Burning Love

By TheSoundOfMadness

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So this always growing collection of poems is about how love can be one of the most complex emotions to under... More

Burning Love
Enraging Love ( I was SUPER pissed)
The Secrets of the Human Emotions
The Rose Predicament
OMG Crushes O _O
Mending Old Wounds
The Ones You Know Are Bad For You
Mr. Right
A Shyness Of Love
Oh Hell No
The What If Game
The Return of the Rose
A Forgotten Nightmare Returns
Painful Memories
Changes In Me
A Twisted Tale of Love and Sorrow
Puppets and Puppeteers
You Just Gotta Love 'Em
Pains of Pleasure
The Flame Tulip
The Mystery Flower
The Red-Tipped Rose
A Wilting Heart
A New Hollowness
Frost Bitten Heart
Simple Tips
The Return of the Rose III
Conflicts of a Taken Heart
Forbidden Love
One Night Stand
A New Page Turned
The Dance of Emotion & Logic
The Game of Love
Comfort Vs. Passion
Burning Heart
Finale of the Blue Rose
For Nothing
Forging of Love
The Long Road Ahead
Three small words
Seven Years
The Dance of Yesterday
The Other Side of the Coin
Ponderings of Insomnia
Puzzled by Love

The Return of the Rose II

12 0 0
By TheSoundOfMadness


        A Rose,
One of perfect white,
Pure and brillent in the light,
So naive,
So trusting,
A liking and wonder for the small little flower,
You hold it so tentatively,
Not wanting the purity spoiled.

        Then there is the Red Rose,
One you've seen before,
Known before and even loved before,
But it was a tentative love,
With no boundaries crossed,
Too scared to show it out in the open,
To own up to those feelings.

        Yet here lies these two,One you know better than the other,
Both you have a deep care for,
One you know is yours,
The other you've had since greeting.

        So there they are,
The Roses,
Both in grasp,
Yet so far away.

Author's Note:  So NOPE! Not dead again...I really do need to post with more consistancy but anywho! Here is yet another flower poem, which seems to be a growing theme for me...get it? xD yep still special, anywhich, this poem's original name was Roses (hence the name at the top) but it went with The Rose Predicament and The Return of the Rose so it became the numbero dos because I'm too lazy to figure out another name that hints at the fact that there is yet another one of those poems, and a heads up that'll probably be what other poems under this branch of my writing will be called, or some varient there of. It's pretty self explanitory but the poem is about, yet again, having the difficulty of picking which "rose" to choose, though unlike in other that are kin to this poem, this one speaks more in favor for the "red rose". 
                                                                       Tis all I have for you lovelies for now!                                                                                        ~Jenny

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