The Girls Who Waited Pt 1

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DOCTOR: Apalapucia.
AMY: Say it again?
DOCTOR: Apalapucia.
AMY Apalapu
RORY: Apalapucia.
DOCTOR: Apalapucia.
Isabella : Apalapucia. What a beautiful word.
DOCTOR: Beautiful word, beautiful world. Apalapucia, voted number two planet in the top ten greatest destinations for the discerning intergalactic traveller.
RONALD : Why couldn't we go to number one?
DOCTOR: It's hideous. Everyone goes to number one. Planet of the coffee shops. Apalapucia. I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades. I give you
(The Doctor opens the Tardis door to reveal - a white space with a door.)
RORY: Doors.

[White space]

DOCTOR: Doors. Yes. I give you doors. But on the other side of those doors, I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades.
Isabella : Have you seen my phone?
DOCTOR: Your phone?
AMY: Yeah.
DOCTOR: Your mobile telephone? I bring you to a paradise planet, two billion light years from Earth, and you want to update Twitter.
Isabella: Sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades. It's a camera phone.
DOCTOR: On the counter, by the DVDs.
AMY: Thank you.
RORY: How do we get in?
DOCTOR: I don't know. Push a button.
(There is a choice of two - Green Anchor and Red Waterfall. Rory presses the Green.)

[Green Anchor room]

(Still stark white decor, with a glass table and three avante guarde chairs.)
DOCTOR: Okay, so rain check on the soaring silver colonnades.
RONALD : Yeah. It's a magnifying glass.
(And it is in the middle of the table.
(Amy and Isabella  comes out of the Tardis with their phone.)
Isabella  [OC]: Hey? Hey, it's locked.
RONALD : Yeah, push the button.
(Of course, they press the Red Waterfall button.)

[Red Waterfall room]

(Identical to Green Anchor except there are no people here.)
AMY: Rory?

[Green Anchor room]

RORY: Come on, Amy.

[Red Waterfall room]

(The door shuts.)
Isabella : Great.

[Green Anchor room]

(Ronald opens the door.)
RONALD : Where is she? Where on wherever we are is my wife?
(The Doctor presses the green button on the magnifying glass. Amy and Isabella looks into the glass in her room and the Doctor sees her.)
DOCTOR: Ronald , I think I've found her.
RONALD : What do you mean you've found her? Whoa. No, but, she's not, she's not here.

[Red Waterfall room]

RORY [in glass]: I can see her, but she's not here.

[Green Anchor room]

AMY [in glass]: Where am I? In fact, where are you?
(A white robot enters. It has a blank face, one red and one green button on its torso, and is holding up a hand.)
RORY: Whoa.
DOCTOR: Hands. Hello, hands. Robot with hands, Rory.
HANDBOT: Welcome to the Twostreams facility. Will you be visiting long?
Isabella  [in glass]: Er, Doctor, something's happening.
(The image in the glass starts to wiggle.)
DOCTOR: Er, Amy? Stay calm. Stay still. Ah, time's gone wobbly. I hate it when it does that.
HANDBOT: Will you be visiting long?
RONALD : Good question. Bit sinister. What's the answer to not get us killed?
DOCTOR: It's okay, I've got you, you're fine.

[Red Waterfall room]

ROBOT [OC]: Will you be visiting long?
RORY [in glass]: Doctor? A little help, Doctor.
AMY: And where have you been?

[Green Anchor room]

RONALD : What do I tell it?
Isabella  [in glass]: I've been here a week.

[Red Waterfall room]

DOCTOR [in glass]: A week?

[Green Anchor room]

DOCTOR: A week? I'm so sorry. Ah-ha. Same room, different times. Two different timestreams running parallel but at different speeds. Amy Isabella , you're in a faster timestream.

[Red Waterfall room]

AMY: Doctor, it's going again.

[Green Anchor room]

RORY: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Amy Isabella!
AMY [in glass]: Doctor!

[Red Waterfall room]

DOCTOR [in glass]: Come on. Gotcha. There. Stabilised, settled, shush.

[Green Anchor room]

RONALD: Why has this got hands?
DOCTOR: Organic skin. Ultimate universal interface, grown and grafted, not born. I mean, it's actually seeing with its fingers, scanning the room. But why not just give it eyes?
HANDBOT: Will you be visiting long?
DOCTOR: As long as it takes.

Red Waterfall room]

DOCTOR [in glass]: Isabella , what exactly did you do?
Isabella : I just, I came in

[Green Anchor room]

AMY [in glass]: And I pressed the door button.

[Red Waterfall room]

RORY [in glass]: Amy, there are two buttons. The green anchor and the red waterfall.

[Green Anchor room]

RONALD : Which one did you push?
Isabella  [in glass]: I pushed the red waterfall.
RONALD : Great.

[White space]

(Ronald  goes outside, lets the door close and presses Red Waterfall. The door opens on an empty room.)
RONALD : Isabella?
(He steps back, the door closes and he presses Green Anchor.)

[Green Anchor room]

RONALD : I pressed Red Waterfall, and she wasn't there.
DOCTOR: Okay, so you can't follow her directly. You know, it's never simple. Did you hear that, Handbot? She pressed the wrong button, that's all. We're aliens, we didn't know.
HANDBOT: Statement rejected. Apalapucia is under planet-wide quarantine. This is a kindness facility for those infected with Chen Seven.
(The Doctor covers his mouth and nose with his coat lapel.)
RORY: Chen Seven, hmm?
DOCTOR: The one day plague.
RONALD : What, you get it for a day?
DOCTOR: No, you get it, and you die in a day.
HANDBOT: There are forty thousand residents in the Twostreams Facility. Please remain in the sterile areas. Visiting hours are now.
(The Handbot beams itself away.)
DOCTOR: Sterile area. I'm safe.

[Red Waterfall room]

Isabella : What about me?

[Green Anchor room]

DOCTOR: Chen Seven only affects two-hearted races like Apalapucians.

[Red Waterfall room]

RORY [in glass]: And Time Lords.
DOCTOR [in glass]: Yeah, like me. Walk into that facility, I'm dead in a day.

[Green Anchor room]

DOCTOR: Time moves faster on Amy's and Isabella's  side of the glass.

[Red Waterfall room]

DOCTOR [in glass]: Isabella, you said you'd been here a week. What did you eat?

[Green Anchor room]

Isabella [in glass]: Nothing. I wasn't hungry.

[Red Waterfall room]

DOCTOR [in glass]: No, because that Red Waterfall time is compressed. That's the point. The Time Glass syncs up the

[Green Anchor room]

DOCTOR: Two timestreams for visits. You could be in here for a day, and watch them live out their entire lives.
RORY: And watch them grow old in front of your eyes?

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