Chapter 14

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Harry climbed back into his bed- it seemed most of that day would be spent in that bed, but at least it was comfortable.

He wrapped his arms around his body tightly, trying to block out the memories that he desperately wanted to forget. But no matter how hard he squeezed his waist and his eyes, the memories still came flooding back and in turn the tears flooded out of his eyes.

His fingertips were bruising the top of his hips, and hot tears were burning his cheeks. His lips were pressed together as he was determined not to let any sobs out. But god, it was painful. The memories were whirring loud in his head, the voices shouting at him, and his hands flung up from his waist to cover his ears- as if that would block everything out.

He needed someone to hold him. He really, really fucking needed a hug. But it wasn't like he could just walk downstairs into Louis's arms. And Louis would think he was incredibly weird.

The best he could do was bring Louis's jumper up to his nose and move his arms back down to hug himself. He kept his eyes shut, thankful as he felt himself drifting back off. He really would be spending most of the day asleep.


Louis looked down at his watch, seeing that it was now 5 pm and Harry was still upstairs. He made two cups of tea before taking one upstairs and knocking on Harry's door. When Harry didn't answer he called out his name quietly.

When Harry still didn't answer he rew concerned. He knew Harry hadn't left the house, and hearing no signs scared him. But he didn't want to go into Harry's room and invade his privacy.

But after he knocked twice more with still no answer he slowly opened the door, looking around.

And there, curled up in the bed with the jumper covering his mouth, was Harry. His eyes was red and puffy, and a pout was on his lips.

Louis's heart immediately clenched. It was obvious that what the girl had said had really affected Harry and he just wished he could do something to help.

He placed the tea down on the bedside table, beginning to creep back out. However as the door creaked open, Harry stirred, his eyes fluttering open.

As he focused on Louis's figure he murmured a "huh?"

"Hi, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up or be a creep. I knocked but you didn't answer so I took the tea in." He gestured to the cup.

"Oh, thank you." He mumbled, pushing himself up.

Louis nodded, beginning to walk out before pausing and turning back again, "are you okay?"

Harry took a deep breath before shrugging. "I will be."

"Do you need to talk about it?"

"I don't really want to."

"Do you need a hug?" Louis offered. He knew that when he was upset, hugs helped him.

Harry hummed with a shrug as looked down. "Yeah..."

"Yeah? C'mere then. Gimme a cuddle." Louis smiled warmly, opening his arms as Harry slowly climbed off of the bed and approached Louis.

Louis wiggled his hands and Harry stepped forward, sighing as Louis wrapped his arms around him securely.

He dropped his head to Louis's shoulder, allowing himself to just relax. "You'll be okay." Louis muttered, rubbing his back.

Harry just shut his eyes. "Thank you."


The two were sat in the garden, two pizzas in the centre of the table, and two cats wandering between Harry and Louis.

"Your garden really is beautiful." Harry told Louis as he looked around it. Though many flowers weren't in bloom yet, a couple still were and they were pretty and bright amongst the background of greenery.

"Thank you." Louis smiled, "do you want some flowers for your room?"

"Can I?" Harry perked up, immediately looking excited as the sun came out from behind a cloud simultaneously.

"Yeah, of course."

"I love flowers." Harry added more quietly, but a shy smile still on his face.

"Me too." Louis agreed, smiling at Harry's smile. "You can pick some in a minute."

Harry nodded happily, taking a slice of pizza.

"What are your favourite flowers?"

"Oh," Harry put the pizza down, "I like pink roses and forget-me-nots and baby's breath. And tulips. What about you?"

"I like lilies of the valley." Louis told him, "I like roses too though, and daffodils."

Harry nodded, making a mental note and letting out a surprised squeak as Caspian jumped onto his lap.

"Oh, hello. I need more warning before you do that."

Louis watched with a fond smile as Harry talked quietly to the cat, who just looked up with large unblinking eyes.

When he feared he looked too creepy he looked away, only for the same thing to happen to him with Cindy jumping into his lap. "Oi, Cinds, that warning applied to you too." He said firmly. "I want a dog." Louis spoke decisively.

"The cats are right here! Don't say that in front of them!" Harry hissed.

"Hey, I never said I wanted to replace them. I've just wanted a dog for ages. I had one when I was younger and she was the cutest. Do you have any pets?"

"Not anymore. When I was younger we had a dog and a cat. I think my parents have cats now but I dunno. You should get a dog."

"I wouldn't have the time I don't think. I'll wait until I retire."

"You're going to be waiting a long time."

"I think you're forgetting that I own this inn. I can retire whenever I please. I could retire this year."

"What kind of dog do you want?"

"One of them black curly ones." Louis told him, "fits my vibe."

"Your vibe?" Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. My vibe." Louis confirmed.

"And what dog would fit my vibe?"

"A golden labrador." Louis replied without skipping a beat.

"Why a golden labrador?" Harry tilted his head.

"Because your personality matches."

Harry hummed, "but they're all happy and sweet all the time. And they make everyone else happy."

"Exactly, you have the personality of a labrador." Louis concluded, and Harry's cheeks flushed bright red.

double update because my dad probably put too much rum in the rum & cokes so I'm defo drunk & feeling nice (joking Im not I only had two lol)

also I currently have 5 bunches of daffodils, 2 of roses, 1 of tulips & 1 of baby's breath (and some baby diddly daffodils and one of them spider plant tings) so I'm opening a florists

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