Chapter 3

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"Morning." Louis grinned at Harry as Harry wondered into the kitchen. Louis was dressed in a large jumper and joggers, hair swept across his face, "the weather is better today, innit?"

"Yeah." Harry agreed, taking the plate Louis offered to him, "I might go explore the island today."

"I would, it's hard to tell what the weather will be like tomorrow. Toast?"

"Yes please." Harry nodded as Louis popped the toaster down.

"You a morning person as well?" Louis asked, "it's pretty early."

"Usually. Sometimes I'm not. It depends."

"I never used to be but when running an inn you kinda have to be." Louis shrugged.

"Yeah, had to be with my bakery as well."

"I should probably go and make breakfast for the people staying above the pub." Louis huffed, "you're welcome to stay in here if you want but there'll be more people in the pub."

"Alright." Harry nodded, as if he were thinking about possibly eating in the pub, but he knew he wouldn't. He'd much rather stay alone.

"See you later, and have a good day." Louis smiled, giving Harry a wave as he made his way nextdoor.

Harry took the toast, spreading butter on it before walking slowly into the dining room. He sat in the same chair as he had the previous night, moving so his leg was under him as he picked at the toast, eventually putting some in his mouth.

Once he had finished, he made his way upstairs and changed into a pair of cuffed, baggy black jeans along with a plain white t-shirt and a beige cardigan. He grabbed a hat and some sunglasses, pulling on a pair of black vans.

He quickly stuffed his sketchbook in his bag along with a couple of pencils and watercolours before hoisting the bag over his shoulder.


Harry traipsed through the village with his head down, avoiding any glances as he made his way to the cliff. He could look around when it was less busy, with less people who could attempt to talk to him.

When the buildings began to become more sparse he looked up. He could hear the roar of the sea from here, and as he approached it came into sight. He could see the sea from his bedroom window, yet last night was too foggy and this morning too dark.

He felt a small rush of excitement take over him, a feeling he didn't feel often anymore. He'd only seen the sea in real life a handful of times, his family had never really taken him anywhere, and when he was old enough to go on his own he spent most of his time holed up in his bakery.

He found a good spot and settled down on the grass, he pulled out his sketchbook, placing it next to him as he just sat for a while, admiring how pretty the ocean was.

There was a complete contrast in the weather between that day and the day before. The sun was shining bright, beating down on the island, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, the ones that did remain were fluffy and light.

He sat there for a while, just picking at the grass as he stared out at the view ahead of him. He already loved the island, and he'd only really seen the cliffs.

He moved so he was lying on his stomach, sketchbook in front of him as he started to paint the scenery. As the day grew warmer he shrugged off his cardigan, folding it neatly and placing it in his bag. He decided to walk back around the village, knowing that at this time of day in this weather, it would be even busier.

He had soon arrived back at the inn, where Louis was laughing with a family in the corner.

It was only when he sat in the living room that day that he noticed the piano sat in the corner. He wasn't sure how he missed it, but it brought a little happiness to him.

Harry was fully aware that he'd never have the confidence to play it, but he had always enjoyed the piano. Staring at it wistfully, he didn't even notice when Louis had strolled into the room.

"Oh, hi! You're back."


"How did you find the village?" Louis asked as he sat on the sofa opposite Harry, propping his feet up.

"I didn't actually look at it. I went to the cliffs."

"Oh, you did? Which way did you go?"

"Um, I went through the village but I didn't really look around you know." Harry shrugged, talking quietly.

"Oh, right. Well, there's a gate at the back of the garden and there's a footpath beyond that. There's a little beach and the cliffs are a lot closer that way."

"Oh, thank you."

"Are you having dinner here? Or going out somewhere?"

"I think I'll go for lunch somewhere and have dinner here."

"Do you want to eat in the garden?"

Harry nodded, a small smile on his face, "yeah, that sounds good."

"Sick, okay. Pizza okay with you?"

"More than okay."

"Alright, just a warning, it may be a bit colder again by the time we eat so if you change your mind just let me know." Louis grinned.

Harry nodded again, his eyes drifting back to the piano.

"Do you play?" Louis tilted his head slightly.

"Oh, no." Harry shook his head, the lie slipping off his tongue easily. "I'm not very good with all that stuff."

"Shame," Louis sighed, "I can play but I don't really have the time anymore. Hello." He looked down at the cat that had slipped into the room unnoticed.

"You have a cat?"

"Not really. Half. Well, she's my neighbour's but she prefers me." Louis chuckled, "her name's Cinderella." He rolled his eyes, "just call her Cinder or Cindy or something."

Harry admired the cat, her fur a chocolate brown with large amber eyes. "She's beautiful."

"She is, isn't she? Are you a cat person?" Louis asked, smiling as Cindy rubbed against Harry's leg, Harry scratching behind her ears with a grin.

"Yeah, I love them."

"There's another one somewhere, her brother. His name is Caspian. They both have extraordinarily posh names."

"What does Caspian look like?" Harry looked up, eyes bright.

"Not really similar to Cindy, he's got grey fur and green eyes. But they both look like royalty."

Harry let out a surprised squeak as Cindy jumped onto his lap, his hands immediately finding their way into her fur again.

"You'll probably see Caspian later." Louis added with a chuckle, "he likes to appear around dinnertime usually."

"Do you have any recommendations for lunch?"

"The Beachwood Café has wonderful food. And coffee. The coffee is amazing."

"I'll try there then."

"Good, you'll love it."

Harry continued to stroke the cat, letting out a small giggle as she began to brush against his chest.

And Louis found Harry's giggle quite entrancing. It was sweet like nectar, and when Harry smiled the whole room seemed to light up.

He wasn't sure how he would live with Harry without falling in love with him.

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