The Safe Haven

By ImNotMentalyStable

174K 5.7K 7.1K

There's facilities around the world that kidnap and experiment on their kind. America happened to escape from... More

The Camp
The Alpha
The Pack
"The Walk"
The Son
pictures of pets
Is it You
Thank Yall
The Necklace
The House
The Mate


3.2K 103 101
By ImNotMentalyStable

I opened my eyes slowly.
I wish I couldn't feel my body now.

My eyes scanned the dim room. It must be night because the only source of light is a little gas lamp on my night table
I sighed and looked at the side of my bed.

I sucked in a breath.
A person!

It's Russia.

I smiled a little bit as I looked at him sleeping in the small chair. He was wearing the same clothes from the last time I saw him, which could've been days, or a few hours ago.
He's one of the sweetest people I know. I want to wake him up and tell him that I'll be "fine" and that he doesn't need to worry, but he'll know better.

I looked down at myself. I pulled back the covers to reveal my bandaged torso. Everything hurts.
I've had worse days.
Speaking about days, I only have a few left. I looked back at Russia.
I don't know what to do.
I'm dying.
I can't ask him to commit his life to me. He deserves more than that. I don't want to do that to him. To make an unbreakable bond with him, only to die a few days later, but 13 did say that I might survive if he did mark me, and become... mates.
I can't ask him to do that. It's too much.

I sighed lightly and pulled the covers back onto myself.
Let's try to rest and maybe get a few more hours of life.

That kinda feels nice.
A hand was playing with my hair gently and there was an occasional kiss on the head or cheek. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, like when I was a pup.
A weak smile rose up onto my face as I leaned into whoever's hand was playing with my hair.
They froze.
I creaked open a heavy eye.
A wave of blood rushed to my face.

"Hey, Bear." I managed to croak out. His state of shock seemed to break.
"Hello Stars," he smiled at me and leaned down, just a little bit.
"How long was I out?" He shrugged.
"About a day."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I was out for so long," I apologized. I feel so guilty for letting them worry.
"Hey, you don't need to apologize for something you can't control." Russia's voice was gentle, soft, and comforting.
I just looked up at him and gave a weak smile. He smiled back with a slight blush.

He cleared his throat, "Um, are you hungry? I could get you something to eat or drink if you want anything."
"Well that's very kind of you, big Bear," he blushed once again. "But I'm fine."
"You should at least drink some water." He got up and walked out the door.
He left.
I'm kinda sad.

Russia entered the room again with a wooden cup filled with water.
"Here," he nudged the cup in my direction.
I took it from him and sat up with a painful flare in my stomach.
"Ah." I winced and grabbed my side as I laid back down.
Russia took the cup from my hand and put it on the night table.
He sat down in his chair and started to run his hand through my hair.
Hmm. At least it's distracting me from my pain.
I felt my muscles relax.
"Are you okay Stars?" He looked at me and I could see the concern in his eyes.
I nodded slightly and rose myself up with my elbows.
He gave me the water and got up to get a pain reliever for me.
He's too dang sweet.

"Here." He put the pills into my hand.
"Thank you," I managed to croak out.
He smiled and nodded his head.
I put the pills on my tongue and swallowed them dry, then drank the water he gave me.
After I was done with the water he went back out again to get more water for me, because it's very important.
He returned and put the cup on the night table.

I don't know what to say. Maybe like "Heyyyy there Ruskie, my big old bear, I'm dying, so want to be my mate and die with me?" Nah, too blunt.

I looked at Russia to see that he was gazing at my neck. I noticed that the bandage was off my neck, because that wound healed properly, unlike my other wounds.
Why is he staring at it, I know I have a black scar for no reason, but he is really examining it.
A creak of the door made Russia's eyes break away.
My mother and brother ran to my side, kicking the alpha out of his chair, then Belarus stepped through the door with a somber face.

My mother and brother tried to feed me lies like, "it's okay" "everything is going to be just fine" "you can't give up" those kinds of things.
But my tired, weak, dull eyes hold the truth.

