Chapter 29

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Harry may or may not have had a little cry on the ferry- it was fair enough to be honest. Louis was probably the best person in his life. No. He was most definitely the best person in his life.

Harry pushed open the front door, followed closely by Louis.

"Lou?" An unfamiliar voice called out.

"Huh? Who be you?" Louis tilted his head, stepping forwards and making sure Harry was behind him.

"It's me you twat." A caramel boy with chocolate brown hair and chocolate brown puppy dog eyes came into view.

"Zayn? Oh my god! Hi! I've missed you!" Louis grinned, running forwards to hug him.

Harry stood back awkwardly, not wanting to interrupt their little reunion.

"Z, this is the famous Harry. Harry, this is the famous Zayn." Louis introduced the two as he pulled apart from Zayn.

"Hi." Harry spoke shyly, playing with his rings nervously.

"Ah, so this is the famous Harry?" Zayn grinned- a wide grin that showed off his perfect teeth.

"I did just say that, yes." Louis rolled his eyes.

"Oi, shut it dick'ead." Zayn punched him playfully before turning back to Harry. "Hey mate, how are ya?"

Harry hated small talk. And he hated taking to new people.

Louis noticed this, and so he jumped in.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back."

"I'm back." Zayn shrugged, "and I'm gonna stay here for a couple of nights my house is too far away."

"It's literally 5 doors down at the most."

"Yeah, exactly. But I've not seen you in a while have I? So I might as well stay here."

"Okay." Louis chuckled, "but the room next to mine is Harry's."

"Alright. That painting is new. Where did you get it? It's proper sick."

"Harold here painted it. I painted the one next to it."

"Jesus Christ that's amazing dude. Just to clarify Lou, I'm talking to Harry not you. Yours is shit."

"Thanks." Harry smiled softly, whilst Louis glared at Zayn.

"I dunno if Louis's told you anything about me but I love art with most of my heart. If you're ever up for painting with me please do. Louis's rubbish to paint with."

"Oh, so is it slander Louis day or something?" Louis grumbled.

"Everyday is slander Louis day." Zayn grinned, nudging Louis.

Louis just rolled his eyes. "So, what's the plan for this evening?"

"Order pizza and chill?" Zayn suggested.

"I'm down. Harry?"

"It's okay. I think I'll just go up to my room and leave you two to it." Harry shrugged, feeling incredibly out of place.

"Well I'm gonna go put my bags in my room, I'll be back in a minute." Zayn held up his two duffle bags before leaving the room.

"H, you should stay down here with us."

"It's okay." Harry shook his head, "you two haven't seen eachother in a while."

"I want you to stay down here with us."

"You do?"

"Yes. Of course. Now Zayn's back he'll be around a lot. You can't stay in your room the whole time."

Tempest || l.s. ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora