The Wedding of River Song

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DORIUM [in box]: Doctor, please, open my hatch. I've got an awful headache. Which to be honest means more than it used to. It's like some terrible weight pressing down on my
(The Doctor has put Dorium's box down upside down.)
DORIUM: Oh. I see.
DOCTOR: Why Lake Silencio? Why Utah?
DORIUM: It's a still point in time. Makes it easier to create a fixed point. And your death is a fixed point, Doctor. You can't run away from this.
DOCTOR: Been running all my life. Why should I stop?
DORIUM: Because now you know what's at stake. Why your life must end.
DOCTOR: Not today.
DORIUM: What's the point in delaying? How long have you delayed already?
(The Doctor makes a telephone call.)
DOCTOR: Been knocking about. A bit of a farewell tour. Things to do, people to see. There's always more. I could invent a new colour, save the Dodo, join the Beatles. Hello, it's me. Get him. Tell him, we're going out and it's all on me, except for the money and driving. I have got a time machine, Dorium. It's all still going on. For me, it never stops. Liz the First is still waiting in a glade to elope with me. I could help Rose Tyler with her homework. I could go on all of Jack's stag parties in one night.
DORIUM: Time catches up with us all, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Well, it has never laid a glove on me! Hello?

[Nursing home]

NURSE: Doctor, I'm so sorry. We didn't know how to contact you. I'm afraid Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart passed away


NURSE [OC]: a few months ago. Doctor?
DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, I
NURSE [OC]: It was very peaceful. He talked a lot about you, if that's any comfort. Always made us pour an extra brandy in case you came round one of these days.
DORIUM: Doctor? What's wrong?
DOCTOR: Nothing. Nothing. It's just.
(He puts the phone down and takes the Tardis blue envelopes from his pocket.)
DOCTOR: It's time. It's time.

[Calisto B space bar]

VANDALEUR: Surely you could deliver the messages yourself?
DOCTOR: It would involve crossing my own time stream. Best not.


CARTER: According to our files, this is the end for you. Your final journey. We'll deliver your messages. You can depend on us.
DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: Thank you.

[Calisto B space bar]

VANDALEUR: Doctor, whatever you think of the Teselecta, we are champions of law and order just as you have always been. Is there nothing else we can do?

[Senate room]

CHURCHILL: Why would you do this?
(The postman delivers the invitation to Rory and Amy. River gets hers, too.)
CHURCHILL: Of all the things you've told me, this I find hardest to believe. Why would you invite your friends to see your death?
DOCTOR: I had to die. I didn't have to die alone.


Isabella : Doctor!
DOCTOR [OC]: Isabella  and Ronald . The last Centurion and the girl who waited. However dark it got, I'd turn around, and there they'd be.

[Senate room]

DOCTOR: If it's time to go, remember what you're leaving. Remember the best. My friends have always been the best of me.
CHURCHILL: And did you tell them this was going to happen?
DOCTOR: It would help if you didn't keep asking questions.
(There are three tally marks on his arm now.)
DOCTOR: (sotto) We don't have much time.


(River shoots off his stetson.)
CHURCHILL [OC]: And this woman you spoke of. Did you invite her?
RIVER: Hello, sweetie.
DOCTOR [OC]: Yes, she was there. River Song came twice.

The Story of a mad Man with a box series 6 (Doctor Who)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz