Night Terrors Pt 2

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(Lots of wood panelling and a tall ceiling. Georgian style layout.)
RORY: You know, it's obvious what's happened.
AMY: Yeah? Really? Because it's not obvious to me.
RONALD : The Tardis has gone funny again. Some time slippy thing. You know, The Doctor's back there in Eastenders-land and we're stuck here in the past. This is probably seventeen hundred and something.
Isabella : Yay. My favourite year.
(A shadowy figure crosses behind them.)

[George's room]

(The lift moves, his dressing gown on the back of the door moves, George jumps and knocks his bedside lamp over.)
ALEX: George? You okay? What's the matter? Oh. Never mind. Were you having a nightmare, son?
GEORGE: Wasn't a nightmare. I wasn't asleep. Who are you?
DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor.
GEORGE: A doctor? Have you come to take me away?
DOCTOR: No, George. I just want to talk to you.
GEORGE: What about?
DOCTOR: About the monsters.


(Creaky door into a massive room with a long range of ovens. Amy walks into some fire irons and makes a clatter.)
AMY: A bit neglected, wherever it is.
RORY: Let's find the front door, at least. Then we can work out where we are. When we are.
(Isabella  picks up a pan and taps it.)
Isabella : Ronald?
Isabella : Look at this.
RONALD : Well, it's a copper pan.
Isabella : No, it's not. It's wood. It's made of wood and just painted to look like copper.
RONALD : That is stupid.
Isabella : Wait. Hang on.
(She spots a lamp on a shelf.)
Isabella : There's a switch.
(A flame shaped bulb lights up.)
RORY: Wow. Well, not seventeen hundred and something, then.
(They open drawers in a sideboard.)
AMY: It's glass. It's a glass eye.
(A very big glass eye. Rory's torch flickers.)
Isabella : Stop doing that.
RONALD : It's not me. Come on.
Isabella : Yeah. Hang on.
(Isabella  gets the wooden pan for a weapon.)

[George's room]

(The Doctor is whizzing through not solving a Rubik's cube.)
ALEX: Maybe it was things on the telly, you know?
DOCTOR: Right.
ALEX: Scary stuff, getting under his skin, frightening him.
DOCTOR: Mmm-hmm.
ALEX: We stopped letting him watch.
DOCTOR: Oh, you don't want to do that.
ALEX: Then Claire thought it might have been something he was reading.
DOCTOR: Great. Reading's great. You like stories, George? Yeah? Me, too. When I was your age, about, ooo, a thousand years ago, I loved a good bedtime story. The Three Little Sontarans. The Emperor Dalek's New Clothes. Snow White And The Seven Keys To Doomsday, eh? All the classics.
(He throws the Rubik's cube away.)
DOCTOR: Rubbish. Must be broken. I hate those things. Better tidy it away, though, eh? How about in here? No. Not in the cupboard. Why not in there, George?
ALEX: It's a thing. A thing we got him doing ages back. Anything that frightens him, we put it in the cupboard. Creepy toys, scary pictures, that sort of thing.
DOCTOR: And is that where the monsters go? Yeah. There's nothing to be scared of, George. It's just a cupboard.
(The Doctor is about to unlock it when there is a hammering at the front door that makes everyone jump.)
ALEX: Front door.

[Basement corridor]

(Because there are flagstones on the floor instead of wooden boards.)
RORY: Let's try down here.
(Someone is watching them.)

[Front door]

(It is the landlord and his bulldog.)
PURCELL: Evening.
ALEX: Oh, hi.

[George's room]

(They can just about be seen from the door.)
PURCELL [OC]: How's Claire?
ALEX [OC]: Good, thanks. At work. Look, er, this really isn't a good time. Maybe later I
PURCELL [OC]: And the kiddie?
ALEX [OC]: Good. Yeah.
PURCELL [OC]: You know how I hate to mention it, but it's that time again.
ALEX [OC]: Yes.
PURCELL [OC]: And you know I like my money prompt.
ALEX [OC]: The thing is, I still haven't found anywhere since the shop shut, and Claire's wage only goes so far. I thought we could, you know, come to some sort of arrangement.
(The Doctor gets out his sonic screwdriver.)
GEORGE: Is that a torch?
DOCTOR: Screwdriver.
PURCELL [OC]: No can do, son. If I went around
DOCTOR: A sonic one. And other stuff.
GEORGE: Please may I see the other stuff?
DOCTOR: You may.
(He makes some of the battery toys move.)
DOCTOR: Ah, pretty cool, eh?

[Living room]

PURCELL: Listen to him. Isn't he awful, eh? Don't growl at the nice man, Bernard. He don't mean to upset daddy, do you?
PURCELL: Look, son, I know what you're thinking. Here comes horrible Purcell after his rent. Dog on a chain. See? Wasn't expecting that, was you? I'm not as daft as I look. In fact, I'm not daft at all.

[George's room]

DOCTOR: That's better. No tears from George, that's what I've heard. Go on, give us a smile, there's a brave little soldier. Bit rusty at this. Anyway, let's open this cupboard, eh? There's nothing to be
(He scans it.)
DOCTOR: (sotto) Off the scale. Off the scale. Off the scale. How?
PURCELL [OC]: All I want is my three hundred and fifty pound. Simple as that. Night, night. Come on, son. Come on.
(Purcell leaves. Alex rejoins the Doctor and George.)
ALEX: Right. Sorry about that. So, have we got this thing open yet?
DOCTOR: No! No, no, no, no, no. You don't want to do that.
ALEX: Why?
DOCTOR: Because George's monsters are real.

[Entrance hall]

(An overturned empty bird cage, a candelabra on the floor.)
RONALD : Oh, at last. Argh.
Isabella : What is it?
RORY: No doorknob. Wooden pans, a massive glass eye, and now no doorknob.
AMY: And this clock.
RONALD : What?
Isabella : Look, the hands, they're painted on.
(A child's laughter and footsteps.)


(The Doctor is going through the cupboards.)
ALEX: You're supposed to be a professional. I'll never get him to sleep now. It's so irresponsible.
DOCTOR: No, Alex. Responsible. Very. Cupboard bad. Cupboard not bare. Stay away from cupboard. And there's something else. Something I've missed. Something staring me in the face.
ALEX: Look, I'd like you to leave, please. You're just making things worse. Will you stop making tea. I want you to leave.
ALEX: What? What do you mean no? Leave. Get out. Now, please. Look, maybe this was a bad idea. We should sort out George ourselves.
DOCTOR: You can't.
ALEX: No one's going to tell us how to run our lives. I don't care who you are or what wheels have been set in motion. We'll sort it.
DOCTOR: I'm not just a professional. I'm the Doctor.
ALEX: What's that supposed to mean?
DOCTOR: It means I've come a long way to get here, Alex. A very long way. George sent a message. A distress call, if you like. Whatever's inside that cupboard is so terrible, so powerful, that it amplified the fears of an ordinary little boy across all the barriers of time and space.
DOCTOR: Through crimson stars and silent stars and tumbling nebulas like oceans set on fire. Through empires of glass and civilizations of pure thought, and a whole, terrible, wonderful universe of impossibilities. You see these eyes? They're old eyes. And one thing I can tell you, Alex. Monsters are real.
ALEX: You're not from Social Services, are you?
DOCTOR: First things first. You got any Jammie Dodgers?

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