The Curse of the Black Spot Pt 4 Finale!

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(Where Amy starts CPR, doing 1 breath to 5 chest compressions.)
DOCTOR: Come on. Come on, Rory Ronald . Not here. Not this way. Not today.
Isabella : He trusted me. He trusted me to save him.
DOCTOR: You still can. You can still do this. He believes in you. Come on, Isabella . Come on!
Isabella : Please, please, please wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Come on. Come on.
(But finally even she gives up. After a few moments, Ronald  starts coughing up water.)
RONALD : Isabella . Isabella , you did it. You did it!
(Later, Captain Avery has control of the spaceship, with Toby as his co-pilot, still attached to his life support mechanism. The rest of his crew come to watch as they fly between the stars.)
Isabella : I thought I was an excellent pirate.
RONALD : I thought you were an excellent nurse.
Isabella : Easy, tiger. Goodnight, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Goodnight, . Zoë
Isabella : You only call me Zoë when you're worrying about me.
DOCTOR: I always worry about you.
(Isabella  remembers the moment of the Doctor's death by the lake.)
Isabella : Mutual.
DOCTOR: Go to bed, Pond.
RONALD : (sotto) You can't tell him. It's his future.
Isabella : I know.
(The body scan is still undecided as to whether Isabella  is pregnant or not.)
DOCTOR: Oh, Zoë.

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