The Rebel Flesh Pt 3

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(Another pipe ruptures.)
DOCTOR: It is too dangerous out here with acid leaks.
AMY: We have to find Rory.
DOCTOR: Yes. I'm going back to the Tardis. Wait for me in the dining hall. I want us to keep together, okay. No more wandering off.
Isabella : And what about Rory and Ronald?
DOCTOR: Well, it would be safer to look for Rory Ronald  and Jennifer with the Tardis.
JIMMY: Here we go. Distress flares.
JIMMY: Keep going straight. Can't miss it. But you're never going to get your vehicle in here.
DOCTOR: I'm a great parker.
JIMMY: We really need those acid suits. I've sent Buzzer and Dicken to get them.
Isabella : Fine and dandy. I'm just going to find my husband, so cheers.
JIMMY: Isabella , I wouldn't.
Isabella : Nor would I. What can you do, eh?
JIMMY: At least wait for an acid suit.

[Locker room]

(Ronald  finds Jennifer.)
G-JENNIFER: When I was a little girl, I got lost on the moors, wandered off from the picnic. I can still feel how sore my toes got inside my red welly boots. And I imagined another little girl, just like me, in red wellies, and she was Jennifer too. Except she was a strong Jennifer, a tough Jennifer. She'd lead me home. My name is Jennifer Lucas. I am not a factory part. I had toast for my breakfast. I wrote a letter to my mum. And then you arrived. I noticed your eyes right off.
RORY: Did you?
G-JENNIFER: Nice eyes. Kind.
RONALD : Where is the real Jennifer?
G-JENNIFER: I am Jennifer Lucas. I remember everything that happened in her entire life. Every birthday, every childhood illness. I feel everything she has ever felt and more. I'm not a monster! I am me. Me! Me! Me!
(She looks completely human now.)
G-JENNIFER: Why did they do this to us? Help me, Rory. Help me.
RORY: Shush, shush.

[Flesh room]

(The Doctor scans the vat with his sonic screwdriver, then leaves. A pair of lips appear in the vat.)
LIPS: Trust me.

[St Johns Island]

(Just the top of the Tardis is visible, sticking out of the ground.)
DOCTOR: Oh. What are you doing down there?
(Then he notices that his shoes are dissolving. He abandons them and runs back into the monastery.)

[Locker room]

BUZZER: Clear.
(The Acid Suit locker is empty.)
BUZZER: Those damn Gangers got to the acid suits.
DICKEN: There is acid leaking everywhere. Did you see the boss' eyes back there in the hall?
BUZZER: I've never seen a Ganger look at me like that.
DICKEN: I don't know what they are now, but they ain't us.
(Dicken sneezes.)

[Acid room]

(Ganger Dicken, Buzzer and Jimmy are waiting for their leader.)
G-CLEAVES: We have the advantage now. We have the acid suits. We can move freely. Strike at will.


RORY: Are you sure you're feeling better? No more super-elastic punches?
G-JENNIFER: I'm different now. Stronger.
RONALD : The Doctor won't hurt you. He wants to help, Jennifer, okay?
G-JENNIFER: You used my name. You used my name. Thank you.
(She kisses Ronald). 
G-JENNIFER: Isabella's a lucky girl.
RONALD : Yeah, she is. Let's go.
(Someone was hiding up a staircase, listening. It is dark, but I think it was Cleaves.)


Isabella : Ronald . Ronald?
(The Eye Patch woman is looking through a hatch in the far wall.)


(Isabella  slams the door shut again.)
RONALD : Isabella!
Isabella : You're okay. What happened?
(G-Jennifer peeks out from behind Ronald's  back.)
RONALD : She needs protecting.
(Buzzer and Dicken come up from behind.)
Isabella : No, it's a Ganger. Ronald, listen.
RONALD : Look, you listen. Nobody touches her.

[Acid room]

(The Doctor finds the acid suits, and the Gangers.)
DOCTOR: Hello. How are you all getting on?
G-CLEAVES: Why don't you tell us?
DOCTOR: Well, we have two choices. The first is to tear each other apart. Not my favourite. The second is to knuckle down and work together. Try to work out how best we can help you.


(The Doctor leads the Gangers out.)
DOCTOR: Now, I know its hard for you to hold your fully human form. That's why you keep shifting between the Flesh stages, but do try. It'll make the others less scared of you.

