The Curse of the Black Spot Pt 3

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(They wake up on a metal floor.)
AMY: Where are we?
DOCTOR: We haven't moved. We're in exactly the same place as before.
(They look through a window onto the deck of the ship.)
AVERY: We're on a ghost ship.
DOCTOR: No. It's real. Space ship trapped in a temporal rift.
Isabella : How can two ships be in the same place?
DOCTOR: Not the same. Two planes, two worlds, two cars parked in the same space. There are lots of different universes nested inside each other. Now and again they collide, and you can step from one to the other.
AMY: Okay, I think I understand.
DOCTOR: Good, because it's not like that at all. But if that helps.
Isabella : Thanks.
DOCTOR: All the reflections have suddenly become gateways.
(The Doctor throws a piece of metal at the window. It goes through and lands on the deck.)
DOCTOR: Ever look in a mirror and think you're seeing a whole other world? Well, this time it's not an illusion.
(Beep, beep.)
AMY: The signal.
Isabella : The distress call.
DOCTOR: Uh huh.
AMY: There was a second ship here all the time.
DOCTOR: And the Siren is on board.
(He opens a door to reveal an alien skeleton. Its spacesuit says D.I.H.S)


(More skeletal crew.)
Isabella : You were right. There was something staring at us the whole time. How long has this ship been marooned here?
AVERY: Long enough for the Captain to have run out of grog.
AMY: I don't understand. If this is the Captain, then what's the Siren?
DOCTOR: Same as us. A stowaway.
Isabella : She killed it?
DOCTOR: Human bacteria.
AMY: What?
DOCTOR: A virus from our planet. Airborne, travelling through the portal. That's what killed it. Didn't get its jabs. Urgh. Look.
(The Doctor has put his hand in some gunk.)
Isabella : What is it?
DOCTOR: Sneeze! Alien bogies.
(He wipes his hand on the sleeve of Isabella's pirate coat.)


(Lots of people lying on beds floating in midair, and connected by a tube to the ceiling.)
AVERY: McGrath! He's one of my men.
AMY: He's still breathing.
AVERY: My entire crew is here. Toby!
Isabella : Ronald! 

Amy: Rory!
DOCTOR: The Tardis!
AVERY: We have to get them out of here.
DOCTOR: Wait. His fever's gone.
Isabella : He looks so well.
DOCTOR: She's keeping him alive. His brain is still active, but all its cellular activity is suspended. It's not a curse, it's a tissue sample. Why get samples of people you are about to kill?
AMY: Help me get him up.
(Rory and Ronald  begins to wake. Beep, beep.)
DOCTOR: She's coming.
(They hide behind a bank of monitors. The Siren floats in, singing her wordless song, and goes to Rory. He calms down and sleeps again.)
DOCTOR: Anaesthetic.
AVERY: What?
DOCTOR: The music. The song. So she anaesthetises people and puts their body in stasis.
(The Siren goes to Toby. Avery steps out, gun ready.)
DOCTOR: Avery, no!
(Avery shoots, and the Siren turns red. She advances on Avery, then the Doctor sneezes. The Siren heads for him instead.)
DOCTOR: Fire. That's new. What does fire do? Burn? Yes. Destroy? What else? Sterilise! I sneezed. I've brought germs in.
(The Doctor blows his nose and throws the handkerchief on the floor. The Siren blasts the offending article. Amy runs to Rory and Isabella runs to Ronald).
DOCTOR: Isabella Amy , stop. Don't interfere. Don't touch him. Anaesthetic, tissue sample, screen, sterile working conditions. Ignore all my previous theories!
AMY: Yeah? Well, we stopped paying attention a while back.
DOCTOR: She's not a killer at all, she's a doctor!
(Amy and Isabella  stops fiddling with Rory's and Ronald's life support and the Siren returns to green.)
DOCTOR: This is an automated sick bay. It's teleporting everyone on board. The crew are dead, and so the sick bay has had nothing to do. It's been looking after humanity whilst it's been idle. Look at her. A virtual doctor able to sterilise a whole room.
AMY: Able to burn your face off.
DOCTOR: She's just an interface, seeped through the join between the planes, broadcast in our world. Protean circuitry means she can change her form, and become a human doctor for humans. Oh, sister, you are good.
AVERY: She won't let us take them.
DOCTOR: She's keeping them alive, but she doesn't know how to heal them.
Isabella : I'm his wife, for God's sake. Why can't I touch him?
DOCTOR: Tell her, Isabella . Show her your ring. She may be virtual but she's intelligent. You can't do anything without her consent. Come on. Sophisticated girl like you. That must be somewhere in your core program.
Isabella : Look, he's very ill, okay? I just want to look after him. Why won't you let me near my husband?
(The Siren holds out her hand, and a circle of light appears around it.)
DOCTOR: Consent form. Sign it. Put your hand in the light. Ronald's  sick. You have to take full responsibility.
(Isabella  does so, and the Siren disappears. Amy turns off Ronald's life support.)
DOCTOR: He can't breathe. Turn it back on.
Isabella : What do we do? I can't just leave him here.
AVERY: He'll die if you take him out.
AMY: Rory? Rory, wake up.
RONALD : Where am I?
DOCTOR: You're in a hospital. If you leave, you might die.
Isabella : But if you don't, you'll have to stay forever.
RONALD : You're saying that if I don't get up now
Isabella : You can never leave.
DOCTOR: The Siren will keep you safe.
RORY: And if I come with you?
DOCTOR: Drowning, on the point of death.
RONALD : I'm a nurse.
Isabella : What?
RONALD : I can teach you how to save me.
Isabella : Whoa. Hold on.
RONALD I was drowning. You just have to resuscitate me.
Isabella : Just?
RONALD : You've seen them do it loads of times in films. CPR. The kiss of life.
Isabella : Ronald , this isn't a film, okay? What if I do it wrong?
RONALD : You won't.
Isabella : Okay, what if you don't come back to life? What if
RONALD : I trust you.
Isabella : What about Amy? I mean, why do I have to be the one? Why do I have to save you?
RONALD : Because I know you'll never give up.
DOCTOR: We have to send this ship back into space. Imagine if the Siren got ashore. She would have to process every injured human.
AVERY: What about Toby?
DOCTOR: I'm sorry. Typhoid fever. Once he returns it's only a matter of time.
AVERY: What if I stay with him, here. The Siren will look after him. I can't go back to England. And what home does he have now, if not with me?
DOCTOR: Do you think you can sail this thing?
AVERY: Just point me to the atom accelerator.
RONALD : I know you can do this. Of course, if you muck it up I am going to be really cross. And dead.
Isabella : I'll see you in a minute.
(The Doctor rips off Ronald's and Rory's restraintsThey get him off the bed and carry him into -)

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