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yoongi was having a bad day. his sensory issues were worse, he expected taehyung to laugh at him for that, and he had to see kyungmi's family.

he decided to only sign for the day, he wasn't sure how he would communicate since there was basically no people that knew sign language.

yoongi hated the lights in his first period classroom, they were so bright so he tried to keep his head down the whole light. it caused him to have anxious stims, which included hitting his head.

"yoongi, pick your head up" the teacher scolded, yoongi shook his head, he covered his ears in case of any shouting, "use your voice" she said, yoongi hated first period, the tescher was so ableist and it didn't help that taehyung was there.

"if you're so strong, pick your head up" taehyung laughed, namjoon could only sigh across the room, he didn't want to say anything he wasn't supposed to say but he couldn't just watch the boy suffer "ma'am, yoongi is having more problems with his sensory issues today and is mute. please do not force him to do anything that might trigger him" namjoon said in the calmest voice possible, "who are you? a psychologist?" the teacher scoffed, namjoon mentally rolled his eyes "you aren't one either! you teach english! at least do that correctly!"

the class started laughing, the teacher groaned "detention for you kim namjoon!" she said, namjoon rolled his eyes, "is it really my problem you're ableist? just wait until the principal finds out you called yoongi a slur, there's a camera in the corner of the room" namjoon said, pointing to the corner of the room, the teacher stared at the camera and back at namjoon, the class glared at each other, muffling their laughs.

"namjoon, i can't lose my job" she said, namjoon really didn't care "i really don't care, if you want to be that ableist against students, find another job. go work at the restaurant down the street for all i care"  namjoon said, the teacher sighed and set the detention note pad.

"don't tell the principal and i won't write you up"

"oh, i'm telling him anyway"

yoongi was quiet the whole lunch which concerned his friends, he didn't feel like writing or signing in general, all he did was cause problems. they were eating in the library, taehyung only joined because namjoon and seokjin were there. also to show yoongi what he deserved.

"nice to see the autistic is quiet for once" taehyung laughed, yoongi didn't bother looking up from his book, he just sighed, "it would be nice to see you stop being ableist" namjoon mumbled, jungkook stared at all his friends and hummed.

"jungkook, you know sign language, right? yoongi does too" namjoon said, jungkook smiled, his dad was deaf so he knew sign language.

yoongi looked at jungkook and showed a small smile, "nice to know you know sign" yoongi signed, jungkook smiled back "my dad is deaf" the boy signed, yoongi nodded and took a sip of water.

"you have sensory issues?" taehyung asked, yoongi nodded, "they're really bad today, please don't trigger them" yoongi signed, turning to jungkook translate, "he said not to trigger his sensory issues because they're really bad today" jungkook said, taehyung nodded, pretending to be understand.

but he took the metal top from his pencil and scratched it on a piece of paper he had, making the whole group cringe, especially yoongi.he was covering his ears and kicking, rocking back forth. he started hitting himself and he wanted to cry, he thought taehyung was going to be nice for once. his whole body felt disgusting.

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