The Rebel Flesh Pt 2

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[Harness room]

COMPUTER: ID confirmed. Jennifer Lucas.
JENNIFER: The meter is running.
(Jennifer puts her hand on a scanner then gets into her harness.)
JENNIFER: Cardio and respiratory online. Motor functions online. Plumbing in.

[Flesh room]

(A smaller tank is filling with Flesh. A face appears in it and a few moments later a new Jennifer sits up.)
DOCTOR: Well, I can see why you keep it in a church. Miracle of life.
BUZZER: No need to get poncey. It's just gunge.
CLEAVES: Guys, we need to get to work.
JIMMY: Okay, everybody, let's crack on.
DOCTOR: Did I mention the solar storm? You need to get out of here.
JIMMY: Where do you want us to go? We're on a tiny island.
DOCTOR: Well, I can get you all off it.
CLEAVES: Don't be ridiculous. We've got a job to do.
DOCTOR: It's coming.
JENNIFER: That's the alarm.
DOCTOR: How do you get power?
CLEAVES: We're solar. We use a solar router. The weathervane.
DOCTOR: Big problem.
JIMMY: Boss, maybe if the storm's back we should get underground. The factory's seen better days. The acid pipes might not withstand another hit.
CLEAVES: We have two hundred tons of acid to pump out. We fall behind, we stay another rotation. Anyone want that?
DOCTOR: Please, you are making a massive mistake here. You're right at the crossroads of it. Don't turn the wrong way. If you don't, if you don't prepare for this storm, you are all in terrible danger. Understand?
CLEAVES: My factory, my rules.
DOCTOR: I need to check the progress of the storm. Monitoring station? Monitoring station.
JENNIFER: Three lefts, a right and a left. Third door on your left.
DOCTOR: Thank you.

[Monitoring station]

(A big storm lights up the sky.)
DOCTOR: Waves disturbing the Earth's magnetic field. There is going to be the mother and father of all power surges. See this weathervane, the cock-a-doodle-do? It's a solar router feeding the whole factory with solar power. When that wave hits, ka-boom. I've to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose. I never thought I'd have to say that again. Isabella , breathe.
Isabella : Yeah! I mean, thanks. I'll try.
(The Doctor heads up the spiral staircase to the tower top. The weathervane is spinning very fast.
Down in the harness room, the Gangers are watching their originals as the storm gathers force.
Down in the crypt and outside, pipes burst and acid leaks out. The ground below the Tardis dissolves, and it sinks.
Up in the air, the Doctor opens the Danger High Voltage box and starts pulling relays. There is a strike and he is thrown off the ladder.
Electricity blasts down into the Flesh vat. All the Gangers faces become slightly molten, and they cry out.
After a short time, the Doctor wakes. The weathervane has been destroyed. The monastery goes dark.)

[Flesh room]

(Amy Isabella Ronald  and Rory are out cold on the floor.)
RORY: Oh. For want of a better word, ow!


DOCTOR: Cleaves, you're not in your harness.
CLEAVES: I'm sorry, Doctor. You were right.
DOCTOR: You've lost all power to the factory.
CLEAVES: Doctor, I abandoned my team.
DOCTOR: Then let's go get them.


DOCTOR: How long would you say we were unconscious for, Cleaves?
CLEAVES: Not long. A minute, two minutes?
DOCTOR: I'd hazard we've been out a teensy bit longer.
CLEAVES: Well, how long?
DOCTOR: An hour. I've seen whole worlds turned inside out in an hour. A lot can go wrong in an hour.

[Harness room]

(Buzzer is being helped down from his harness.)
BUZZER: I feel like I been toasted.
JIMMY: What the hell happened?
AMY: The tsunami happened. You hurt?
JIMMY: It feels like the National Grid's run through my bones but apart from that
BUZZER: I hope the meter's not bust. I still want to get paid.
RORY: Jennifer! Jennifer. Hey, all right?
JENNIFER: It hurt so much.
RONALD : Hey. Hey, it's okay. It's over.
(Ronald  comforts Jennifer. Isabella  doesn't look happy about it.)
JENNIFER: I couldn't get out of my harness.
Ronald : Shush.
JENNIFER: I thought I was going to die.
RONALD : Welcome to my world.
(The Doctor and Cleaves run in.)
AMY: Doctor, these are all real people, so where are their Gangers?
CLEAVES: Don't worry. When the link shuts down the Gangers return to pure Flesh. Now, the storm's left us with acid leaks all over, so we need to contact the mainland. They can have a rescue shuttle out here in no time.
(The Dusty Springfield song starts up.)
JIMMY: That's my record. Who's playing my record?
DOCTOR: Your Gangers. They've gone walkabout.
CLEAVES: No, it's impossible. They're not active. Cars don't fly themselves, cranes don't lift themselves and Gangers don't

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