The Assignment (Kylo Ren X Re...

By kylokid

62.8K 1.7K 2.2K

*STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS* You've been training with Emperor Palpatine for years. You've gone on assignments... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 38

804 27 22
By kylokid

- Y/N POV-

After you get done with your daily shower you stop to look in the mirror like you always do. Every time you stare back into the pathetic, empty eyes you hate to call your own.

Time moves slower and slower as you dry your hair with a hairdryer and absently brush your teeth. Once finished you hang the towel up and put on a black silk robe.

When you step out of the bathroom something is wrong. Your room is oddly clean and your bed is made. On top of the silk sheets of your bed is a black suitcase that has be pre-packed for you. On top of the bag is a note.

Meet at Hanger at 10am. Don't be late

You cocked your head to the side as you looked over the note. Kylo was taking you somewhere but you didn't feel in the mood to go anywhere. You look over at the clock 8:45am. You had time to get dressed and you knew there was no way you were getting out of this one.


For the first time since you had gotten back from Canto Bright you had gotten ready for the day. You did your hair and you put on a dress and even heels. You felt great but no matter how good you looked you couldn't escape the black hole that had been created.

You sighed and grabbed your bag as you left your quarters and made your way to the hanger. Everyone stared as you walked the halls, you were vaguely away of how your absence had effected them.

One person caught your eye. Leo was standing to the side of the hall, he looked like he'd been talking to a stormtrooper when everyone noticed you. He turned and his mouth hung open as he looked at you. The last time he'd seen you, you were curled up in a ball laying in your bed crying.

"Wow." He commented as he walked up to you.

"Hi." You said sort of in a rush to leave, mostly to get away from everyone's staring eyes.

"What made you come out of your cave?" he asked with slight sarcasm to lighten the mood but he genuinely wanted to know.

"Nothing. Listen I gotta go. I'll see you later." You said avoiding his question, you really didn't want to talk about what's been going on with you.

He didn't try and stop you as you left. You continued your walk to the hanger in silence and with your head focused on the floor.

When you reached the hanger you spotted Kylo standing near his command shuttle. You handed your bags off to a stormtrooper who took it into the shuttle.

Kylo stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes trained on you. You met his gaze with wonder in your eyes and you swore that a small smile crept onto his face but you couldn't be sure.

Suddenly, just being able to look into his eyes was enough to make the blackness retreat. It still kept its place but this time it moved. The darkness made room for Kylo. You found yourself returning the small smile as you walked up the ramp and to the shuttle.

You suddenly couldn't wait to get to where he wanted to take you.

The ride was completely silent. It was almost as if he was afraid to say something to push you deeper into the darkness.

"Where are we going?" You asked with curiosity to break the silence and because you wanted to know.

"It's a surprise." He said and a smirk crept onto his face, he had planned something for you and you really wanted to know what it was.

"Can't you just tell me." you pleaded. In truth, you really hated surprises. On Exegol, surprises were the worst and always ended up in someone bleeding, usually not you, but still.

"That would ruin the point of it being a surprise." He was smiling now, probably grateful that you were finally talking.

"Fine." You said pouting as you crossed your arms over your chest. You dramatically turned your body to the side window but as you did so a smile crept onto your face.

You were already feeling better.


In all honesty this is probably the most nervous I've ever been. I grip the steering of the shuttle a little too hard. I could probably do this one handed if i wanted to but I need something to focus on.

She stares out the window focusing on the passing stars, probably wondering where we're going but all I can do is worry.

What if she doesn't like it?

What if this ends up making her worse?

What if I can't help her?

I try and push these thoughts away as I direct the ship on it's path.


She'll love it. I hope. I've rented out a beautiful suite in the palace and I already have dinner plans made. All I want is for her to be happy.

I stop the ship before we enter the solar system and hand her a silk blindfold.

"Put this on." I tell her. It comes out sounding more like an order.

"Why?" She asks curiously and not in defiance.

"All part of the surprise my darling." I flash her an over the top smile and she puts on the blindfold like I told her to.


"All part of the surprise my darling." You roll your eyes at him as you slip on the black, silky blindfold.

It doesn't take much longer until you feel the ship jolt. You've arrived at the mystery destination. You feel his hand in yours as he tugs you up and out of the seat. He rests his hand on the small of your back as he leads you down the ramp and onto whatever planet he has taken you to.

The first thing you notice is the weather. The air feels warm, like spring. It's much better then the freezing cold climate of Starkiller Base.

You get to the end of the ramp and your feet finally touch the ground. It's soft and it tickles your feet. You laugh at the feeling. You want to take off your blindfold and see where Kylo has taken you.

"Can I take this off now?" You ask as you reach for your blindfold.

"Sure." He says and you can tell he's laughing at your impatience.

You rip off the blindfold and your mouth drops at the sight. There is a large meadow in front of you and in the distance you can see a large castle. It's a gorgeous sight, it has to be the prettiest planet you've ever been on.

"Wow" you say as your feet take you down the long path that leads to the large castle.

A couple seconds into walking down the path you spot another pathway that leads down the meadow. You stop and follow that path instead. You run down it, grazing the flowers with your fingertips on either side of you. You giggle at the feeling of the flowers tickling you and for the first time in a while you have a huge smile on your face.

You're running down the path when suddendly you trip over something. A rock. You fall on your hands and roll over on your back. You see Kylo run and he stops over you're body.

"Are you okay?" He says sounding panicked but you smirk at him as you kick his legs out from underneath him. He falls instantly and you roll over to get out of the way.

You point and giggle at him as he stares at you in what you can only describe as shock. He lays on his back and you take the opportunity to straddle him. You stop and take in his face for a moment. He looks into your eyes with contentment and you lay on him, your face buried in his chest and his arms wrap around you. You close your eyes and for the first time since you got back from Canto Bright, you dream peacefully.

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