The Girls Who Waited Pt 3

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RONALD  [OC]: Where is everyone?
DOCTOR: Right, Ronald , switch the Time Glass on and sonic it.

[Red Waterfall corridor]

DOCTOR [OC]: I'm sending a command signal to the screwdriver. Isabella's and Amy's here somewhere, if I can just get a lock on her.


DOCTOR: I wonder what happens if we mix the filters?
(Lots of blurry people appear in the Time Glass, and via Ronald -cam on a screen in the Tardis.)
DOCTOR: Oh, there they are. Forty thousand time streams overlapping. Red Waterfall isn't one time stream, it's thousands.

[Red Waterfall corridor]

RONALD : Are they happy?
DOCTOR: Oh, Ronald.


DOCTOR: Trust you to think of that.

[Red Waterfall corridor]

DOCTOR [OC]: I think they're happy to be alive. Better than the alternative.
(Ronald  lowers the Time Glass and is confronted by a red haired female Samurai warrior. He falls backwards.)
RONALD : I come in peace. Peace, peace, peace, peace.
WARRIOR: I waited.
RONALD : Sorry, what?
WARRIOR: I waited for you. I waited for you.
(The warrior raises her helmet. She is an older Isabella.)
RONALD : Isabella.


RONALD  [OC]: Doctor, what's going on?

[Red Waterfall corridor]

RONALD : Isabella. 
DOCTOR [OC]: I think the timestream lock might be a bit wobbly.
(Isabella  raises her sword.)
RONALD : No, please. Please.
Isabella : Duck.
(Isabella's katana goes straight through a Handbot's head.)
Isabella : Handbots carry a black box in case they go offline. I've changed the cause of termination from hostile to accidental.


Isabella  [on screen]: Easy to re-programme. Used my sonic probe.

[Red Waterfall corridor]

RONALD : Isabella .
Isabella : Ronald .
Isabella : Because I've survived this long by making the Handbots think I don't exist.


Isabella  [on screen]: Don't touch the hands.

[Red Waterfall corridor]

Isabella : There's anaesthetic transfer on the skin. If they touch you, you go to sleep.
RONALD : But you're still here?
Isabella : You didn't save me.
RONALD : But, this is the saving. This is the us saving you. The Doctor just got the timing a bit out.
DOCTOR [silent]: Sorry.
Isabella : I've been on my own here a long, long time. I've had decades to think nice thoughts about him. Got a bit harder to stay charitable once I entered decade four.
RONALD : Forty years? Alone?
Isabella : Thirty six years, thanks.
RONALD : No. Right. I mean, you look great. Really, really.
Isabella : Eyes front, soldier.
RONALD : Still can't win then.
Isabella : In fact, I think I can now definitely say I hate him. I hate The Doctor. I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone


Isabella  [on screen]: In my life, and you can hear every word of this through those ridiculous glasses, can't you, Raggedy Man?
DOCTOR: Er, yes. Putting the speaker phone on.
Isabella  [on scanner]: You told me to wait, and I did. A lifetime.
DOCTOR: Isabella 
Isabella  [on scanner]: You've got nothing to say to me.
DOCTOR: Isabella , behind you.

[Red Waterfall corridor]

(Two more Handbots. Isabella  throws her katana to Ronald  and touches the Handbots hands together.)
Isabella : Feedback. Knocks them out.


Isabella  [on scanner]: Learned that trick on my first day.

[Arrivals area]

RONALD : Okay, so we just take the Tardis back to the right time stream, yeah?


RONALD  [OC]: We can stop any of this happening.

[Arrivals area]

DOCTOR [OC]: We locked on to a timestream, Ronald . This is it.
RONALD : This is so wrong.
Isabella : I got old, Ronald. What did you think was going to happen?
RONALD : Hey, I don't care that you got old. I care that we didn't grow old together. Isabella , come on, please.
Isabella : Don't touch me. Don't do that.
RONALD : It's like you're not even her.
Isabella : Thirty six years, three months, four days of solitary confinement. This facility was built to give people the chance to live.


Isabella  [on scanner]: I walked in here and I died. Do you have anything to say? Anything, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Where did you get a sonic screwdriver?
Isabella  [on scanner]: I made it. And it's a sonic probe.

[Arrivals area]

(The lipstick has all but disappeared from the door now.)
RONALD : You made a sonic screwdriver?
Isabella : Probe.

[Isabella's lair]

(Ronald  follows Isabella into the place she has made her home. There is a Handbot with a smiling face drawn on its head and hooks instead of hands.)
Isabella : Don't worry about him. Sit down, Ronald.
(The Handbot sits, as does Ronald .)
RONALD : You named him after me?
Isabella : Needed a bit of company.
RONALD : So he's like your pet? Is it safe?
(Isabella  gets the remains of her lipstick from a box and looks at it.)
Isabella : Yep. I disarmed it.
RONALD : How? Oh, you disarmed it.
: Oh, don't get sentimental, it's just a robot. You'd have done the same.

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