Let's Kill Hitler Pt 5 Finale!

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Isabella : So that's it, se leave her there?
DOCTOR: Sisters of the Infinite Schism. Greatest hospital in the universe.
Isabella : Yeah, but she's our daughter. Doctor, she's River and she's our daughter.
DOCTOR: Isabella , I know. But we have to let her make her own way now. We have too much foreknowledge. Dangerous thing, foreknowledge.
(His Teselecta biography is on the scanner.)
AMY: What's that?
DOCTOR: Nothing.
(He turns it off.)
DOCTOR: Just some data I downloaded from the Teselecta. Very boring.
RONALD : Doctor, River was brainwashed to kill you, right?
DOCTOR: Well, she did kill me, and then she used her remaining lives to bring me back. As first dates go, I'd say that was mixed signals.
RORY: But that stuff that they put in her head, is that gone now? The River that we know in the future, she is in prison for murder.
AMY: Whose murder? Will we see her again?
DOCTOR: Oh, she'll come looking for us.
Isabella  : Yeah, but how? How do people even look for you?
DOCTOR: Oh, Pond. Haven't you figured that one out yet?

[The Luna University, 5123]

(A professor is interviewing a prospective student.)
CANDY: So then, tell me. Why do you want to study archaeology?
RIVER: Well, to be perfectly honest, Professor, I'm looking for a good man.

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