Night Terrors Pt 1

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[George's bedroom]

(Night time at a large block of flats. The residents are making their way home for the night. An old woman struggles to get her shopping trolley up the steps to the lift. A little boy in his pajamas can hear the noise it makes as it travels in its shaft next to his bedroom wall)
CLAIRE: George, I won't tell you again. Get into bed. I'm going to be late for work. It's just the lift, love. How many more times?
GEORGE: Don't like it.
(Mum Claire is a nurse.)
CLAIRE: Well, what do we do with the things we don't like? We
BOTH: Put them in the cupboard.
GEORGE: The thing. You have to do the thing, Mum.
(She switches his bedroom light on and off four times.)
GEORGE: Five times. It has to be five times.
(George closes his eyes and prays.)
GEORGE: Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from the monsters.
CLAIRE: All right now? Come on, George. There's nothing to be scared of. Night, night then, love.

[Living room]

ALEX: How is he?
CLAIRE: He's in bed at least.
(George uses a torch to light up his room and create scary shadows.)
ALEX: I'm worried about him. Why's he terrified all the time?
CLAIRE: He needs help.
ALEX: He's got us.
CLAIRE: He needs a doctor.
GEORGE [OC]: Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from the monsters.


(The Doctor gets a message on his psychic paper.)
DOCTOR: Please save me from the monsters. Haven't done this in a while.
AMY: Haven't done what? What are you doing?
DOCTOR: Making a house call.

[Garage block]

(The Tardis materialises by a big puddle.)
RORY: No offence, Doctor
DOCTOR: Meaning the opposite.
RONALD : But we could get a bus somewhere like this.
DOCTOR: The exact opposite.
Isabella : Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff, Ronald .
DOCTOR: Yes, it can. Course it can. Planets and history and stuff. That's what we do. But not today. No. Today, we're answering a cry for help from the scariest place in the universe. A child's bedroom.

[By the lift]

(George can hear the squeak of Mrs Rossiter's shopping trolley, and her asthmatic breathing as she goes past his window.)
RORY: Please save me from the monsters? Who sent that?
DOCTOR: That's what we're here to find out.
AMY: Sounds like something a kid would say.
DOCTOR: Exactly. A scared kid. A very scared kid. So scared that somehow its cry for help got through to us in the Tardis.
Isabella : Yeah, but you've traced it here.
DOCTOR: Exactly. Ah. Going up.

[Living room]

(Alex is slumped on the settee looking at family photographs rather than watching the box. Sounds like the One Show or something equally inane.)
TELEVISION: Now, did you know there that there are twice as many pets as people here in the UK? Now that's a lot of animals and we want to know how clever they are. Now, if you were watching BBC1 on Saturday night, you will have seen Rolf Harris and Kate Humble
(George is still scanning his room with the torch, getting more and more frightened.)

[Block of flats]

(The trio are knocking on a doors. A little girl answers the one Amy and Isabella  are at, while the Doctor gets Mrs Rossiter.)
AMY: Hi.
DOCTOR: Hello.
(And Rory and Ronald  gets a grumpy man.)
Isabella : Are your mummy and daddy in, or is it just you?
(The door opens wider to reveal twin girls.)
AMY: Okay.
MRS ROSSITER: Is it about the bins?
DOCTOR: Pardon?
RORY: Community support. Just checking up on community-based things.
(The twins mother speaks to Amy and Isabella .)
JULIE: Can I help you?
Isabella : Hi. Er, yeah. No, sorry. I was just wondering if you've had any bother around here?
RONALD : Is everything okay?
MRS ROSSITER: The bins. I can't be expected to get down all them stairs. I need new knees.
JULIE: Bother? What do you mean?
AMY: Well, I mean
RORY: Are your neighbours nice? Do you get on well?
JULIE: He didn't send you, did he?
Isabella : Who?
PURCELL: Jim Purcell. Course we get on well. I'm their landlord. They love me, don't they?
RONALD : You're the landlord?
DOCTOR: Not the bins, no, Miss?
MRS ROSSITER: Mrs Rossiter.
PURCELL: I thought you'd know that, being from community support.
RORY: Yeah. Yes. Yes, of course. Sorry.
MRS ROSSITER: I've already got a new hip. I'll be able to manage when I get the knees. Up and down them stairs like Sherpa Tensing, then.
DOCTOR: Can I come in?
(Purcell's dog snaps at Rory.)
MRS ROSSITER: Course not. You could be anyone.
DOCTOR: I could be, but I'm not.
RONALD : Or maybe it's best if I come back another time.
DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor.
(Three doors are slammed in three faces. George looks out through his window as Rory Ronald Isabella  and Amy walk along the landing.)
Isabella : We've got to find that kid.
RORY: Maybe we should let the monsters gobble him up.
(Across the way, the Doctor spots George.)