"Well America, I'm glad to see you awake." She said with a suspicious amount of joy.
She went through the cabinets and drew out things she'll need to change my bandages and examine my wounds.

Russia's pov

I don't know what to do to help Stars. I feel an urge to help but don't know-how. So
"Alright, can you two move out of the way so I can change America's bandages, please?" Belarus said with kindness.
France and Canada moved back towards me as I sneaked an encouraging smile to Stars. I don't want to seem vulnerable in front of my pack members.

Concern laced everybody's expressions as Belarus started to unravel the bandages from his waist and torso.
Canada held his mother in his arms while she looked away. She couldn't bear to see her son in such a state of weakness, discomfort, and agony.
The more Bela unraveled the more crimson red bled through the bandages.
I couldn't help but notice the helplessness illustrated on my sister's face as more bandages fell off the wounded male.

Belarus gasped at the sight.
Canada looked away from his brother and buried his face in his mother's hair as his body began to shake.
I saw America shake as he looked down at his bloody body.
Bela grabbed a swab.
She gently tried to clean up the infected area.
America yelped once the cotton touched his skin.
Unseen strings pulled me to his side as I sat down and held his face tenderly. His eyes were red and puffy from silent crying. I wiped his face of tears with my thumb.
"You're almost done. It's okay. You're doing great," I said gently. He looked up at me with his warm eyes. I kissed his forehead without thinking.
He buried his head in my chest as I held him in my arms.
Bella continued to clean his wounds to the best of her ability. America clutched my back as if it were the only thing holding him to earth. I didn't care that he tore my shirt.

I kissed the side of his head and played with his hair and whispered some sweet nothings to distract him from his pain.
He whimpered.
"Shh. It's okay," I cooed.

"And done. Rus, could you help put the bandages back on?" I nodded. America's grip loosened as we wrapped him back up again.
I laid him back down on the bed gently.
Belarus wiped her hands off on the rag, leaving a red stain on the cloth.
America looked up at me. I could see the exhaustion in his eyes.
I felt so sorry for him.

France went over to her child's side with tears streaming down her face.
Canada looked at Bela. "How long," he whispered.
She shook her head soberly.
"Not long."
My heart sunk and my stomach dropped.
I looked at Stars and he looked back at me with sad eyes.
"Sorry Bear," Stars croaked out.
France wept uncontrollably in Stars shoulder before Canada grabbed her off him then she sobbed into his chest. They soon left to talk about what they could do to help him, or what to do after he... goes.

I leaned down to him and hugged him tightly. I buried my head into the nape of Stars neck. I don't know why, but I need to protect him.
No matter what.
I turned my head slightly so my lips were pressed against his neck. I felt him suck in a breath.
Kissed his neck to see his reaction.
He gasped slightly.

I leaned up to look him in the eyes.
His face was red like a beautiful rose.
"What would you do if I marked you?" I asked.
His eyes widened, but he didn't say anything.
"Say something if you don't want to be my mate." He avoided eye contact but remained silent.
I smiled and pressed my lips against his neck once again. I kissed the spot I was going to mark. He took in deep breaths.
"This is going to hurt before it gets better, okay?" I mumbled into his neck. He nodded in response. Okay, am I sure I want to do this? I looked up at the pained country. Yeah, I am.
I took in a breath before bitting down on Stars' neck. Blood filled my mouth before I drew back and started to lick the wound I made. The bleeding soon stopped.
I kissed the mark before I felt my energy drain.
I readjusted myself so I was laying side by side with my new mate. Stars was slightly panting.
I hummed and turn on my side and held him. His muscles tensed before he melted in my hold. Nuzzling my head in his hair enjoying the softness and the scent.
I'm liking this already.


This is the longest chapter I ever wrote and most of it was today (1660+ words excluding my A/N down here)

I'm pretty proud of this, because I've been thinking about this forever.
I hope yall enjoyed this, because my eye's hurt after writing 900+ words in a day.

Oh, also, I probably won't update next week, because of Thanksgiving and I'll be spending time with my family.

Merry Thanksgiving!

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