego. And never find the cold side of their pillows.

As the kettle whistled he poured it into the mugs, letting the tea brew whilst he took out two small plates and placed one of Harry's many creations on them.

He added the milk before walking into the living room, careful not to spill the tea and drop the plates.

Harry immediately rushed up to take his tea and plate, thanking Louis.

"You know, the other day Barbara said you don't tell visitors about the cove." Harry started.

"Yeah, I don't."

"But you told me."

"I did."


"Because I can tell you respect people and nature. Some of these tourists just leave rubbish everywhere and they're noisy, but not in a good way. You just seem down to earth you know."

"Oh." Harry smiled softly, "thank you for, like, trusting me."

Louis smiled back at him as Harry looked down at his lap. "On the subject of Barbara, I think you should tell her your name."

Harry looked a little confused.

"She calls you pretty boy." Louis elaborate, Harry's cheeks flushing red.

"I'm being flattered today, aren't I?"

Louis chuckled, "Barbara likes you, she says you're a sweet boy and she wants you to stay."

A feeling of guilt took over Harry, this is exactly what he had wanted to avoid. "Yeah, well she's lovely too."

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