The Almost People Pt 2

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[Monitoring station]

G-JIMMY: You're right, there's power.
G-CLEAVES: Well, boys, I don't know much, but I know my own minds. She'll be straight on the comlink to the mainland.

[Evac tower]

CLEAVES: Saint John's calling. Emergency Alpha.

[Monitoring station]

G-CLEAVES: Let's see if we can intercept.
CLEAVES [OC]: Saint John's calling the mainland. Are you receiving me, Captain? Come in.

[Evac tower]

CLEAVES: We'll never get a signal through this storm. Saint John's calling the mainland. Come in, this is urgent.
CAPTAIN [OC]: We're just about reading you, Saint John's. How are you doing? We've had all kinds of trouble here.

[Monitoring station]

CLEAVES [OC]: Request immediate evacuation. We're under attack. The storm's affected our Gangers.

[Evac tower]

CLEAVES: They're running amok.
CAPTAIN [OC]: Your Gangers?
CLEAVES: Yes, our Gangers are attacking us. We need you to take us off the island immediately and wipe them out.

[Monitoring station]

CAPTAIN [OC]: Copy that, Saint John's. Shuttle's despatched. Hang on.

[Evac tower]

CLEAVES: You'll need to airlift us off the roof of the evac tower.

[Monitoring station]

CLEAVES [OC]: And Captain, any further transmission sent by me must come with the following codeword. I'm typing it, in case they're listening in.
G-CLEAVES: Oof. See how smart I am? That's why I'm paid the big bucks.
CAPTAIN [OC]: Got it. We'll swing in, get you out and decommission the Flesh.
G-CLEAVES: Jennifer's right. We're going to have to fight if we want to survive.

[Thermostatic room]

(The computer rejects Jennifer's handprint as non-human.)
COMPUTER: Thermostatic override rejected. Can only be operated by recognised source.
G-JENNIFER: I am recognised. I'm Jennifer Lucas.

[Evac tower]

BUZZER: We've got to get out of here. We are, we're going to get out.
AMY: We're not leaving without them.
BUZZER: I want them found too, but it's about casualties, innit? Can't be helped.
AMY: What are you doing?
DOCTOR: Making a phone call.
AMY: Who to?
DOCTOR: No one yet. It's on delay.
AMY: Right. Not getting it. Why exactly are you making a phone call?
DOCTOR: Because, Amy, I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. The wheels are in motion. Done.
AMY: You know really there can be only one.
AMY: Oh, nothing. Carry on. Be amazing.
(Amy is drawn to the far wall. A hatch opens and she sees the Eye Patch Lady again.)
DOCTOR: Amy? What happened?
AMY: It's her again.
DOCTOR: It's who again?
AMY: There's a woman I keep seeing. A woman with an eyepatch, and she has this habit of sliding walls open and staring at me. Doctor?
DOCTOR: It's nothing.
AMY: Doesn't seem like nothing.
DOCTOR: It's a time memory. Like a mirage. It's nothing to worry about.
G-DOCTOR: It's in my head.
(The Ganger Doctor leaves.)
JIMMY: Hey, hold on.
CLEAVES: Don't let him go.
AMY: No, leave it to me.

Outside the tower]

Isabella : I'm sorry. What I said about you being almost the Doctor, it's just really hard, because I've been through so much with him. I've even seen. I've even seen the moment of his. Can you die? If you really are the same, then you can die. You can be killed, and I might have seen that happen.
Isabella : Why? Because you invited us to see it. Your death.
(He pushes Isabella  against the wall.)
Isabella : You're hurting me.
G-DOCTOR: It's all the eyes say. Why? I can feel them as they work each day, knowing the time was coming for them to be thrown away again. Not again, please. And then they are destroyed and they feel death, and all they can say is, why?
(He lets Isabella  go, and she runs back inside.)

[Evac tower]

(Isabella  enters, followed by the Ganger Doctor.)
Isabella : Keep him away from me.
G-DOCTOR: Did you sense it?
DOCTOR: Briefly. Not as strong as you.
G-DOCTOR: Isabella, I'm sorry.
Isabella : No, you keep away. We can't trust you.
G-DOCTOR: It would appear I can connect to the Flesh.
AMY: You are Flesh.
G-DOCTOR: I'm beginning to understand what it's been through, what it needs.
Isabella : What you want. You are it.
G-DOCTOR: It's much more powerful than we thought. The Flesh can grow, correct?
CLEAVES: Its cells can divide.
G-DOCTOR: Well, now it wants to do that at will. It wants revenge. It's in pain, angry. It wants revenge.
AMY: I was right. You're not the Doctor. You can't ever be. You're just a copy.
CLEAVES: Doctor, it might be best if you stayed over there for now, hmm?
DOCTOR: Hold on a minute, hold your horses. I thought I'd explained this. I'm him, he's me.
CLEAVES: Doctor, we have no issue with you, but when it comes to your Ganger
DOCTOR: Don't be so absurd.
CLEAVES: Buzzer.
BUZZER: Sure, boss.
(Buzzer puts out a barrel for the Ganger Doctor to sit on.)
BUZZER: Take a seat, mate.
G-DOCTOR: Nice barrel, very comfy. Why not? Is this really what you want?


(Rory  and Ronald are still searching for Jennifer. They are now armed with a large stick.)
JENNIFER [OC]: Help me. No, get away.
RONALD : Jen? Jen?


(There are two identical Jennifers here.)
JENNIFER: Ronald ?
JENNIFER 2: I'm sorry. She found me. Ronald , listen to me.
JENNIFER: Don't listen to her.
JENNIFER 2: I'm Jennifer Lucas. This woman is Flesh.

[Evac tower]

PILOT [OC]: This is the shuttle. We're right above you, but we can't get low enough. Gamma static could fry our nav-controls. Sit tight. We'll get to you. Just
(The Doctor scans Cleaves with his sonic screwdriver.)
JIMMY: Hello? Can you hear me?
AMY: I can't find Rory. I'm going out there.
DOCTOR: We could use the sonic to track him. Humans and Gangers give off slightly different signals. The sonic needs to tell the difference.
Isabella : Oh, so the sonic knows Gangers are different. The other Doctor is different.
DOCTOR: He is the Doctor.
AMY: Not to me. I can tell.
DOCTOR: Sure you're not prejudiced?
Isabella : Nice try, but I know, okay? We've been through too much. You're my Doctor. End of.

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