The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe Pt 5 Finale!

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CO-PILOT: Sir, Anderson's in a bad way. Where are we?
REG: I don't know. Somewhere over the Channel.
CO-PILOT: What do I tell Anderson?
REG: Tell him. Tell him, tell him we're going home for Christmas.
CO-PILOT: Yes, sir.
REG: I'm sorry, my love.
(A bright light fills the cockpit.)
MADGE [OC]: Goodbye, my love. Goodbye!


(The dome has landed with a thump somewhere. The Doctor wafts the smoke away from the figures of Madge, Lily and Cyril lying on the floor. The circlet has fallen off Madge's head.)
DOCTOR: Cyril, Lily, are you all right?
MADGE: Are they dead?
DOCTOR: No, they're just wood now. They've been emptied. The forest has gone from your head too, hasn't it.
MADGE: But where is it now?
DOCTOR: The life force of the whole forest has transmuted itself into a sub-etheric waveband of light, which can exist as a
(He is stopped by a Look.)
DOCTOR: The souls of the trees are out among the stars, and they're shining, very happy. And you got them there. Well done, Madge.
MADGE: And where are we?
DOCTOR: Home! Christmas morning.
(They are outside Uncle Digby's house.)
DOCTOR: We've taken a bit of a short cut. Haven't you always wanted to do that?
LILY: Mother?
MADGE: Oh, look at you. You've been so brave, you. Look, we're home again, see?
LILY: What did you mean, watch him die? Where's Father? Where is he? Where's Daddy? Why are you holding a telegram? Well, what does it say?
CYRIL: Please, just tell us.
LILY: Tell us!
DOCTOR: I imagine you'd prefer to be alone.
MADGE: I don't believe anyone would prefer that. Stay close, Caretaker.
DOCTOR: I'll be right outside.
(The Doctor leaves.)
MADGE: Lily, Cyril.

[Outside Uncle Digby's house]

MADGE [OC]: A few nights ago, your father, who as you know, was the best of men and the bravest of pilots


MADGE: Was flying home for Christmas. His plane was badly damaged, and his instruments failed him. Unfortunately, he was flying on a night where there was no moon, and because it was very cloudy, there were no stars to. There were no stars to light his way.
CYRIL: Did he get lost?
MADGE: Yes, Cyril. He got so very lost.
DOCTOR: Er, sorry to interrupt. You might want to pop out here for a moment.
MADGE: Caretaker, I'm talking to my children.
DOCTOR: I know, and before you go any further, I think you'd better come and look.


(More like a field, a bit rough and overgrown.)
DOCTOR: No stars to light the way, Madge? There was one.


DOCTOR [OC]: There was you.
CO-PILOT: What is it?
REG: I don't know, but it's all we've got. We can follow it.
(And he does, through the Time Vortex.)


DOCTOR: Madge Arwell, who flew a whole forest though the Time Vortex, plus one husband.
(The Bomber has landed safely.)
DOCTOR: He did it again, Madge. He followed you home. Look what you can do, Mother Christmas.
REG: Madge, what am I doing here?
MADGE: It's Christmas Day, my love! Where else would you be?
REG: Christmas Day? How?
MADGE: We took a short cut.
(Big family reunion.)
LILY + CYRIL: Daddy!
DOCTOR: Happy crying. Humany wumany.


(Down in the main sitting room, the happy family are doing a jigsaw in front of a roaring fire. Later, Madge comes into the attic and sees the Tardis. The Doctor comes out of it.)
MADGE: Of course. It's you, isn't it? My spaceman angel, with his head on backwards.
DOCTOR: How do I look the right way round?
MADGE: Funnier.
MADGE: So you came back.
DOCTOR: Well, you were there for me when I had a bad day. Always like to return a favour. Got a bit glitchy in the middle there, but it sort of worked out in the end. Story of my life.
MADGE: Thank you.
DOCTOR: Oh, you did it all yourself, Madge Arwell. But thanks for thanking me.
MADGE: Now, the last time I saw you, I went back the next day, but the police box had gone.
DOCTOR: Yeah. You want to see how it's done?
MADGE: No. I want you to stay for Christmas, please.
DOCTOR: Ah, well, you see, things to do, people to see.
MADGE: Of course. Yes. Family of your own.
DOCTOR: Well, no, actually.
MADGE: Oh. Yes, yes, you said no family. But there must be people who love you. Friends.
DOCTOR: No. Well, yes, but. It's a long story. But they all think I'm dead. Never mind. Anyway, watch my box do its thing. It's really cool. You'll love it.
MADGE: No. No one should be alone at Christmas.
DOCTOR: I'm fine. I don't mind. I'm really very good at being
MADGE: I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about your friends. You can't let them think that you're dead. Not at Christmas.
DOCTOR: It's complicated. Very complicated. It's far too complicated to explain right now.
MADGE: You must tell them. At once. Off you go.
DOCTOR: Yes, Mum. I'll think about it.
(He kisses her on the cheek.)
DOCTOR: Now, eyes on the box.
MADGE: Oh, Caretaker? What if I require you again?
DOCTOR: Make a wish.
(He goes into the Tardis and it dematerialises as Reg comes in.)
REG: What the hell was that?
MADGE: That was just the Caretaker returning to the Time Vortex. It's a lovely place. I've been there myself. Shall we go downstairs?

[Front door]

(The Doctor knocks on a blue suburban front door with a yale lock.)
Isabella  [OC]: Argh! If that is more carol singers, I have a water pistol! You don't want to be all wet on a night like this.
(She opens the door and squirts the Doctor.)
DOCTOR: Not absolutely sure how long
Isabella : Two years?
(Squirt, squirt, squirt.)
DOCTOR: Okay. Fair point.
Isabella : So, you're not dead.
DOCTOR: And a happy New Year!
Isabella : River told us.
DOCTOR: Well, of course she did.
Isabella : She's a good girl. Well? I'm not going to hug first.
DOCTOR: Nor am I.
(They spend a few moments not looking at each other before laughing and hugging.)
AMY: Mister Pond! AMY Rory! Guess who's coming for dinner?
RONALD : Whoa. Not dead, then.
Isabella : We've done that.
AMY: We're about to have Christmas dinner. Joining us?
DOCTOR: If it's no trouble.
RONALD : There's a place set for you.
DOCTOR: But you didn't know I was coming. Why would you set me a place?
Isabella : Oh, because we always do. It's Christmas, you moron.
RORY: Come on.
(Isabella Ronald  and Rory go inside. The Doctor hesitates, then feels his face. It is wet with happy tears.)

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