The Girls Who Waited Pt 4

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DOCTOR: I don't know that I would have.
Isabella [on scanner]: And there he is. The voice of God. Survive, because no one's going to come for you. Number one lesson.

[Isabella's lair]

Isabella : You taught me that.
DOCTOR [OC]: Is that really all I taught you?


Isabella  [on scanner]: Don't you lecture me, blue-box man flying through time and space on whimsy. All I've got, all I've had for thirty six years, is cold, hard reality.

[Isabella's lair]

Isabella : So no, I don't have a sonic screwdriver because I'm not off on a romp. I call it what it is. A probe. And I call my life what it is. Hell.


DOCTOR: Isabella Pond, I am going to put this right. You said you learned from an

[Isabella's lair]

DOCTOR [OC]: Interface. Can I speak with it?
Isabella : Doesn't work in here. Two twenty three. The garden'll be clear now. Stay or go?
RONALD : Sorry, me? No, I'm coming with you.
Isabella : Then try not to get killed. Or do. Whatever.


Isabella : When I first came here, I had to trick the Interface into giving me the information, but I've reprogrammed it now. It'll tell me anything except how to escape.
RONALD : You hacked it? That's genius.
DOCTOR: Sorry to interrupt that beautiful moment, but temporal engines


DOCTOR: Like that have a regulator valve. Has to be kept at a distance from the main reactor or there'd be feedback. Interface, where's the regulator?
INTERFACE: The regulator valve is held within.
(Showing a diagram of the location.)
DOCTOR: Oh. Very, very ah.


DOCTOR [OC]: Interface, I need to run through some technical specifications.


DOCTOR: Ronald , give me to Isabella  a minute.


RONALD : Here you go.
(He hands over the glasses and she slowly puts them on.)
Isabella : They look ridiculous.
RONALD : That's what I told him. Still, anything beats a fez, eh?
(They laugh briefly together.)
RONALD : What is it?
Isabella : I think that's the first time I've laughed in thirty six years.
RONALD : I'll just, er, leave you two geniuses alone. I'll be back in a minute.
DOCTOR [OC]: There's still time, Isabella . There's still time to fix everything.
(Ronald  goes walking along the terrace until he comes to the portal.)
RONALD : How can you have a door without a wall?
(A Handbot is approaching as he walks into the invisible wall by the portal.)
RONALD : Oh. Holographic wallpaper? Oh, sorry. Argh.
(The Handbot touches his neck and he falls backwards.)
HANDBOT: Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness.
(It is about to fire its needle gun at Ronald  when Isabella chops its head off.)
Isabella : Ronald?
RONALD : Glasses.
Isabella : You stupid
RONALD : Oh. You saved me.
Isabella : Don't get used to it.
RONALD : Have you been crying? A little bit.
Isabella : Shut up, Ronald .
RONALD : You have, haven't you?
Isabella : Woman with a sword. Don't push it.


DOCTOR: Okay. So, here's the plan.


DOCTOR [OC]: Time is always a bit wibbly-wobbly, but in Twostreams it's extra wobbly.
(Isabella  puts the glasses back on Ronald .)


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