Closing Time Pt 3

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[Ladies clothing]

DOCTOR: Cybermats are infiltrators. Very small, very deadly. They collect power like bees collect pollen. One of them's been sucking the electrical energy from this area. But why a shop? You know, why not a nuclear power station?
CRAIG: Okay, why?
DOCTOR: Let's ask it. We wait for the shop to shut. We stake the place out and grab ourselves a Cybermat.
CRAIG: And this is just a coincidence, is it?
DOCTOR: What is?
CRAIG: Aliens in Colchester. Aliens twice in my life, happening to me, just when you turn up.
DOCTOR: Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not my fault, Craig.
CRAIG: Oh, shush. Look what you've done now.
DOCTOR: It's his nappy. He's mentioned it twice.
CRAIG: Well sorry, I don't speak baby, do I.
DOCTOR: There's a changing station over by Electrical Goods.
CRAIG: And of course, you'd know that. Come on, Alfie.
DOCTOR: Craig! It's a coincidence. It happens. It's what the universe does for
(The Doctor sees Isabella  and Ronald  walking towards him when a little girl stops them.)
ELLY: Can I have your autograph, please?
AMY: Er, yeah. Sure.
Isabella : What's your name?
ELLY: Elly.
Isabella : To Elly. I like your hairband.
ELLY: Thank you.
(The Doctor conceals himself.)
RONALD : All right?
Isabella : There you go.
ELLY: Thank you.
(Isabella  and Ronald  leave. Elly points towards the Doctor. He turns to see a big perfume advert on the wall nearby with Isabella's  face on it. Petrichor. For The Girl Who's Tired Of Waiting.)
DOCTOR: Isabella  Pond.

[Ground floor]

(The Doctor, Craig, and Alfie hide amongst the perfume and make up counters as George makes his rounds. When it is clear, the Doctor starts scanning with his sonic screwdriver.)
DOCTOR: Right, let's be having you then, Cybermat.
(Alfie cries.)
DOCTOR: Shush.
CRAIG: Can't you put that on quiet?
DOCTOR: No. It's a sonic screwdriver. Sonic equals sound. Take this. I got it on my discount, ten percent off. It's a papoose.
CRAIG: Why do I need a papoose?
DOCTOR: Alfie wants you attached to him. You are far too slow when he summons you.
CRAIG: When's he going to stop giving me marks?
DOCTOR: Never. That's parenthood. Couldn't you have just got a babysitter? No, any babysitter. Doesn't have to be a hot one.
CRAIG: I told everyone I know I didn't need their help this weekend.
CRAIG: They won't even answer my calls. I didn't know there was going to be an invasion of Cyberman.
DOCTOR: Shush.
(Down in the basement, the lights are playing up.)
DOCTOR: It's okay.
(They get Alfie out of the buggy to go into the papoose when the Cybermat shows itself. The Doctor snares it in a butterfly net.)
DOCTOR: Ah ha! That's very odd. It must be on low power. Or I'm better at that than I remember.
CRAIG: Oh, is that it?
CRAIG: Oh, that's quite cute. Look at that. Look, Alfie, look.
(The Cybermat bares its teeth.)
CRAIG: Argh!
(The Doctor sonicks it into submission. Down in the basement, George hears some noises and goes to investigate. There is a Cyberman behind him.)
CRAIG: Metal rat, real mouth! Metal rat, real mouth.
DOCTOR: Yes, I know it is.
CRAIG: Metal rat, real mouth.
DOCTOR: Stop screaming. Stop, stop screaming. Shush.
(George screams.)
DOCTOR: Come on!


DOCTOR: George!
(He finds the torch, then the man.)
DOCTOR: George
(The Cyberman knocks him out. A little later...)
CRAIG: Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! What happened?
DOCTOR: Oh, I've been, I've been chipped, chapped, chopped. The Cyberman. It killed George, took him back to the ship.
CRAIG: The Cybermen are here? But you said
DOCTOR: Yeah, I know what I said. I say a lot of things. But I fused the teleport. It should have taken them days to repair.
CRAIG: Are you okay?
DOCTOR: Oh, I should be dead, but the arm it chopped me with, it was damaged. Old spare parts. Must have changed those missing people.
CRAIG: They've changed the missing into Cybermen? Why didn't they change you?
DOCTOR: A long story. I'm not exactly compatible. But why are they using spare parts? Why? Everything I find out makes less sense.
CRAIG: Doctor, listen to me. If the Cybermen are here, then we're not safe. We've got to go. We've got to go back to base.
DOCTOR: We've got a base? When did we get a base?

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