The Doctor's Wife Pt 4

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[Tardis corridor]

(A bulkhead slams shut, separating Amy Isabella Ronald  and Rory.)
RORY and Isabella : No! Amy! Isabella!
AMY: No!

Isabella: No! Ronald 
RORY: Amy.
RORY [OC]: Amy? Amy? Amy?
(Rory is sitting at the other end of the corridor.)
AMY: Rory?
RORY: Where have you been?
AMY: I stepped through that door and it came down here.
RORY: But you've been hours.
AMY: No, I haven't. It's House, and it's messing with the Tardis. Come on, back this way.
(And a bulkhead slams shut, separating them again.)
AMY: No! Oh.


(The console is almost complete.)
IDRIS: You'll need to install the time rotor.
(He does.)
DOCTOR: How is this going to make it through the rift? How? We're almost done. Thrust diffuser? Er, retroscope. Blue thingy.
(Idris examines a wire coat hanger.)
IDRIS: Do you ever wonder why I chose you all those years ago?
DOCTOR: I chose you. You were unlocked.
IDRIS: Of course I was. I wanted to see the universe, so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough.
DOCTOR: Right. Perfect. Look at that. What could possibly go wrong?
(A piece falls off the console.)
DOCTOR: That's fine. That always happens. No, hang on. Wait.
(He gets a couple of pieces of red rope with hooks on the ends.)

[Tardis corridor]

(An old bearded man is crouching by a stanchion.)
RORY: Amy?
AMY: Oh, my God. Rory?
RORY: You left me. How could you do that? How could you leave me?
AMY: How long have you been here?
RORY: Two thousand years I waited for you. You did it to me again.
AMY: I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Rory, what are you doing?
RORY: They come for me at night. Every single night, they come for me and they hurt me. Amy, they hurt me over and over and over and over
AMY: Rory.
RORY: How could you leave me? How could you do that to me?
(Amy backs away, and a bulkhead shuts, separating them.)


(The ropes are safety lines.)
DOCTOR: Right. Okay, let's go. Follow that Tardis.
(Nothing happens.)
DOCTOR: Oh no, come on. There's rift energy everywhere. You can do it. Okay, diverting all power to thrust. Let's be having you.
(Bang, sparks.)
DOCTOR: No, no, no, no.
IDRIS: What's wrong?
DOCTOR: It can't hold the charge. It can't even start. There's no power. I've got nothing.
IDRIS: Oh, my beautiful idiot. You have what you've always had. You've got me.
(Idris kisses her finger, and transfers golden energy to the console. They dematerialise.)

[Tardis corridor]

(Hate Amy Kill Amy Die Amy is written on the wall in blood. A decayed corpse is lying around the corner.)
AMY: No! No! Rory, I'm so, so sorry.
RORY: Amy?
(The corpse and graffiti disappear.)
RORY: It's messing with our heads. Come on, run.


DOCTOR: Whoo hoo!
IDRIS: We've locked on to them. They'll have to lower the shields when I'm close enough to phase inside.
DOCTOR: Can you get a message to Amy? The telepathic circuits are online.
IDRIS: Which one's Amy? The pretty one?


(Rory gets a headache.)
RORY: Argh.
AMY: Rory, what's wrong?
RORY: It's like I'm getting a message.
IDRIS: Hello, Pretty.
RORY: What the hell is that?
DOCTOR: Don't worry. Telepathic messaging. No, that's Rory.
IDRIS: You have to go to the old control room. I'm putting the route in your head. When you get there use the purple slider on the nearest panel to lower the shields.
DOCTOR: The pretty one?
IDRIS: You'll have about twelve seconds before the room goes into phase with the invading Matrix. I'll send you the pass key when you get there. Good luck.
AMY: What was that?
RORY: It was that woman. That mad woman and the Doctor.
AMY: The Doctor?
RORY: We have to keep going.


DOCTOR: How's he going to be able to take down the shields anyway? The House is in the control room.
IDRIS: I directed him to one of the old control rooms.
DOCTOR: There aren't any old control rooms. They were all deleted or remodelled.
IDRIS: I archive them, for neatness. I've got about thirty now.
DOCTOR: But I've only changed the desktop, what, a dozen times?
IDRIS: So far, yes.
DOCTOR: You can't archive something that hasn't happened yet.
IDRIS: You can't.

[Tardis corridor]

AMY: What happened to the lights?
RORY: The lights are fine. Oh, it's messing with our heads again. Okay, stay there a second.
AMY: What is it? What?
RORY: Just hang on.
AMY: Don't leave me. I can hardly see, you idiot.
(Rory goes round the corner into a bright light.)
RORY [OC]: Argh.
AMY: Rory? Rory?
RORY [OC]: It's okay, I'm fine. Come towards my voice.
AMY: What happened? Where are you?
RORY [OC]: I just banged my head. Just keep coming. Reach out your hand.
(Amy walks past Rory lying unconscious on the floor and touches the Ood's tentacles. She screams, the lights come up and Rory comes to her.)
RORY: This way. Come on, run!


DOCTOR: Keep going. You're doing it, you sexy thing.
IDRIS: See, you do call me that. Is it my name?
DOCTOR: You bet it's your name.
IDRIS: Whoo!

[Tardis corridor]

AMY: I can see now, Rory. I can see.
RORY: It was the Ood thing, the Nephew and it's still coming.
AMY: I know. So where is this place?
(They come to a dead end.)
RORY: This is where she told me to go. She said she'd send me the pass key. Ow!
IDRIS + RORY: Crimson. Eleven. Delight. Petrichor.
AMY: Petrichor?
RORY: What do I do? Do I say it? Crimson. Eleven. Delight. Petrichor. I said it.
AMY: Petrichor. Petrichor.
RORY: I said it.
AMY: Petrichor. She told you what it meant. The smell of wet dust, remember? So, oh, it's the meaning, not the word.
RORY: The meaning of what?
AMY: The Tardis interface is telepathic. You don't say it, you think it.
(The Ood is at the far end of the corridor.)
RORY: It's coming.
AMY: Quiet. Crimson. Eleven. Delight. The smell of dust after rain. Crimson, eleven, delight, the smell of dust after rain. Crimson, eleven, delight, the smell of dust after rain.
(Amy pictures a flat, a birthday cake, her wedding, a raindrop falling into dust. The door opens.)


AMY: What is this place? Another control room?
RORY: Right, shields. Got it.


IDRIS: They did it. Shields down.


HOUSE [OC]: How did you find this place? It's not on my internal schematics. I had hoped you two could join Nephew as my servants. But you two are nothing but trouble. Nephew, kill them.
(Rory gets another painful telepathic message.)
IDRIS: We're coming through. Get out of the way or you'll be atomised.
RORY: Where are you coming through?
IDRIS: I don't know.
RORY: Oh, great. Thanks.

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