[Dining hall]

BUZZER: Where's Jen? What have you done with her?
G-JENNIFER: I haven't seen her, I swear. But look, I'm her. I'm just like her. I'm real.
JIMMY: You're a copy. You're just pretending to be like her.
AMY: Rory, we don't really know anything about them yet.
RONALD : Well, I know that she's afraid and she needs our help.
G-JENNIFER: Jimmy, Buzzer. Come on, you guys. We've worked together for two years.
BUZZER: I worked with Jennifer Lucas, not you.
AMY: Okay, let's not do anything at all
AMY + DOCTOR: Until the Doctor gets here. Hello.
(The Gangers look fully human. This is going to get confusing.)
JIMMY: This is
G-JIMMY: You're telling me.
G-CLEAVES: All right, Doctor, you've brought us together. Now what?
DOCTOR: Before we do anything, I have one very important question. Has anybody got a pair of shoes I could borrow? Size ten. Although I should warn you, I have very wide feet.

[Locker room]

CLEAVES: That's it, Doctor befriend them. Team up with them, why don't you? Make a football team. How about that? You're going to have us all together singing campfire songs.
(She collects some equipment.)

[Dining room]

(The Doctor has acquired boots.)
DOCTOR: The Flesh was never merely moss. These are not copies. The storm has hardwired them. They are becoming people.
JIMMY: With souls?
DICKEN: Rubbish! Achoo.
DOCTOR: Bless you. We were all jelly once. Little jelly eggs sitting in goop.
AMY: Yeah, thanks. Too much information.
DOCTOR: We are not talking about an accident that needs to be mopped up. We are talking about sacred life. Do you understand? Good. Now, the Tardis is trapped in an acid pool. Once I can reach her, I can get you all off this island, humans and Gangers, eh? How does that sound?
JIMMY: Can I make it home for Adam's birthday?
G-JIMMY: What about me? He's my son too.
JIMMY: You? You really think that?
G-JIMMY: I feel it.
JIMMY: Oh, so you were there when he was born, were you?
G-JIMMY: Yeah. I drank about eight pints of tea, then they told me I had a wee boy and I just burst out laughing. No idea why. I miss home, as much as you.
DOCTOR: Look, I'm not going to lie to you. It's a right old mess, this. But as you might say up North, oh well, I'll just go to't foot of stairs. Eee by by gum. Or not. Good. Right. First step is we get everyone together, then get everyone safe. Then, get everyone out of here.
AMY: But we're still missing Jennifer and Cleaves.
JIMMY: I'll go and look for them.
G-JIMMY: I'll give you a hand, if you like. Cover more ground.
JIMMY: Yeah, okay. Thanks.
CLEAVES: This circus has gone on long enough.
G-CLEAVES: Oh, great. You see, that is just so typically me.
CLEAVES: Doctor, tell it to shut up!
DOCTOR: Cleaves, no. No, no.
CLEAVES: Circuit probe. Fires about ooo, forty thousand volts? Would kill any one of us, so I guess she'll work on Gangers just the same.
DOCTOR: It's interesting you refer to them as it, but you call a glorified cattle prod a she.
CLEAVES: When the real people are safely off this island, then I'll happily talk philosophy over a pint with you, Doctor.
Isabella : What are you going to do to them?
CLEAVES: Sorry. They're monsters. Mistakes. They have to be destroyed.
DOCTOR: Give me the probe, Cleaves.
CLEAVES: We always have to take charge, don't we, Miranda. Even when we don't really know what the hell is going on.
(Ganger Buzzer tries to rush her. Cleaves zaps him.)
DOCTOR: Argh! He's dead!
CLEAVES: We call it decommissioned.
DOCTOR: You stopped his heart. He had a heart. Aorta, valves, a real human heart. And you stopped it.
RORY: Jen?
G-JENNIFER: What happened to Buzzer will happen to all of us if we trust you.
DOCTOR: Wait, wait, just wait.
(Ronald  jumps Cleaves and disconnects the power from the probe. The Gangers run away.)
Isabella : You idiot!
DOCTOR: Wait! Look at what you have done, Cleaves.
CLEAVES: If it's war, then it's war. You don't get it, Doctor. How can you? It's us and them now. Us and them.
DICKEN: Us and them.
JIMMY: (sighs) Us and them.

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