Let's Kill Hitler Pt 4

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[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

RIVER: I might take the age down a little, just gradually, to freak people out.
TESELECTA-AMY: You killed the Doctor.
RIVER: Oh yes, I know, dear. I hope you're not going to keep on about it. Oh, regeneration. It's a whole new colouring to work with.
(River is trying on a Luftwaffe uniform.)
TESELECTA- Isabella : You killed the Doctor on the orders of the movement known as the Silence and Academy of the Question. You accept and know this to be true?
RIVER: Quite honestly, I don't really remember. It was all a bit of jumble.
(Teselecta Isabella  opens its mouth and a bright beam hits River's head.)
RIVER: No! No! Get off me!
DOCTOR: Sorry, did you say she killed the Doctor? The Doctor? Doctor who?
(The Doctor is leaning against his Tardis, wearing evening clothes, top hat and carrying a cane.)


CARTER: You said he was dying.
ANITA: He is.
JIM: When you're done here, your memories will be wiped and you'll be able to
Isabella : Doctor?

[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

RIVER: You're dying and you stopped to change?
DOCTOR: Oh, you should always waste time when you don't have any. Time is not the boss of you. Rule four hundred and eight. Isabella  Pond, judgment death machine. Why am I not surprised? Sonic cane.
RIVER: Are you serious?


DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: Never knowingly. Never knowingly be serious.

[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

DOCTOR: Rule twenty seven. You might want to write these down. Oh, it's a robot.


DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: With four hundred and twenty three life signs inside. A robot

[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

DOCTOR: Worked by tiny people. Love it. But how do you all get in there, though.


DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: Bigger on the inside? No, basic miniaturisation sustained by a

[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

DOCTOR: Compression field. Ooo. Watch what you eat, it'll get you every time.


DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: Isabella Amy, if you Ronald and Rory are okay, signal me.
(Isabella  activates the sonic screwdriver, and the cane lights up.)
DOCTOR [on viewscreen]: Thanking you.
CARTER: How'd you do that?

[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

DOCTOR: Argh! I'm so sorry. Leg went to sleep. Just had a quick left leg power nap. I forgot I had one scheduled. Actually, better sit down. I think I heard the right one yawning.
(River tries to run. The Teselecta grabs her with its beam.)
DOCTOR: Don't you touch her! Do not harm her in any way!
(River is trapped in an energy field.)


CARTER: Why would you care? She's the women who kills you.

[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

DOCTOR: I'm not dead.
TESELECTA- Isabella : You're dying.
DOCTOR: Well, at least I'm not a time travelling shape shifting robot operated by miniaturised cross people, which, I have got to admit, I didn't see coming. What do you want with her?
TESELECTA- Isabella : She's Melody Pond.


CARTER: According to records, the woman who kills the Doctor.

[Hotel Adlon Restaurant]

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