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The particles switch to the next screen slowly. The teen watches the scene tiredly.


"You haven't commented on any of the scenes, why not?" Clay asks, yawning at the end of his sentence.

"I have nothing to say. It's just history." Lia sighs, playing with her lavender mask in her hands.

A silence rings between the two trapped siblings.

"I wish you were my actual sister. Sort of. I wouldn't want you to have to go through the same things I have." Clay tells Lia, watching her move through the Dreamon who is situated on two sides of the kingdom.

"Yeah, well, I sort of already have."

Another silence follows her words, making her regret it immediately.

"Switch." Clay mumbles, watching white clouds next to Lia's glitched body move around to form another part of the Dream SMP. This time it is Foolish working.

"What's he building?" Clay asks Lia.

"A couple things. I think he's building something in a desert alongside Tubbo and Ranboo's mansion." Lia answers.

"And they got married for taxes?" Clay confirms.

"Yep, they both don't know how taxes even work though, so it was useless. The kids get a lower price to pay anyways so they really didn't have to get married." Lia answers with an eye roll.

Clay hums, glancing to Tommy's sleeping body next to him.

"What time is it?" Clay asks, moving closer to Tommy, feeling the Dreamon watch his every movement.

"Around 1am, why?" Lia asks, sinking into her blanket to comfort herself after remembering her roommate.

"Oh. You should sleep soon. I don't want to keep you up with a boring TV and my prison stories." Clay chuckles dryly.

"Yeah but we might not be able to talk again soon." Lia mumbles, tracing her scars out of boredom. Clay watches the teen touch her literal war marks, most caused by him, with a pained face.

"Well, it's not like I'll be going anywhere anytime soon. Tommy will be getting out of here soon and you will have him to talk to." Clay shrugs, already feeling the loneliness from the thought of being alone again.

"You never know. I just figured out that there's a whole ass demon who controls you, I guess me too, when they want blood. And that we can talk through its stomach." Lia smiles lopsided and Dream tenses, glancing up nervously to the Dreamon, making sure it won't hurt her for the way she said it.

"Yeah, I guess." Clay replies, rolling a potato around on the prison floors.

"Have you gotten controlled yet?" Clay asks carefully.

Lia tenses, herself, glancing to her sword across the room, "Yeah, yeah I think. I- I haven't killed anyone. I don't think I've harmed anyone either. It's just weird with all of the voices talking at once until that's all I hear. I basically watch myself move like a movie, watching with no control and the only sounds are those dreaded voices."

"Yeah, that is how it feels huh. I don't have the voices to compare it with you, but I have this guy's so." Dream gestures to the Dreamon with a nod making it look to the side with a happy mood.

"I yelled at Jack. And I held a sword to Quackity's neck. Oh and this." Lia holds up her arms that are still red from the egg.

"Oh my god." Clay whispers, watching the glitchy screen with horror. "What was- what was the context?"

"I lost my sunglasses and freaked out so I tried digging in the vines to find them. Sapnap actually had them the whole time." She shrugs.

"So this was all you? Not even- not even this thing?" Clay asks moving his hands all around to gesture for the Dreamon.

"What? Oh no it wasn't Big D, that was me. And then Quackity was-"

"Please don't call the Dreamon Big D, I'm having flashbacks to Tommy." Clay shudders jokingly, even though the boy he's talking about is snoring softly next to him.

"Oh-" Lia begins to laugh, bringing joy to both of the friends since it was a sound neither of them heard for awhile.

"Anyways- anyway Quackity tried to stop me but by then I just was panicking and I needed them since Quackity has a weird thing with eye contact and would notice right away." Lia explains.

"But then this thing was like 'pull out the sword' or some shit and then my voices were saying like 'kill' or 'blood for the blood goddess' and then the egg said something like 'don't be a fool' I don't really know."

"The egg talks to you?" Clay asks with a judging face.

"Yeah, she's pretty hot. Anyway, I ended up with my sword against Quackity's neck and tears running down my face and my arms all red and stingy." Lia smiles proudly of her memory.

"Lia, why are you smiling. For all Quackity knows, that was you you. And not to mention how you just called an egg hot?" Lia's previous frown turned into a wheeze by the end of Clay's statement, him following suit after.

"I- I saw her! She was hot!" Lia laughs loudly, using a blanket to cover her mouth.

"It's an egg!" Clay barely gets out through his loud wheeze.

"Go to bed Dream." A faint voice calls through Clay's end. The laughter stops and Clay looks to Lia with a frown.

"Sam's in a pissy mood tonight. I'll be sure to bother this guy until I get a thousand burns to talk tomorrow." Clay exaggerates.

Lia smiles softly, "Alright, i will too. Love you Clay."

"Love you Lia."

The dark lit prison cell glitches back into the stomach of a demon, immediately making the smile on the teen's face fall.

"I'll leave a few punishments for your language. Sleep well darling." Lia stares at the purple flame, watching as it spreads closer to her before it spreads across her body, stopping abruptly.

She gasps once the pain leaves her body, for the most part, and opens her eyes, "fukin' hell."


nughtjy night 👋🌊

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