The Impossible Astronaut Pt 6

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RONALD : Are you okay? 

RIVER: Ah. Yes, yes. I just felt a bit sick. It's the prison food, probably. Okay, this way? What do you think?
RORY: I keep thinking I hear things.
RIVER: That's interesting. These tunnels are old. Really old. How can they be really old and nobody notice them?
(They come across a metal door.)
RONALD : It's a maintenance hatch.
RIVER: It's locked. Oh, why do people always lock things?
RORY: What's through there?
RIVER: I've no idea.
RONALD : Something bad?
RIVER: Almost definitely.
RORY: You're going to open it, aren't you?
RIVER: Well, it's locked. How's a girl supposed to resist?
RONALD : Is this sensible?
RIVER: God, I hope not.
RORY: Oh, you and the Doctor. I can kind of picture it.
RIVER: Keep a look out.
RONALD : What did you mean? What you said to Isabella . There's a worst day coming for you.
RIVER: When I first met the Doctor, a long, long time ago, he knew all about me. Think about that. An impressionable young girl and, suddenly this man just drops out of the sky and he's clever and mad and wonderful, and knows every last thing about her. Imagine what that does to a girl.
RORY: I don't really have to.
RIVER: The trouble is, it's all back to front. My past is his future. We're travelling in opposite directions. Every time we meet, I know him more, he knows me less. I live for the days when I see him, but I know that every time I do, he'll be one step further away. And the day is coming when I'll look into that man's eyes, my Doctor, and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it's going to kill me.
(She gets the door unlocked.)


(Dry ice wafting across the floor. A hum of machinery and what looks suspiciously like the time ship that was pretending to the the first floor of 79 Aickman Road, Colchester.)
RONALD : What is this place?
RIVER: That's an alarm. Check if anything's coming.
(Rory looks outside and sees the aliens, but when he turns back - )
RORY: There's nothing out there.
RIVER: These tunnels, they're not just here, they're everywhere. They're running under the surface of the entire planet. They've been here for centuries.
(The lights start flickering.)
RIVER: Rory!


AMY: So, you were kicked out of the FBI because you had attitude problems?
CANTON: No, I just wanted to get married.
Isabella : Is that a crime?
CANTON: Yes. Doctor who, exactly?
AMY: Ah. That's classified.
CANTON: Classified by who?
Isabella : God knows.
CANTON: Do you work for him?
Isabella : He's my friend, if friend is the right word. I haven't seen him in a while. I had something I wanted to tell him, but stuff always gets in the way.
CANTON: Stuff does that.
GIRL [OC]: Help me! Help! Help me!
CANTON: That's her.
(Isabella  suddenly doubles over.)
DOCTOR: Isabella?
GIRL [OC]: Help me! Please!
DOCTOR: What's wrong?
Isabella : I need to tell you something. It's important.
CANTON [OC]: Doctor!
Ronald : It's really, really important.
CANTON [OC]: Doctor, quickly!
DOCTOR: What, now?
(They run through the warehouse to find Canton on the floor.)
DOCTOR: Canton! Canton, are you okay?
AMY: Is he all right?
DOCTOR: Just unconscious. Got a proper whack.
Isabella : Doctor, I need to tell you something. I have to tell you it now.
DOCTOR: Not a great moment.
Isabella : No, it's important. It has to be now.
GIRL [OC]: Help! Help me! Help me!
Isabella : Doctor, I'm pregnant.
(Heavy footsteps behind them.)
AMY: That's it. The astronaut.
(The astronaut points at the Doctor. Isabella  reaches for Canton's gun. The astronaut raises its visor - it is the little girl.)
GIRL: Help me!
Isabella : Get down!
DOCTOR: What are you doing?
Isabella : Saving your life!
(Isabella  shoots at the astronaut, and screams.)

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