Chapter 7

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Louis furrowed his brow, stopping all movement.

He was in the middle of making sure the windows were locked and curtains drawn when he heard quiet whimpering from Harry's room. His heart dropped as the whimpers grew louder, but were obviously being muffled.

He desperately wanted to go and see what was wrong, but he couldn't. That was far too invasive when they had only had a few conversations.

Harry spent most of his time outside, usually at the cliffs or down in the cove. He would either take lunch with him or eat at one of the cafés, only usually at the inn for dinner.

The time he did spend at the inn, he spent in his room or baking, so Louis didn't see him all too often.

Louis sighed, checking the last window before traipsing back to his room and blowing the candle out. He knew it was old fashioned, but it was easier than having to find the light switches then check they were all off after. Well, it probably wasn't, but Louis told himself it was because it seemed appropriate for the setting.

He lay down in his bed, feeling incredibly guilty about just leaving Harry crying, but he couldn't just invade his privacy like that.

He decided all he could really do was get up early tomorrow and make a nice breakfast for him, talk to him even if be didn't answer much, and make sure he could steal the cats.

It took a while for him to fall asleep, trying to block out the sounds of crying. Eventually he managed it, waking up early the next day.

He slid out of bed, straightening out his duvet and opening his curtains before grabbing a change of clothes and traipsing down the hallway to the bathroom.

Quickly, Louis showered before getting dressed and making his way to the kitchen.

He began to sing to himself quietly as he started up a vegetarian English breakfast. He waved at the cats as they slinked in through the ajar back door, asking how they were.

Of course he got no reply, but he continued to talk to them anyway, rolling his eyes when they didn't answer.

"You know, you two should really answer me more. The least you could do is comply with my code. Do you need to hear it again?" He looked down, both cats just staring at him. "Okay, so one blink is for yes or you agree, two blinks are for no or you disagree. Got it?"

Yet the cats still stared.

"Look, Cindy, Caspian. I understand you're like royalty and everyone loves you, and I love you too, but you're not the brightest."

"I don't think they're going to answer you." A deep voice came from the doorway and Louis span around quickly.

"It's a work in progress." He replied with a shrug. "How long have you been stood there, may I ask?"

"From you going through the code with them."

"If you wanna follow the code, it might help them learn, yeah?"

Harry just blinked twice before taking out a glass and pouring out some orange juice.

"But you just did it!"

"And I won't be again."

Louis shook his head, returning his focus to the breakfast. "Do you want tea as well?"

"Yes please." Harry nodded, "only if you're doing it for yourself though."

"Yeah, I am. You're up early."

Harry shrugged, sitting down at the breakfast bar. "Am I up early?" He directed his attention to the cats. "They said they don't know."

"What?" Louis stopped, "how did they say that?"

"They just stared."

"Oh my god, that's what you've been saying!" He grinned excitedly, "you're a genius Harry!"

"Prefer it when people say wizard, but I'll give it to you for originality."

"Thanks. Anyway, what are you up to today?"

"The usual." Harry replied, which didn't really answer Louis's question.

"Well, Barbara has invited both of us for dinner tonight. You don't have to go, of course."

"Oh, um, I'll go. What time?"

"Half 6, is that alright? If you meet me here we'll walk together."

"Yeah, that's alright. Why does she want me to go?"

"Because you're her pretty boy." Louis said in teasing manner. "Breakfast is ready." He handed the plate to Harry.

"Thanks." Louis joined Harry on the other side of the breakfast bar, "what shall I wear?"

"Whatever," Louis waved a hand in dismissal, "I'm just wearing jeans and a jumper."

"Okay." Harry nodded. "Um, does she know I don't eat meat?"

"Yeah, I told her."

"Thank you."

"Course." Louis nodded.

Harry dropped his head back down, eating quietly, before "um, I don't think I'll be here much longer, maybe a month at the most."

"Oh please stay longer." Louis spoke quickly, "you're my favourite guest."

"I can't, I mean, I just don't think I'll be able to." Harry continued to keep his head down.

"Well, if it's any consolation, I'd like you to stay longer."

Harry gave him a small smile along with a shrug. "I should get going. Thank you for breakfast."

"Wait, did I say something?" Louis frowned at Harry's sudden change in demeanor.

"No, no, it's okay. You didn't. I just want to get going before it gets too busy."

"Right, okay. Well, I'll meet you back here at 6."

"Yeah, okay."


Harry pulled on a cream knitted jumper along with some baggy blue jeans, grabbing his long blue coat.

"I'm ready." He spoke as he made his way downstairs.

"Me too, let's depart."

"I picked some flowers for her earlier, do you think she'll like them?" Harry asked shyly.

"She'll love them. Fuck, I should've got her flowers. I think she loves you more than me already."

"You can give them to her if you'd like?"

"No, no. It's okay. They're your flowers, you should give them to her."

"This all feels a bit like I'm going to meet a parent." Harry said quietly.

Louis just chuckled as he locked the door behind them, the pair beginning to walk through the village as it grew dark.

Across the street were colourful lights, strung diagonally from opposite sides. Louis loved them, as did Harry. They provided a sense of comfort and safety for Louis, they had always been there, ever since he and his family had moved to the island.

During December the whole village would be decorated with Christmas lights and decorations, a switch on for the lights being held on December 1st with fireworks and lots of alcohol. Louis thought Harry would love that too, but of course he wasn't staying that long- it was only February now.

They stopped at a sweet little cottage, much like Louis's but smaller in size. Vines crawled up the walls, only a few flowers in bloom, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

Louis opened the gate, motioning for Harry to walk through as he followed, knocking on the front door with gloved hands.

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