Let's Kill Hitler Pt 2

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(The Tardis is out of control.)
DOCTOR: You've shot it! You shot my Tardis! You shot the console!
MELS: It's your fault!
DOCTOR: Argh! How's it my fault?
MELS: You said guns didn't work in this place. You said we're in a state of temporal grace.
DOCTOR: That was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could tell that was a clever lie.


(Berlin, 1938. A cleaner turns to watch an Nazi General walking down a corridor in the Reich Chancellory with a creak and click of gears. A man watches through its eyes on a bank of monitors.)
CARTER: Okay, we like him.
ANITA: Costume want to know about the suit.
CARTER: Just colour and shape. Don't need anything detachable.
JIM: Musculature good to go.
CARTER: That was quick.
JIM: They're showing off. Art department want to talk skin tone.
HARRIET: Yes, I do. I don't trust the sensors, I want to take a look myself.
JIM: We're in a hurry. We're not trying to win an award.
HARRIET: Yeah, that's what you said when we made Rasputin green.
CARTER: Okay, get your fat one up there. Run!
HARRIET: Yes, Captain.
CARTER: Harriet's going to eyeball. Everyone else, good to go, please.


(The General is going through a filing cabinet when the cleaner enters.)
ZIMMERMAN: What do you want? What are you doing?


ANITA: Musculature online.
JIM: Five foot eleven, confirmed.
(The cleaner grows to the same height as the General.)
CARTER: Harriet, are you up there yet?
(Harriet's wrist monitor goes red.)
ANTIBODY: Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented.
CARTER: Harriet, have you updated your privileges?

[Teselecta eye level]

HARRIET: Yes, of course I have.
(The monitor turns green again.)
HARRIET: Look, I'm staff, see? Look, staff!
ANTIBODY: You are authorised. Your existence will continue.


ZIMMERMAN: I don't understand.
(The cleaner's overalls transform into a replica of his uniform.)

[Teselecta eye level]

CARTER [OC]: Harriet, shift!
HARRIET: Five seconds to eyeball.
(Harriet opens the internal shield and looks out of the pupil.)
HARRIET: Shades forty four to eighty nine, peaking at sixty. Standard density. He's sweating a bit, so compensate.


ZIMMERMAN: What are you?


CARTER: All hands, prepare for tessellation. Prepare for tessellation.
(The cleaner transforms into a duplicate General Zimmerman. He slumps back against the filing cabinet as the double reaches for him, and takes his glasses.)
CARTER: Okay, clean up.
(A beam of light from the Teselecta's eye transports the General onto the eye level catwalk.)
CARTER: Who is he?
ANITA: Eric Zimmerman. Loyal member of the Nazi Party. Guilty of Category Three hate crimes.
CARTER: Well, then. Leave him to the Antibodies.

[Teselecta eye level]

(The Antibodies look like metallic jellyfish.)
ANTIBODY: Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented. Welcome. You will experience a tingling sensation and then death. Remain calm while your life is extracted.
(Zimmerman vanishes with a scream.)

[Hitler's work study]

HITLER: What do you want? Who let you in here?
(Faux Zimmerman strides forward.)

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