The Almost People Pt 4

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[Thermostatic room]

DOCTOR: It's a chemical chain reaction now. I can't stop it. This place is going to blow sky high.
CLEAVES: Exactly how long have we got?
DOCTOR: An hour? Five seconds? Er, somewhere in between.
(A klaxon wails.)


(They meet Rory and Ronald  coming the other way.)
RONALD : Thank God. All right?
Isabella : Oh, Ronald . Oh, Ronald .
RORY: There's a way out. Jennifer found it. A secret tunnel under the crypt.
CLEAVES: From the crypt? It's not on the schematics.
RONALD : It runs right out of the monastery. Maybe even under the Tardis, Doctor. Follow me.


(The Ganger Doctor wakes to find the other Gangers standing over him.)
G-DOCTOR: Got anything for a sore head?
G-CLEAVES: This is how they'll always treat us. Do you see now? After all, you're one of us, Doctor.
G-DOCTOR: Call me Smith. John Smith.

[Acid room]

JIMMY: We can't leave without Buzzer.
CLEAVES: I'll go back for him.
RORY: Er, Doctor, look. I'd better tell you. I haven't been quite straight with you.
(Ganger Jennifer closes the door, locking the rest in.)

[Outside the Acid room]

DOCTOR: Rory Ronald!
RONALD : Hang on, Jen. We don't need to lock them up. We should just show them what we've found.
G-JENNIFER: I don't think so.
DOCTOR: Ronald  Pond, RonaicusPondicus! 

Isabella : Ronald , What the hell are you playing at?
RONALD : They've been throwing away old Flesh and leaving it to rot. Alive. I think the world should see that.
DOCTOR: Ronald , there is no time. The factory's about to explode.
RORY: Are you sure about this? Because I'm not. Let them out.
G-JENNIFER: The little girl got strong.
RONALD : What?
G-JENNIFER: The little girl lost on the moors in her red wellies, looking for a way home? Well, she got strong, Rory. I told you, remember?
RORY: But that wasn't. It was the other Jennifer that told me about being a little girl.
G-JENNIFER: Oh? What other Jennifer?
RONALD : Well, the, the er. Wait, you tricked me? Let me go. I'm opening the door. Let me. I'm sorry!
(Ganger Jennifer drags Ronald  away.)
Isabella : No!
G-CLEAVES: We have to be free.
CLEAVES: I'm sorry too, Miranda. Of all the humans in the world, you had to pick the one with the clot. But hey, them's the breaks. Welcome to the human race.

[Acid room]

(The Doctor scans the acid vat with the sonic screwdriver, which I thought the Ganger Doctor had?)
DOCTOR: This is going to overheat and fill the room with acid, just as a point of interest.
CLEAVES: And we can't stop it?
DOCTOR: Just as a point of interest? No.

[Dining hall]

RONALD : You created another Ganger just to trick me. You tricked me. When I found you, you were both Flesh and you tricked me into trusting you. Jen's dead, isn't she?
G-DOCTOR: She's gone, Ronald . Gone.
PILOT [OC]: Shuttle. We're dropping down on our approach. Stand by for evac.
G-JENNIFER: The humans will be melted, as they deserve, and then the factory will be destroyed. Once we get to the mainland, the real battle begins. The humans won't stand a chance. You're one of us, Doctor. Join the revolution.
RONALD : I've got to go and get them out.
(The Doctor pushes him back.)

[Acid room]

(Dicken is lowering the lid onto the vat.)
JIMMY: It'll never hold her.
DOCTOR: If you have a better plan, I'm all ears. In fact, if you have a better plan, I'll take you to a planet where everyone is all ears.

[Dining hall]

RORY: Doctor, we can't just let them die.
(The Doctor checks his wrist watch.)
G-DOCTOR: Ring, ring.
RONALD : Doctor!
G-DOCTOR: Ring, ring.

[Acid room]

CLEAVES: The acid's eating through.

[Dining hall]

(The whole monastery shakes.)
RORY: Okay.
(The telephone rings.)
G-DOCTOR: Ah, that'll be the phone. Somebody get the phone. Jimmy, get the phone. No? Fine, I'll get the phone. Stay put.
(It is a holographic communication system. A little boy in pajamas is standing underneath the words Morpeth Jetsan Pre-Booked Holo-Call ) 

COMPUTER: Thank you for booking your holo-call with Morpeth Jetsan, bringing the world together.
G-DOCTOR: Ha! Hello, Adam, I'm the Doctor. Well, other Doctor. Or Smith. It's complicated and boring. Anyway, who cares. It's your birthday.
ADAM: Yay.
G-DOCTOR: Yay. Now, have you been getting up very early and jumping on the bed?
ADAM: Yes, really high.
G-DOCTOR: I expect chocolate for breakfast. If you don't feel sick by mid-morning, you're not doing it right. Now, I think you want to speak to Dad.
ADAM: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Daddy?
G-DOCTOR: You'll do, Jimmy. What does the other Jimmy matter now? You're both the same dad, aren't you? Come on, Adam's waiting.
ADAM: Daddy? Daddy, what's that rumbly noise? What's going on, Daddy? Daddy?
(Ganger Jimmy runs out.)
G-JENNIFER: You've tricked him into an act of weakness, Doctor.
G-DOCTOR: No, I've helped him into an act of humanity. Anyone else like the sound of that? Act of humanity.
G-CLEAVES: Dicken, drain the acid well in Crypt One.
G-JENNIFER: Don't you dare.
G-CLEAVES: I've had it with this. What's the point in this ridiculous war? Look at you, Jen. You were a sweet kid. Look at you now. The stuff of nightmares. I don't want my world populated by monsters.
G-JENNIFER: You can't stop the factory from melting down, boss. I'll take revenge on humanity with or without you.
G-DOCTOR: It doesn't have to be about revenge. It can be so much better than that.
(Jennifer runs out.)

[Acid room]

(Jimmy is trying to keep the lid on the boiling vat. He gets burnt by acid just before his Ganger comes in.)
JIMMY: Argh.
G-JIMMY: Let me through.
DOCTOR: There's nothing we can do. The acid's reached his heart.
G-JIMMY: Hang in there, mate.
JIMMY: I'm quite handsome from this angle.
G-JIMMY: I'm sorry. I'm the fake. Adam deserves his real dad.
JIMMY: Shut up.
G-JIMMY: What do you want me to do? Anything. Just say.
JIMMY: The way things are, mate, it's up to you now. Be a dad. You remember how.
(Jimmy hands over his wedding ring then dies.)
DOCTOR: Jimmy Wicks, you're a dad.

[Dining hall]

ADAM: Daddy? Where's my daddy?
(The rescued group enters. Amy and Rory hug. The two Cleaves stare at each other.)
ADAM: Daddy, it's me.
G-JIMMY: Hey, sunshine. What are you up to?
ADAM: Opening all my presents.
G-JIMMY: Ha ha, good lad. You have fun today. And remember your dad, he loves you very, very much.
ADAM: When are you coming home?
DOCTOR: Daddy's coming home today, Adam.
ADAM: Yay.
DOCTOR: Now we need to move.

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