[By the lift]

Isabella : Hey. Any luck?
DOCTOR: Three old ladies, a traffic warden from Croatia and a man with ten cats.
RORY: What are we actually looking for?
DOCTOR: Ten cats. Scared kid, remember?
AMY: We  found scary kids. Does that count?
DOCTOR: Er, try the next floor down. Catch you later.
Isabella : Okay.
RONALD : Maybe it was, you know, junk mail.
AMY: What?
RORY: The message on the psychic paper. Maybe it was just nothing.
(They all get into the lift, Amy presses 4 and it drops like a stone. The floor indicator suggests they were originally above floor 12. When the lift arrives at G, the doors open and the lift is empty.)

[Front door]

(The Doctor knocks and flashes his psychic paper as soon as Alex opens the door.)
ALEX: Oh. Right. That was quick.
DOCTOR: Was it?
(He checks the paper.)
ALEX: Claire said she'd phone someone. Social Services.
DOCTOR: Yes. Yes.
ALEX: It's not easy, you know, admitting your kid's got a problem.
DOCTOR: You've got a problem. I've got a problem. I bet they're connected, I'm the Doctor. Call me Doctor. What can I call you?
ALEX: Alex.
DOCTOR: Hello, Alex.
(He steps inside.)
DOCTOR: So, tell me about George.
(There is a label on the nearest door - George's room. Inside, George is still scaring himself by making nasty shadows.)

[Rubbish area]

(Mrs Rossiter has dragged her black rubbish bag down and outside to the communal bins. There are other bin bags piled up by the metal containers.)
MRS ROSSITER: What a blooming mess. I'm the only one who gives a monkeys round here any more. Shocking. Talking to yourself now, Elsie. They say it's the first sign.
(Something moves amongst the bags.)
MRS ROSSITER: Oh, Lord. Come out of there! Don't be so ruddy horrible, trying to scare an old lady to death. It's not right. Is that you, George? I'll tell your mum and dad. Come on, you little devil. Let's see your face.
(Something pulls Mrs Rossiter into the pile of bin bags.)

[Living room]

(The Doctor is looking through the family albums.)
ALEX: Ever since he was born he's been a funny kid.
DOCTOR: Funny's good. We like funny, don't we?
ALEX: He never cries. Bottles it all up, I suppose. Tell him off, he just looks at you.
DOCTOR: How old is he?
ALEX: He was eight in January. I mean, he should be growing out of stuff like this, shouldn't he?
DOCTOR: Maybe. It's got worse, though lately?
ALEX: Yeah. We talked about getting help. You know, maybe sending him somewhere. He started getting these nervous tics. You know, funny little cough, blinking all the time. But now it's got completely out of hand. I mean, he's scared to death of everything.
DOCTOR: Pantaphobia.
ALEX: What?
DOCTOR: That's what it's called. Pantaphobia. Not a fear of pants though, if that's what you're thinking. It's a fear of everything. Including pants, I suppose, in that case. Sorry. Go on.
ALEX: He hates clowns.
DOCTOR: Understandable.
ALEX: Old toys. He thinks the old lady across the way is a witch. He hates having a bath in case there's something under the water. The lift sounds like someone breathing. Look, I don't know. I'm not an expert. Maybe you can get through to him.
DOCTOR: I'll do my best.


(Rory and Ronald  wakes up on bare floorboards in a dark room.)
RORY and Ronald : Amy? Isabella? Are you here? 

AMY: Yeah. We're Here. No, here. It's us. 
(Rory has a small pencil torch.)
RORY: You okay?
AMY: Yeah, I think so.
RONALD : What happened to the lift? We were in a lift, weren't we?
Isabella : Yeah, yeah. We. I remember getting in and then. What?
RORY: We're dead, aren't we.
AMY: Eh?
RONALD : The lift fell and we're dead.
Isabella : Shut up.
RORY: We're dead. Again.
AMY: Oh, shut up. Let's just find out where we are.

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