Day 17- Unfair & Despair (1-part day) Take A Stand

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⚠️ Warning! Contains: Swearing, Crying, Sad Feelings, Mad Feelings, Death, Pain, Stutter, Anxiety-Trigger, Oogie-Trigger, Mention of Rape, (Tell me what I missed lol)

☆ Tuesday, July 10th, 10:00 am ☆


"I didn't fucking touch her." 

"You fucking raped me!" 

"Stop fucking lying."

"Motherfucker, I'm not the liar here!"

"Shut the fuck up. You have no physical proof." 

"You know you fucking raped me and you just won't fucking admit it!" 

"Both of you, shut up. I'm not fucking around right now. Jet, innocent. Katara, guilty. End of discussion," the judge complained, hitting the table with his gavel. 

"Bro, what the actual fuck? I was there when he raped her!" Aang screamed at him. Katora was on the verge of tears as she glared at him. Timber squeezed her hand as he glared at the judge as well. 

Katara got up from her seat, ignoring the pain in her chest. She walked right up to the stage and stood on it, grabbing the microphone on the stand and holding it in her hands. 

"Listen everyone. I felt frozen, lost, isolated, worthless. Completely fucking empty. Begging and screaming, 'please stop, I can't take it! I mean it!' But he keep on going, panic overflowing, tears is flowing everywhere. Man I barely even know him, why do he feel like I owe him? Any part of me at all, he took that shit as if he fucking owned it. All I'm doing is relaying what I'm thinking, but not saying. I been locked up with my own thoughts, I ain't even fucking praying. I been locked inside my room, I feel like I been going crazy. Why the fuck am I so chill about it? Why don't this shit phase me?

"You're not chill about this. Dude, I didn't touch her," Jet complained. Katara whipped her head around to face him with a deathly glare. 

"In the woods, behind the trees. I'm tied and he's on top of me. It start to hurt so fucking bad, so I'm like 'hold up- get off please.' But he say I ain't running until he cumming- I'mma take the D. And now I'm fucking crying, I can't take it, he ain't listening. But fuck it- y'all don't get, y'all could never fucking understand. How it feel to be a woman stuck under a fucking man. Crying and you fighting- you can't even move his fucking hands, lay there and you crying 'til he's done with his fucking demands.

The judge hit the table again. "Jet, guilty. Katara innocent." Everyone started scoffing in the crowds, but Aang just sighed. 

"This is bullshit!" someone in the crowd screamed. Everyone started booing at her, and the judge was writing down some words as she continued. 

"I'm not done with the fucking poem yet!" she barked back. Everyone shut up as she tightened her grip on the microphone, her tears flowing down her face. Aang was cupping his mouth with his hands as his own tears hit the floor. 

"Just in case some of y'all motherfuckers uneducated, lemme break it down, shut the fuck up, just listen, I'll explain it. Any woman can change her mind at anytime, fuck the arrangements. Matter of fact, its the fuck with sometimes she don't even gotta say shit. I know that it's hard to understand when you a selfish man, and everything in your life was given to you from someones hands. So everything you see in life, you take it, done it all your life. Man, why you think women so pressed to walking around with guns and knifes?

The judge hit the table again. "Yeah, Jet, death sentence. I'll be nice and let you rot in jail by starving to death. Surprised Long Feng didn't kill you yet." Aang sighed as he got up and brought her back down to her seat. She had flipped off Jet and now everyone was walking out of the meeting room. 

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