Day of the Moon Pt 1

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[Valley of the Gods, Utah]

(Three months later - July 1969.
Isabella and Amy are running for their life from men in a four wheel drive.)
CANTON: Suspect directly ahead. Coming to you now. Over.
(Another vehicle is coming from the opposite direction. They trap her by a cliff.)
AMY: Canton.
CANTON: Miss Pond.
Isabella : Is that a body bag?
CANTON: Yes, it is.
AMY: It's empty.
CANTON: How about that?
Isabella : Do you even know why you're doing this, eh? Can you even remember the warehouse?

[Warehouse memory]

(The Doctor is dragging Canton away.)
DOCTOR: Canton. Isabella . Isabella!
RORY: River, come on!
CANTON: What the hell's going on?
DOCTOR: Look behind you.
CANTON: There's nothing behind me.
DOCTOR: Look. Look. Canton, look, I tell you.
(Canton turns around.)
SILENCE: Canton.
(Canton shoots Amy and Isabella  in Utah. They have tally marks on their arms.)

[Area 51, Nevada]

(The Doctor is in a strait-jacket, shackles to a chair with a yellow circle around it. He is surrounded by guards and notices saying Do Not Approach The Prisoner and Do Not Interact With The Prisoner, and has grown a beard.)
TANNOY: All visitors to remain behind the yellow line. All visitors to remain behind the yellow line.
CANTON: We found Isabella Pond and Amy Pond. They had strange markings on their arm. Do you know what they are?
DOCTOR: Why don't you ask them?

[New York]

(River has tally marks on her arms, too. She is wearing evening dress and running through a skyscraper under construction.)
RIVER: I see you. I see you.
(She tallies two more Silence on her arm.)
CANTON: Doctor Song? Doctor Song? Go! Go! Go!
(They catch up with her at an open wall.)
CANTON: Don't move! It's over.
RIVER: They're here, Canton. They're everywhere.
CANTON: I know. America's being invaded.
RIVER: You were invaded a long time ago. America is occupied.
CANTON: You're coming with us, Doctor Song. There's no way out this time.
RIVER: There's always a way out.
(River gently falls backwards out of the skyscraper.

Area 51]

(A wall is being constructed around the Doctor.)
CANTON: We found Doctor Song.
DOCTOR: These bricks, what are they made of? Where is she?
CANTON: She ran. Off the fiftieth floor.
DOCTOR: I'd say zero balance dwarf star alloy. The densest material in the universe. Nothing gets through that. You're building me the perfect prison. And it still won't be enough.

[Glen Canyon Dam - Arizona]

(A very dishevelled Rory and Ronald  with lots of tally marks on their skin runs out onto the top of the dam, only to find lots of men with guns waiting for them, and it's a long way down.)
RORY: What are you waiting for?
CANTON: I'm waiting for you to run. It'd look better if I shot you while you're running. Then again, looks aren't everything.
(Canton shoots Rory and Ronald.)


(Body bags are dragged in to the completed dwarf star alloy cell.)
DOCTOR: Is there a reason you're doing this?
CANTON: I want you to know where you stand.
DOCTOR: In a cell.
CANTON: In the perfect cell. Nothing can penetrate these walls. Not a sound, not a radio wave, not the tiniest particle of anything.
(Canton closes the door when the soldiers leave. It vanishes. There is a palm print panel near where it should be.)
CANTON: In here, you're literally cut off from the rest of the universe. So I guess they can't hear us, right?
DOCTOR: Good work, Canton. Door sealed?
CANTON: You bet.
(The Doctor shakes off his shackles and strait-jacket. The body bags sit up, gasping for breath.)
DOCTOR: Are you okay?
Isabella : Finally. 

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