Chapter 43

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"I can already tell how soppy you two are gonna be." Niall laughed.

"They've been like this since I've seen the two together." A new voice echoed through the room, and Zayn walked in, followed closely by Barbara.

"Harry, honey? You're back! Zayn, you never told me he was back." Barbara hit Zayn around the back of the head lightly.

"Yes I did!" Zayn protested, "I said Lou's lover was back."

"You did not." She argued back before turning to Harry with a massive grin. "Come and give me a hug my lovely."

Harry made his way over to her, bending down to wrap his arms around her. "Barbara, this is Niall and Liam. They're my best mates."

"Lovely to meet you dears." She smiled kindly.

"Niall, Li, this is Barbara and that's Zayn." They all got acquainted as Zayn and Barbara joined them at the table.

"So, Louis, what's this about you and Harry?"

"We're dating." He grinned. "And yes, you can make a celebratory cake." He answered as she opened her mouth again.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Harry, where are you going to be living?"

"Here. With Louis." He spoke a little shyly, but his eyes were bright.

"I just knew you two would end up together."

"Didn't we all." Zayn laughed in agreement, "Barbara, you'll back me up. They've always been the soppiest."

"Absolutely." She nodded, "always cuddling and flirting."

Niall laughed as Harry's cheeks turned pink, Louis just looking somewhat proud and very fond.


"Niall and Liam are lovely." Louis said as they crossed the street to the bakery. Louis had phoned up before, and they were now meeting the owners.

"I'm glad you like them. Niall doesn't have much of a filter mind."

"It's okay, you and I both know what Zayn is like. I think the three of them will get on well as well."

Harry nodded in agreement as Louis lifted his hand to knock on the door.

The building was extremely pretty. It was much like the rest of the island's buildings on the outside, the only difference was the window stretching across the front. The door was rather large, wood painted white (Harry thought it would look good in pink) and a window in the top middle.

Louis took his hand, tugging him inside and Harry smiled shyly at the people stood in front of him.

"Tom, Jane. Hi, how are you?" Louis greeted them with a big smile.

"We're doing great, thanks Louis. It's nice to see you again before we fully leave the island. How are you?"

"Me? I'm wonderful." He looked over to Harry. "This is Harry by the way, he's our star baker."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Harry's grip tightened on Louis's hand. It didn't matter how nice people seemed, he still found it bloody terrifying to talk to them.

Louis squeezed his hand reassuringly and Harry somehow felt immediately safer.

"We've not had anymore offers so you have no competition. You can take a look around to make sure you're certain, and if you are, it's yours."

Harry nodded, excitement rushing through him. The main space was relatively small, but incredibly cosy. There was a large counter- one on which the food was displayed, and there was room for a couple of tables and chairs inside. A fireplace was sat against one of the walls, immediately making it even better.

In the room behind the counter there was a kitchen, not too large but not too small either. Harry decided it was perfect. It was as he'd imagined, and yes. He definitely wanted it.

He nodded at Louis, who mouthed back 'yeah?'.

"Yeah." Harry confirmed.

"We'll take it." Louis beamed at Tom and Jane.

Whilst Louis filled out some sort of paperwork, Harry stood in a daze. This was his. He would have his own bakery. He would love with Louis. All the important people in his life would live nearby.

Shit this had to be a dream.

But no, it wasn't. The door jingled and Tom and Jane had left, just Harry and Louis remained.

"Catch." Louis chucked him the keys, Harry's hands closing around the metal.

This was his. "Kiss me."

Louis didn't hesitate as he stepped forward, placing his lips against Harry's. "Welcome to your bakery, baker boy." Louis mumbled against Harry's lips.

As they pulled apart Harry tucked his head into Louis's shoulder. "I think I might cry."

"Happy tears?"

"Yes. Oh my god, Louis. This is mine. I want to decorate it now. Can I paint the door?"

"What colour do you want to paint the door?"

"Pink, light pink. And maybe a couple of pink tables and chairs in here and outside. Can I do that?" Louis watched as Harry began to talk about how he wanted to decorate it, his actions growing animated.

"You can do whatever you want with the place love. We can buy some paint and start painting the door today if you want?"

"Yes please. Do you have a decoration shop on the island? Or will we have to order online or go to the mainland?"

"There's a small shop but we can go on a shopping trip for the bigger stuff. Any name ideas?"

"I want something to do with the sun. Something like 'Sun's Bakery' or even 'Gold Dust Bakery'. I don't know."

"How come?"

Harry blushed, looking down. "Cause you're like the sun. You're my sun."

"You're the cutest person ever." Louis beamed, pinching his cheeks. "The absolute cutest." He tilted Harry's head back up with a finger under his chin, pressing a soft kiss to Harry's lips. "Would you like to go to the decoration shop?"

"Absolutely. Should we tell Niall and Liam and Zayn?"

"They can come with if you want."

"Zayn has a good eye." Harry nodded, "Niall and Liam have a different taste so they'll be no good but let's bring them along."


"What about this?" Niall held up a large ceramic rubber duck.

Harry just groaned, looking at Louis in exasperation. Louis laughed quietly, pulling Harry into his side.

"What about these love?" Louis motioned to some warm white fairy lights.

"Pretty!" Harry nodded, motioning to the basket.

"Hey, so you'll take what he shows you but not what I show you." Niall pouted.

"Yes because you're showing me rubbish stuff." Harry pointed out before turning to Louis excitedly, "oh my god. I could paint the bakery how I want it and try and recreate it."

"Can I paint it with you?" Zayn asked from the next isle, poking his head through a gap.

"If you'd like."

Zayn removed his head, instead poking a thumbs up through.

Harry had never been so bloody happy.

help my mum thinks Louis is engaged to Eleanor and Harry is with Olivia. I'm trying to convince her about Larry but she's denying it. Anyone got any masterthreads on Twitter or anything?

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