Day 35- Already Done (1-part day) Onto The Next

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Kissing, Love, Hate, Pecks, Oogie-Trigger, Yelling, Meetings, Happy Feelings, Smiling, etc. 

☆ Saturday, July 28th, 8:00 am ☆


"Katara, get up. He's here," Toph whispered, shaking her best friend awake. Katara yawned and sat upright. "He? Who's- oh, shit, the mayor?!" she yelped, hopping off the bed and to her closet on one leg. Toph nodded. 

"Yeah, and I'm doing you a favour by being blind. So get ready, he's in the kitchen." Katara widened her eyes as she threw on a dress in her closet- one that she knew wasn't the worst but not very fancy at the same time. 

She hopped to her vanity and grabbed her hair comb, running it through her hair. She knew she didn't have time to do her normal style, so she took some hair from the sides, grabbed a pin, and threw them on as her signature hair loopies behind her head. 

She grabbed some water and used it to straighten her hair so it wasn't frizzing everywhere, and then grabbed her necklace from the vanity and locked it behind her neck. She used her bending to wash her face a little bit - so it seemed like she didn't just wake up - and then hopped to her crutches. 

She wobbled outside slowly with a small smile on her face. She smiled at her boyfriend, who walked over to her and gave her a small peck on the cheek. "Morning." She smiled and rolled her eyes as she hobbled to the kitchen table behind the airbender, a stupid grin on her face. 

"Good morning, Master," the mayor said, bowing down. She mirrored his bow as much as she could in her crutches before placing them on the wall and sitting down. "Morning, Mayor! Sorry, I was doing work." He nodded lightly. 

"No worries, I have the day." She smiled and placed her hands on the table. "Ok, let the meeting begin," Zuko said, looking around the table. Aang smiled at him, knowing this would work perfectly. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Thank you so much, Mayor," Aang said, bowing down. He smiled and bowed back. "Anytime, Avatar Aang. I really can't wait to see what you guys do with the colonies." Sokka sighed as Suki rubbed his arm lightly. "We won't let you down." 

Everyone let out another sigh of relief as Zuko closed the door, plopping down on the couches. "That went better than I expected," Mai muttered. Azula nodded tiredly. "It really did. I thought it'd be way worse than that." Tylee sighed lightly, giving Azula a light peck on the cheek. 

"Well, now we can't let him down at all," Timber adds. Katara smiled at her sister, who grinned lightly. "No, we can't." 

"I can't believe we're doing this," Aang whispered. "I can't believe we won the war and are now fixing the world. And I can't believe it's working." Katara smiled at him, giving him a small peck on the lips. "Well, I can. We're amazing." 

Sokka smiled and nodded. "Damn right, we are!" Toph snorted and rested her head on Satoru's shoulder, which made Suki, Tylee, and the twins look at each other. "I swear, girls, if you say one word," Toph threatened, which made the girls squeal and laugh. 

"Oh!" Azula chirped. "Oh, yay!" Mai smiled and rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "Oh, yay? Why?? It's not like she's- oh! Oh, yay!" she smiled. Azula nodded, and Toph groaned. Satoru was just red as a cherry-plum. 

"Nothing's happening," he stammered. Suki giggled, "that's what Katara and Aang said." Then Toph turned red as a cherry-plum, as well, and looked a tiny bit angry. "Shut up, we're not like Twinkletoes and Sugar Queen." Sokka rolled his eyes, turning to Zuko, who was doing the same. 

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