The Doctor's Wife Pt 5 finale!

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(The console is closing on the Tardis.)
IDRIS: It's not going to hold.


RONALD : Hold on.
(The console materialises in a shower of sparks.)
Isabella : Doctor.
IDRIS: Not good. Not good at all. How do you walk around in these things?
DOCTOR: We're not quite there yet. Just hold on. Amy,Isabella  this is, well, she's my Tardis. Except she's a woman. She's a woman, and she's my Tardis.
AMY: She's the Tardis?
DOCTOR: And she's a woman. She's a woman and she's the Tardis.
Isabella : Did you wish really hard?
DOCTOR: Shut up. Not like that.
IDRIS: Hello. I'm Sexy.
DOCTOR: Oh. Still shut up.
HOUSE [OC]: The environment has been breached. Nephew, kill them all.
RORY: Where's Nephew?
AMY: He was standing right where you materialised.
DOCTOR: Ah. Well, he must have been redistributed.
RONALD : Meaning what?
DOCTOR: You're breathing him.
Isabella : Oh, come on.
DOCTOR: Another Ood I failed to save.
HOUSE [OC]: Doctor. I did not expect you.
DOCTOR: Well, that's me all over, isn't it? Lovely old unexpected me.
HOUSE [OC]: The big question is, now you're here, how to dispose of you? I could play with gravity.
(They get pulled to the floor for a few seconds.)
HOUSE [OC]: Or I could evacuate the air from this room and watch you choke.
DOCTOR: You really don't want to do that.
HOUSE [OC]: Why shouldn't I just kill you now?
DOCTOR: Because then I won't be able to help you. Listen to your engines. Just listen to them. You don't have the thrust and you know it. Right now I'm your only hope for getting out of your little bubble through the rift, and into my universe. And mine's the one with the food in.
IDRIS: Water, water.
DOCTOR: You just have to promise not to kill us. That's all, just promise.
AMY; You can't be serious.
DOCTOR: I'm very serious. I'm sure it's an entity of its word.
RORY: Doctor, she's burning up. She's asking for water.
DOCTOR: Hey. Hang in there, old girl. Not long now. It'll be over soon.
IDRIS: I always liked it when you call me old girl.
HOUSE [OC]: You want me to give my word? Easy. I promise.
DOCTOR: Fine. Okay. I trust you. Just delete, oh er, thirty percent of the Tardis rooms, you'll free up thrust enough to make it through. Activate subroutine Sigma nine.
HOUSE [OC]: Why would you tell me this?
DOCTOR: Because we want to get back to our universe as badly as you do. And I'm nice.
HOUSE [OC]: Yes. I can delete rooms. And I can also rid myself of vermin if I delete this room first. Thank you, Doctor. Very helpful. Goodbye, Time Lord. Goodbye, little humans. Goodbye, Idris.
(Bright light. The Tardis returns to normal space with an empty console room. Then the four of them appear.)
DOCTOR: Yes. I mean, you could do that, but it just won't work. Hardwired fail safe. Living things from rooms that are deleted are automatically deposited in the main control room. But thanks for the lift.
HOUSE [OC]: We are in your universe now, Doctor. Why should it matter to me in which room you die? I can kill you just as easily here as anywhere. Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords.
DOCTOR: Fear me. I've killed all of them.
(Idris is still telepathically telling Ronald  stuff.)
RONALD : I don't understand. There isn't a forest in here.
DOCTOR: Yeah, you're right. You've completely won. Oh, you can kill us in oodles of really inventive ways, but before you do kill us allow me and friends Amy Isabella Ronald and Rory to congratulate you on being an absolutely worthy opponent.
Isabella : Congratulations.
DOCTOR: Yep, you've defeated us. Me and my lovely friends here, and last but definitely not least, the Tardis Matrix herself, a living consciousness you ripped out of this very control room and locked up into a human body. And look at her.
RONALD : Doctor, she's stopped breathing.
HOUSE [OC]: Enough. That is enough.
DOCTOR: No. It's never enough. You forced the Tardis into a body so she'd burn out safely a very long way away from this control room. A flesh body can't hold the Tardis Matrix and live. Look at her body, House.
HOUSE [OC]: And you think I should mourn her?
DOCTOR: No. I think you should be very, very careful about what you let back into this control room. You took her from her home. But now she's back in the box again, and she's free.
(The golden energy streams from Idris into the console then out again and through the Tardis.)
HOUSE [OC]: No. Doctor, stop this. Argh! Stop this now.
DOCTOR: Oh, look at my girl. Look at her go. Bigger on the inside. You see, House?
HOUSE [OC]: Make her stop.
DOCTOR: That's your problem. Size of a planet, but inside you are just so small.
HOUSE [OC]: Make it stop.
DOCTOR: Finish him off, girl.
HOUSE [OC]: Ow. Don't do this! Argh!
(Golden Idris is standing on the stairs.)
IDRIS: Doctor, are you there? It's so very dark in here.
DOCTOR: I'm here.
IDRIS: I've been looking for a word. A big, complicated word, but so sad. I've found it now.
DOCTOR: What word?
IDRIS: Alive. I'm alive.
DOCTOR: Alive isn't sad.
IDRIS: It's sad when it's over. I'll always be here, but this is when we talked, and now even that has come to an end. There's something I didn't get to say to you.
DOCTOR: Goodbye?
IDRIS: No. I just wanted to say hello. Hello, Doctor. It's so very, very nice to meet you.
DOCTOR: Please. I don't want you to. Please.
(Idris dematerialises.)
DOCTOR: Where?
(Later, the Doctor is doing some work below the console.)
RORY: How's it going under there?
DOCTOR: Just putting a firewall around the Matrix. Almost done.
AMY: Are you going to make her talk again?
DOCTOR: I can't.
RONALD : Why not?
Isabella : Spacey wacey, isn't it?
DOCTOR: Well, actually, it's because the Time Lords discovered that if you take an eleventh dimensional matrix and fold it into a mechanical then. Yes, it's spacey wacey.
RONALD : Sorry. At the end, she was talking. She kept repeating something. I don't know what it meant.
DOCTOR: What did she say?
RORY: The only water in the forest is the river. She said we'd need to know that someday. It doesn't make sense, does it?
DOCTOR: Not yet. You okay?
RONALD : No. I watched her die. I shouldn't let it get to me, but it still does. I'm a nurse.
DOCTOR: Letting it get to you. You know what that's called? Being alive. Best thing there is. Being alive right now, that's all that counts. Nearly finished. Two more minutes, then we're off. The Eye of Orion's restful, if you like restful. I can never really get the hang of restful. What do you think, dear? Where shall we take the kids this time?
Isabella : Look at you pair. It's always you and her, isn't it, long after the rest of us have gone. A boy and his box, off to see the universe.
DOCTOR: Well, you say that as if it's a bad thing. But honestly, it's the best thing there is. The House deleted all the bedrooms. I should probably make you two a new bedroom. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
AMY: Okay. Er, Doctor, this time could we lose the bunk beds?
DOCTOR: No. Bunk beds are cool. A bed with a ladder. You can't beat that. It's your room. Out those stairs, keep walking till you find it. Off you pop.
RORY: Doctor, do you have a room?
(Amy pulls Rory away. Later, the Doctor's work is finished.)
DOCTOR: Are you there? Can you hear me? Oh, I'm a silly old. Okay. The Eye of Orion, or wherever we need to go.
(Levers move on their own.)
DOCTOR: Ha ha! Whoo hoo.

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